Hype's Skooma-Fueled Concept Art

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HypenoticTR's picture
2019-05-14 23:02
Last seen:
4 years 3 months ago

Ok folks,

This is a compilation of the madness that is my drawing, at the moment it all House Dres.
I've tried do different stuff in every picture; tables, plants different clothing and of course slaves (oh my)
If you need individual pieces of stuff, just ask and i'll draw it from different views
also I'd be interested feedback too.

also also, a Link https://www.deviantart.com/kate75 (a horrible self promotion) if interested.

HypenoticTR's picture
2019-05-14 23:02
Last seen:
4 years 3 months ago

Salty Stuff

Telumendur's picture
2019-03-20 13:12
Last seen:
4 years 3 months ago

I said it on Discord, I'll say it here again: this is some outstanding art, Hypenotic! I love the salt-encrusted skulls, and the Racer Plumes robe, branding irons, bone carvings, and interior clutter caught my eyes too.
If you find the time, browse through the website's Assets Browser and post comments linking to relevant pieces of your concept art; or make new claims if you cannot find any relevant existing ones. This will help ensure the art gets seen by the asset developers!

HypenoticTR's picture
2019-05-14 23:02
Last seen:
4 years 3 months ago

Dreugh Stuff.

Svartalfar's picture
2019-10-16 19:08
Last seen:
3 months 4 days ago

Some time ago, I made skeletons of beastmen covered in ice or ashes. I think I can remodel them into salty ones easily (but they will need new animations and textures).

Cicero's picture
Senior DeveloperAsset ReviewerWriting ReviewerExterior ReviewerInterior ReviewerQuest Reviewer
2016-01-25 21:01
Last seen:
2 hours 48 min ago

Oh yes please. That would be cool

You won't win
With your standards so high
And your spirits so low