Hi! I would like to join to your project as level/interior designer. Here is an example of my work: Adventurer's Asylum. It's my first mod, but I hope, that I'have been able to avoid the most common mistakes such dirty edits, GMST, etc.
About your showcase requiremnts:
1) It's actually even bigger
2-3) As I see, this requirements checks the ability to adjust items on the non-horisontal surface and not just press "f". There are pretty much examples of such object placing in my mod. For example, weapon on the table in the cellar.
4) 166 objects for the first cell and 232 for the second one
5) Yes, for both interiors.
6)10 lights for main cell and 30for cellar. Water level is configured cellar only, for obvious reason. It's a player house, so I didn't forbid player to sleep there :)
7) Yes, it's my own work.
About using unique/quest items: there are two of them, actually, and they are not so unique:
Chronicles of Nchuleft - this one could be bought in the regular book stores
Boethiah's Pillow Book - yes, the original game contains only one copy of the book. But when player brings the book to Aengoth, he asks player about where s/he has found the copy. So Aengoth doesn't think, that there is only one unique such book in Morrowind :)
About mixing styles, a little Introduction about the previous owner of the building:
The previous master of the house was a dunmer adventurer. He was very interested in ancient history. Especially he was interested in Six House and Dwemers. And his library clearly demonstrates his interest. He even brought to his house a few pieces of Dwarwen furniture and clutter from Dwemer ruins. Among them is the Dwarwen Alchemy Collector, which is the most useful of his findings. Actually, I just wanted to make a house with scripted storage for alchemist, but I hadn't discovered another way to explain this device :) So I had to create this character. He was quite well educated, but he wasn't an academic scholar (he even allowed himself to read during meals). He trained with his weapon regulary, but he might relax with skooma too. He walked the whole island, but found his death in the Dwemer ruins near his home... So, using of Dwemer&Ashlend clutter isn't a mistake :) I did it for the purpose.
Dependencies: Morrowind.esm (obvious) and both Tribunal.esm and Bloodmoon.esm for their ingredients.
Fitting the exterior: it's OK, I think.
2016-01-17 13:07
1 year 10 months ago
Hi Ignis-of-Vinheim, thanks for submitting a showcase. I'll try to give this a look over the weekend.
2017-06-01 21:31
7 years 7 months ago
Updated to version 1.03.
2016-01-17 13:07
1 year 10 months ago
Thanks again for submitting a showcase, this is quite a nice, well-cluttered interior. There are some aesthetic concerns, mainly regarding the lighting in the cellar, that should be addressed, but this is a very decent submission in general.
I have some general comments, and then I've divided my more-specific comments between the two interiors below:
First things first, TR has a very high standard for accurate placement of objects in the game world. When placing objects, pay very close attention that they do not intersect/bleed into hard surfaces, or float unsupported. There is a full list of such errors I've found in your showcase at the bottom of this post; try not to feel intimidated by its length, this is the norm for most showcases.
Regarding the use of de_p furniture; you're quite right that it's to ensure you can rotate adequately. Between the cave floor and dwemer/ex_de tables, there's enough uneven surfaces to test that in your showcase, so no need to add any de_p stuff.
The justification you've given for the style-mixing is fine, but keep in mind interiors made for TR generally shouldn't be this eclectic.
The Velothi-style trapdoors linking the two interiors should be replaced with a Hlaalu one.
"Adventurer's Asylum" interior-
Currently, there are quite a few 'in_hlaalu' architecture statics that aren't correctly matched-up, leaving visible gaps in the ceiling. The Hlaalu set can be tricky because of the complicated roof/pole arrangements. Pay close attention to how the ceilings and pillars match up and try to find pieces that fit the arrangement; the "in_hlaalu_room_side" refs should probably be replaced with "in_hlaalu_room_door_*" or "in_hlaalu_hall_3way" refs.
The 'furn_com_tapestry_*' is style-mixing, and don't sit correctly on the walls, so it should be removed.
There are too many varieties of tapestries in general; vanilla MW generally sticks to one pattern per interior. You should restrict the tapestries to just one or two styles; three at the very maximum for an interior this size.
If you add lights to windows (like the bc mushroom 128s), they should be scripted to fade in/out with the day/night cycle.
The dialogue and journal entries for the pillow book quest are quite vague as to whether the player is specifically handing over the book they found in Arobar mansion (though it's the only one in vanilla), so I think you can reasonably get away with the book. Chronicles of Nchuleft is merely rare, so there's no problem in it appearing in an interior like this.
The 'bk_dwemer_museumwelcome' should be removed, though. I'm guessing the intention here is to show the inhabitant has been to the Tel Vos museum, but finding the unique flier here just seems out of place.
"Adventurer's Cellar" interior-
Currently, this interior's lighting feels very moddy; TR strongly tends towards conservatively-lit interiors, so I'd like it to be toned down somewhat. Here are my suggestions:
The 'blue coast ref 1024' is too powerful; replace it with a lower-radii version.
Replace the orange light in the kiln room with a lower-radius version; the lighting provided by the fires is more than enough, and if you replace the 1024-radius blue light, you won't need to compete with it.
The lighting in the training room is way too much; I'd lower the values on the ashlander lights to 64 (and maybe disable a couple of them completely), and get rid of all but one of the orange environment lights.
Another thing to note is that the bone cave set should be used very rarely in TR interiors, (it's fine for a showcase, though).
Some of the bubble activators are hidden behind rocks and should be moved or removed.
Keep in mind that unless there's an obvious source of natural light, green vegetation should be avoided in caves; I think the vegetation you have is fine, since it's presumably recieving (magical) light from the crystal.
The 'Flora_BM_grass_04' ref should be replaced with a standard grass; the 'BM_' flora is for Solstheim, and shouldn't appear in Balmora.
The daedric platform you've used to hold the scripted scamp up is visible on the minimap; you should cover it up with rock meshes.
Following is a complete list of placement issues that need addressing:
Floaters/Bleeders - Asylum interior
Floaters/Bleeders - Cellar interior
Let me know if you need any help, or further elaboration on any of the issues I've described!