Meshes missing after adding Tamriel Data & Rebuilt

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sjarking's picture
2018-05-08 23:35
Last seen:
6 years 7 months ago

Hey, been trying to mod Morrowind so I can play Tamriel Rebuilt with OpenMW & can't figure out what I'm doing wrong with the files.

My problem is that after adding Tamriel Rebuilt, several faces are missing, in addition to bushes and so on.

Here's the log from OpenMW:


The game works fine before I add Tamriel Rebuilt, figured this out by making several backups and test folders.

This is my load order, and been using mlox to adjusting them.


I've updated the .ini so it says:


Further more, no it's not installed on my C: drive.
Not sure what else needs mentioned, I imagine the problem is my load order.
Any help would be appreciated.

The Violet Euphemism's picture
The Violet Euphemism
Quest Developer
2017-10-30 13:01
Last seen:
1 week 1 day ago

First off, you don't need mlox for load order in OpenMW, you can just open it up in the launcher and drag around the mods in the launcher to whatever order you want.

Second, I have no idea. You have the most recent hotfix so it shouldn't be messing up, but the log seems to suggest it's not TR's fault - but something else's that apparently doesn't play nice with TR (not sure which, but considering the log I'd imagine it probably is a an alchemy and/or business mod of some kind - at least that's my guess).

Sorry I couldn't be of more help.


Rot's picture
Quest Developer
2014-03-16 17:45
Last seen:
2 years 1 week ago


None of the files in the log are from TR, and installing TR doesn't delete files so I don't see how it could be a mod conflict. Whatever mod is doing this will have big yellow exclamation points for its objects.

sjarking's picture
2018-05-08 23:35
Last seen:
6 years 7 months ago

Wonder what the problem is then, because the only error I'm getting when running the version that doesn't have TR/TD installed is:

NiTextureEffect missing source texture in meshes/f/flora_bush_01.nif
Warning: texture layer 5 is in use but empty in meshes/f/flora_bush_01.nif

The moment I get Tamriel, an avalance of errors occur.

sjarking's picture
2018-05-08 23:35
Last seen:
6 years 7 months ago

Think I solved the problem, OpenMW was being grumpy. The issue disappeared once I started utilizing multiple data folders.

So I guess you guys can close off this thread or whatever you do with them.