Thanks to very helpful feedback from the Discord, I've decided to start over with a new interior.
The Static exterior shell used is ex_hlaalu_b_12, keeping the scope limited as I wanted to challenge myself.
Initially, I wanted to show the poorest-of-the-poor Hlaalu trader, but with further feedback I've instead tried to create a low-class pawn shop in mild disrepair, whose owner is trying to diversify, dabbling in furniture repairs for immediate locals as well as to repair his own furniture due to lack of funds. I imagine this building as being located in a poor, neglected Hlaalu backwater village or town, where the player might gradually pull the people out of near-poverty through quests, or the desperate trader being an easy pawn for smugglers off loading illegal goods.
The interior's name is TR_JC_showcaseV2 .
EDIT: Minor edit to file: fixed a few floaters.
2022-11-09 07:35
7 months 2 weeks ago
EDIT: See first post. (This 2nd post may be deleted).
2014-01-08 21:55
1 week 5 days ago
Hello there and welcome to TR!
Took a quick look at your showcase. It looks very promising, but some work is required.
The interior lighting settings should be edited a little. The sunlight settings are too dark (good for a cave, but a Hlaalu house should be 80-60-20). Fog density should be 0.75. Some parts of the path grid go through statics, so the path grid should be edited. North marker is fine and the interior uses gridsnap.
The overall look of the interior is good. Generic, but not in a boring way with decent clutter. This would be an easy house to NPC. There are quite a few floaters and bleeders which is not surprising since the de_p furniture set is evil and difficult to work with.
One thing in additon to this I noticed was that some misc items and ingredients were rescaled; we should avoid rescaling things that the player can pick up and then drop as the item gets rescaled back to 1.0. Some explicitly Skyrim items were also used and one quest item also had found its way into the cell.
Here's a list of the things I found:
Floaters/bleeders and other placement or usage issues
potion_local_liquor_01 4092 4488 15700 bleeds into the shelf
Potion_Local_Brew_01 4088 4409 15701 floats very, very noticeably
potion_comberry_brandy_01 3687 4182 15970 floats
potion_comberry_wine_01 4086 4458 15700 bleeds into the shelf
potion_comberry_brandy_01 4092 4523 15701 bleeds into the shelf
potion_comberry_wine_01 4087 4431 15700 floats
potion_comberry_brandy_01 4076 4509 15702 bleeds into the shelf
netch_leather_boots bleeds into the bookend and the bookshelf
left leather bracer bleeds into the bookshelf
sc_paper plain 3714 4295 15604 bleeds into the chair leg a bit
bk_ConsolationsOfPrayer and bk_onoblivion bleed into each other
T_Sc_CrumpledPaper_01 3821 4212 15556 bleeds into the floor
T_Sc_CrumpledPaper_01 (the other one) also bleeds into the floor
bk_LivesOfTheSaints bottom part bleeds into the bookshelf
bk_AedraAndDaedra - ,, -
bk_AnnotatedAnuad - ,, -
both instances of bk_firmament bleed into the bookshelf
bk_ChildrensAnuad bleeds into the bookshelf and the book next to it
the other bk_ChildrensAnuad 4080 4210 15612 bleeds into the bookshelf
bk_HouseOfTroubles_c bleeds into the bookshelf and the bookend
bk_AncestorsAndTheDunmer floats
bk_onoblivion bleeds into the bookshelf
bk_BriefHistoryEmpire2 floats
bk_BriefHistoryEmpire3 bleeds into the bookshelf
bk_BriefHistoryEmpire1 bleeds into the bookshelf
T_BkGen_BusinessLedger_02 one part of it floats, the other bleeds into the book under it
bk_MysteriousAkavir bleeds into the bookshelf
common_shirt_04 floats
common_ring_01 this ring is the wrong way up (also invisible and inaccessible for the player)
common_pants_01 very noticeably floats and bleeds into the basket next to it
common_pants_05 part of it floats (i'd place this in an entirely new spot)
expensive_amulet_03 floats
common_shoes_03 floats noticeably
common_belt_02 floats
common_belt_04 floats
de_p_desk_01 bleeds into the wall
com_sack_02_chpfood3 i would make this cloth sacks bleed less into each other
crate_01_food bleeds into the crates underneath
com_basket_01_chpfood5 floats
chest_small_02_gold_05 floats
com_basket_01 bleeds into the basket next to it
ingred_pearl_01 floats
ingred_bread_01 these shouldn't be rescaled
light_de_lantern_03_128 4029 4228 15762 floats
light_de_candle_03_64 bleeds into the shelf
misc_de_pot_blue_01 3911 4521 15644 floats
misc_de_bowl_01 3885 4512 15649 bleeds into the shelf
Misc_Com_Redware_Cup 3939 4515 15602 bleeds into the shelf
misc_de_pitcher_01 3959 4526 15656 bleeds into the shelf
misc_de_pot_green_01 4025 4517 15688 bleeds into the shelf
misc_com_wood_bowl_04 4077 4483 15604 bleeds into the shelf
T_Com_Soap_01 floats
T_Com_ClothRag_02 the second one of these is inside a book
Misc_fakesoulgem this is a quest item and shouldn't be used here
misc_de_pot_redware_04 3913 4524 15596 floats
misc_uni_pillow_01 4060 3902 15872 the bottom left corner bleeds a tad too much into the bed
