Help to run quests

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zheks22's picture
2016-02-16 13:48
Last seen:
1 year 11 months ago

Firstly thank you for amazong mod its uber epic !! 

I run russian version of Morrowind, and recently I went to Firewatch to start explore Mainland, I wanted to join Mages\Fighters Guilds but there was no topic\hyperlink in Gindaman\Galan Brandt dialogues… I have run around for a while and realised that major amount of quests and topics just not there.

I know the problem is my non-english version of Morrowind, but what I am asking here is an advise how could I make them work, I dont need translation but only wish they worked and I could join guilds and accept quests. 

Maybe there is a way to make quests and topics to work ? 

Thanks for help in advance.

Atrayonis's picture
Developer EmeritusInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2015-09-28 20:13
Last seen:
2 years 8 months ago

You will probably have to add those topics manually. Mixing different language versions is incredibly erratic in Morrowind, because it doesn’t differentiate between identifier and content.

So, you’ll have to open a console and use AddTopic “join the mages guild”, etc. (or similar, I don’t know how and if those work in the Russian version). I’m not sure what else would break, but the quests and topics explicitely specific to TR will probably work.

zheks22's picture
2016-02-16 13:48
Last seen:
1 year 11 months ago

Thanks for reply. I wonder where I can get the names for all topics, also maybe there is some console command to add them all together ? 


Rot's picture
Quest Developer
2014-03-16 17:45
Last seen:
2 years 1 month ago

There was something called a “Testing skull” (scripted object) that added some of the TR-specific topics, but I’m not sure how many or even if it’s still in there.

A lot if not all of the problems in using mods for different languages would come from things such as cell names being used in dialogue conditions, because those are translated in your game while the mods will refer instead to the original names (as Anonytroll said – boils down to ingame names and IDs being the same). In TR almost everything is based on new cells, but I imagine some of the initiating dialogue could use conditions from the base game (eg. for joining factions, a check on membership to the original equivalents?). The rest could still be safe to play through, though.