I figured that since I've just made an account here, I should introduce myself. Hi there!
I want to know how I can contribute to the project. I've studied creative writing and I write short stories as a hobby, and I've also dabbled in the GECK and the Creation Engine on-and-off for years, but have never really played with the Morrowind one.
Naturally, I'm a big sucker for Elder Scrolls lore.
I think I'd be best suited to writing quest dialogue or lorebooks, but it depends on what the project needs most at the moment!
The claims and asset browser system confuses me a little, so I thought I'd best post in here and ask for help. How do I get involved? :)
2016-08-05 10:38
3 years 6 months ago
Let you know I have seen your post.
The Discord below is more active than the forum. If you know how to make quest, we definitely need one of those from what I have seen.
2015-09-28 20:13
2 years 8 months ago
Hello and welcome! First of all, the fastest way to get involved is to join up in our Discord server.
"Joining TR" should give a quick outline on what we're looking for in members with the modder's guide a good start if you're serious about writing for quests. Fair warning though: TR's lore is different from modern one.
Assets (basically everything that is for Morrowind and is not a claim for verified TR developers) are available to everyone - if you see an asset you feel comfortable working on, you can claim it (if it's in a state to be claimed) and a Lead Dev will enable you to work on the asset directly. Or just post one of your own, this is where quest design and lorebook writing would go to.
Claims on the other hand are purely CS work for verified modders and you will need to pass a showcase (a test of skills) first. Only attempt making a showcase when you know your way around the Morrowind CS.
2017-12-19 23:49
6 years 11 months ago
Thanks for the welcomes!
I think I'll begin by posting quest ideas to the asset browser, or by working on others. I've never used Discord but I'm sure I could work it out if need be. Morrowind's lore was always my favourite, so the fact that the project is continuing in that vein is exciting.
See you around!