Malbogatra's Exterior Showcase

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Malbogatra's picture
2021-09-18 19:14
Last seen:
3 years 3 months ago

Here's my exterior showcase. This exterior showcase is based on the nature Sheogorad Region's.

Binary Data ShowcaseExt001.esp624.01 KB2021-09-26 18:57
Chef's picture
Senior DeveloperAsset ReviewerExterior ReviewerInterior Developer
2018-06-02 23:21
Last seen:
15 hours 47 min ago

Hello, your island is pretty nice but will need some more work before a proper review is done.
Sheogorad doesn't use the Sand texture, only Sand_02
There are lots of texture seams, these need to be cleared or covered. It can be helpful to look for them with objects hidden (shift-c)
There is a lot of stretched or jagged terrain that needs to be smoothed.
The wilderness is underdetailed, use more container flora
At a quick glance I also noticed the following issues:

-A menhir is rotated in its side, showing the see through bottom
-A mushroom tree has its cap bleeding into a rock
-A mushroom tree is inside of a rock
-That same rock needs more vertex shading

-A menhir is bleeding into an emperor parasol cap
-An AC mushroom tree cap is bleeding into an emperor parasol cap
-Weird floating small emperor parasol in the south is both bleeding into the top tree and bottom roots, while the bottom of the tree caspers through the roots.

-Town layout is nice, but missing clutter. Add crates and barrels.

-Needs more underwater detailing

-Tree inside of a rock
-Kreshweed inside of a rock
-Many trees growing out of rocks in the north
-Mushroom tree cap bleeding into emperor parasol

Once all this is taken care of I will do a more in depth review of this showcase.

Malbogatra's picture
2021-09-18 19:14
Last seen:
3 years 3 months ago

Updated. All requirements are met.

Binary Data ShowcaseExt002.esp593.18 KB2021-10-02 18:06