T_Com_Nail_01 of the two nails one's head bleeds into the cloth and the other nail rests unevenly (floats)
misc_com_wood_cup_02 a number of these have been rescaled (cool idea, they look like like shot glasses; but this shouldn't be done)
misc_com_wood_bowl_04 a number of these have been rescaled, too. should be just 1.0
the misc_com_bottle_12 in the bucket goes straight through the bucket
misc_com_broom_01 broom bleeds a little too much into the floor
T_De_CandleBlue_01 bleeds into the bowl next to it
misc_de_goblet_03 3672 4197 15964 bleeds into the shelf
misc_de_goblet_03 3835 4283 15817 cup should rest more naturally on the floor
misc_de_goblet_03 3712 4256 15888 bleeds into the desk
T_De_YellowGlassBowl01 scale should be 1.0
misc_de_glass_yellow_01 bleeds into the shelf
misc_com_redware_vase 3684 4185 15725 practically levitates :D
furn_de_p_shelf_02 by the bed on the second floor bleeds through the wall and is visible from the other side
furn_de_p_stool_02 on the second floor bleeds through the floor
furn_de_p_table_05 bleeds through the floor goes through the first floor ceiling
the other furn_de_p_shelf_02 on the second floor isn't attached to the wall
furn_scrapwood02 these pieces bleed through the floor
furn_de_p_bench_03 with the book on top of it bleeds into the floor
the other furn_de_p_bench_03 floats
furn_de_p_bookshelf_01 4083 4247 15630 bleeds into the floor
all the tapestries bleed into the wall or the floor (the cloth parts)
the gold coins inside the rug are inaccessible for the player and are not visible --> just remove
T_Nor_WoodenFork_01b et al. the T_Nor assets are for Skyrim interiors, not to be used here
T_De_HlaaluCompanyScrip_02 floats
furn_de_p_shelf_02 3662 4248 15653 these three shelves look nice, but they shouldn't be sunk so much into the wall
Hope you don't get discouraged by the above list! Most of these floaters and bleeders were very minor errors, even though fixing them will no doubt feel quite tedious. All in all the interior showed great promise.
Good luck!
2022-11-09 07:35
7 months 2 weeks ago
Hello Rats, thank you for taking a look at the showcase. I've hopefully addressed the whole list of issues you've found, though I'll add a little changelog/highlights list below.
- Removed all T_Nor assets, replaced with their equivalent T_Com versions.
- Small edits across the board to fix floaters and bleeders (very painstaking work, hope I got it correct now)
- Some items have changed positions to hopefully fit better
- Replaced fake soul gems with Misc_SoulGem_Lesser.
- Brought the three shelves back into view, slightly modified to be in line with one another. (Curious if the connections between them looks proper or strange).
- Removed or normal-sized the resized objects (hope it doesn't negatively affect looks - I wonder if there has been any discussions about creating resized miscs for decoration, ie. shotglasses).
- Changed the upstairs com_sack_02_chpfood3 to bump less into eachother, since it holds food and not clothes.
- Painstakingly realigned books on bookshelf
- Changed position of all tapestries to hopefully be correct this time. (I had thought the 'knot' to be connected to the wooden supports rather than the material above it)
- Hidden/invisible coins removed
- Common ring should now be visible and pickup-able
- Fixed the furn_de_p_table_05 bleeding through the floor, giving space to fit the bucket and water jug under it.
- Adjusted pathgrid.
I look forward to see your further feedback and hope this will be sufficient to pass review.
2014-01-08 21:55
1 week 5 days ago
Hey, can you double check that you uploaded the right file and not a WIP one? The path grid still goes through statics and for example the furn_de_p_shelf_02 by the chairs bleeds through the wall
2022-11-09 07:35
7 months 2 weeks ago
Hello Rats,
I took a look and hopefully fixed the problems with the furn_de_p_shelf_02, the most egregious being the one next to the bed. The shelves above the armorer book downstairs are also adjusted and hopefully correct, but I feel I had to sacrifice the way they looked as a result. I hope a pair of fresh eyes can give a better idea.
quick edit addition: I changed the pathgrid a little so it should have the AI walk around the objects properly.
File attached below.
2014-01-08 21:55
1 week 5 days ago
Hi, yeah, much better! The lighting is good and path grid is okay, too.
Some errors still remain, but they're not particularly egregious:
2022-11-09 07:35
7 months 2 weeks ago
I've went through each item one by one and have tried to fix and improve everything I could see needed improvement.
Had to remove a few details here and there because the resized Paper let me do a few decorations that full-size doesn't allow. Don't have any good ideas for replacing the Resin with something to show wood glue being ready to be applied to repair the chair, since it's a huge pile in normal size so it ended up removed. Added a few details as well, but overall very little change compared to last time.
2014-01-08 21:55
1 week 5 days ago
Promoted to interiors