Mineral Distribution

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Cicero's picture
Senior DeveloperAsset ReviewerWriting ReviewerExterior ReviewerInterior ReviewerQuest Developer
2016-01-25 21:01
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1 day 15 hours ago

Package icon Mineral Map.zip2.49 MB2020-09-12 05:37
Gnomey's picture
Asset DeveloperWriterExterior DeveloperInterior Developer
2015-08-10 20:50
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1 month 1 day ago

Generally I like this map a lot. I do wonder whether glass isn't perhaps too common, but it is Morrowind after all. Some specific notes:

I feel as though garnets could be more common; they seem to feature in a lot of Dunmer stuff. I also wonder whether there shouldn't be some (limited) amber for the same reason, though a lot of that could be imported.
I don't know if the Arnesian Swamp will have any mines, though I guess there's no harm in marking it for emeralds. On the other hand, should there maybe be something unusual around the jungle entrance to Sotha Sil?
I'm not sure about glass in Grey Meadows, there isn't (and in that case IMO shouldn't be) direct volcanic activity in that region. Maybe this would be a place for garnet or amber?
I'd consider putting a spot of ebony in northernmost Velothis where the player stronghold would be (where you currently have silver).
I think the gold mines could perhaps be a *bit* more spread out, and maybe put some more gems in Indoril lands.

Cicero's picture
Senior DeveloperAsset ReviewerWriting ReviewerExterior ReviewerInterior ReviewerQuest Developer
2016-01-25 21:01
Last seen:
1 day 15 hours ago

Sounds good