Mighty Matt's old couple's one stop shop!

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mrearly's picture
2022-01-27 21:46
Last seen:
2 years 3 months ago

Hey TR team!

I'm excited to show off my creation. It took me a few hours to make. There should be 3 npcs with one old kight now a pawn broker, one healer alchemist, and one guard. All are House Hlaalu faction. There is a basement instead of an upper story. There are two shelfs with a bunch of items and various other containors. Down stairs is a split bedroom with the intention of creating a living couples' bedroom, with separate beds and a divider. There are two drawers and an old equipment chest. My Imp trader is supposed to be a retired lengionaire who married a Dunmer and is trying to convert to the temple for his wife. I don't know how to make new diologue yet, but I'd love to make them comment on living together, and maybe a quest with the Imp trader to take him as a companion to complete his pligrm's path. 


The interior is called "TR_MM_pawn". I followed the instructions on how to make a cell but when I coc, "TR_MM_pawn" I load just off to the side of my interior, make sure to TCL before exiting the `.


I would love to help the project get some interiors made!


Mighty Matt

Binary Data MightyMatt's - Old Couples Trader House.ESP25.25 KB2022-01-28 04:48
Binary Data MightyMatt's - Old Couples Trader House.ESP25.21 KB2022-01-28 04:59