Music for Tamriel Rebuilt

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spd1ab's picture
2016-07-14 15:50
Last seen:
8 years 4 months ago

Moved to Unsorted since the Audio forums are being removed. -10Kaziem

Hi, I am a new member of the forums! To introduce myself, I’m a french-canadian (so sorry in advance for any bad syntax or grammatical errors in english) who has been playing Morrowind on and off since approx 2003. But I just recently got to modding, about a year ago, and never relased an officialy finished mod to the public. I have touched many aspects of modding, mainly custumizing existing mods for my own tastes: I’ve modified and created small scripts, modified and created new textures for the Dwemer ruins and Velothi architexture and still working on a city-mod that expands Suran and adds little quests and a puchasable house. My main project right now is customizing the Morrowind Accoustic Overhaul (MAO) to include more music pieces (not my own, but maybe someday) and create more ambient tracks (from samples and originals). I work in the music area, so I have skills with the creation, production and alteration of sounds and music. I have loads of ideas, loads of time and loads of motivation for this. :-)

I have a question though: I know that there was a music score (of 7 tracks or so) included in earlier releases of Tamriel Rebuilt, but this seems to have been abandoned since. Is there a sub-project underway to include a music score and/or sound overhaul like MAO? I found what MAO did with the music part of the game to be very interesting and could be very usefull in Tamriel Rebuilt. Basicaly, they added short ambient tracks that would play randomly altered by random-lenght silences, specific for each regions and for night and day. Then after a while, the longer original music tracks would start.

I already started working on creating new ambient minimaly-musical short pieces like the ones used in MAO, with specific tones and vibes for each new regions (ex: middle-eastern vibe for desertic regions as Deeshan Plains, more oriental/asiatic sounding ambiants for Nedothril Coast, etc), but I will wait to have autorizations from the modders to use my modified version of their music script.

spd1ab's picture
2016-07-14 15:50
Last seen:
8 years 4 months ago


ThomasRuz's picture
Asset Developer
2016-05-09 13:13
Last seen:
9 hours 50 min ago

It sounds very nice and ambient smiley 
It gives a bit of a tense atmosphere, and it transitions nicely.
Morrowind uses a lot of violins and cello's I think using a cello and violin, even if it is a bit subtle, in the same setting and atmosphere, would get a bit more of Morrowind's feel.

I really like the samples ! laugh

Atrayonis's picture
Developer EmeritusInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2015-09-28 20:13
Last seen:
2 years 8 months ago


My main project right now is customizing the Morrowind Accoustic Overhaul (MAO) to include more music pieces (not my own, but maybe someday) and create more ambient tracks (from samples and originals). I work in the music area, so I have skills with the creation, production and alteration of sounds and music. I have loads of ideas, loads of time and loads of motivation for this. :-)

Hi and please nevermind the ball and chain, they are mandatory.

I have a question though: I know that there was a music score (of 7 tracks or so) included in earlier releases of Tamriel Rebuilt, but this seems to have been abandoned since. Is there a sub-project underway to include a music score and/or sound overhaul like MAO?

Having been inactive for a decade, it took me by surprise a while ago that the TR music addon had apparently been forgotten. It’s still on ModDB and we will put it on Nexus and Great House Fliggerty with the next release (in September, hopefully). Kaziem used some of its tracks in the Summer video and hopefully we’ll hear TR’s main theme more often in the future.

As with most projects involving TR, it was not deliberately abandoned. Instead it kinda petered out when the people who were involved left over the years. Whatever you are going to do on the music front, it will by design and intent be unique and special. Good luck!

spd1ab's picture
2016-07-14 15:50
Last seen:
8 years 4 months ago

Hi again!

Thaks for your feedback ThomasRuz, There is actualy a little violin in some of the tracks, but it maybe is too subtle, you’re right. I don’t think adding more layers of strings will blend well with the Duduk and Oud (the main instruments of arabic/armenian vibe), I want to keep the ambiance as low profile, minimalist and clean-cut as possible. Its a question of dosage. Think of what I’m doing as really more of an athmosphere enhancer than music. I think by adding more tracks with a little violin and cello in them and adding them with the other tracks, it’ll do it. But this is still a work in progress.

You may better understand my vision of this if I explain a little more the MAO music system. The mod in itself is really a big thing and changes lots (if not every) thing ni matter of sound from the vanilla game. The “music” part of the mod is really freaking genius stuff and what the conceptors did is really worth a listen!

In short: The vanilla game really have aflawed music system:  there are two type of music (explore and battle). If you’re not in battle, then one of the 7 exploration tracks is played until it ends. then an another one, etc. This makes the music all to repititive and I don’t know about you, but I think I know each and every note by heart after spending so much time playing the game! In addition to that, when you enter a cave, a shrine, a ruin or a tomb, the same music keeps playing. The MAO music system changes that it adds original music for every type of dungeon and changes the exploration music by replacing it with a set of short ambient tracks. So the tracks are played randomly with long (between 5 and 30 sec) of delay between them. Then after a while of these (each track is 10 to 50sec long and about 10 to 20 tracks are played in total), then the “long” music is triggered.

I can’t say it enough: this is truly revolutionnary for the game atmosphere! It changes everything (kinda). you can now have different ambiance tracks playing for each regions and with a little extension of the scripts (which I am currently making) you can have a different tune for every region, every city, even every interior cell in the game! I’m currently in fact working on short tracks for Telvannis Isles(with weird violins, whale like sound and magical tones), the Mountainous regions of the east(with gregorian mouth sounds), and the Nedothril Coast(with more of a oriental/asiatic feel). And my first ingame tests are really promissing!

I have asked the conceptors of MAO if they are willing to work with us or let us use their base script and am currently awaiting a response.

This is a question for the head designers: is there a way to submit this idea (use the MAO_music scripting instead of the vanilla music system) to the community? If not here? I’m not familiar with the decision-taking process… Can I bring this up in a meeting or somewhere else in the forums? and finaly: Is this a feasible idea/does it fit with the project’s vocation?

thanks and sorry for the long post

tl;dr  : Change the music system?


Kevaar's picture
Developer EmeritusQuest Developer
2016-01-19 19:35
Last seen:
2 months 1 week ago

Maybe I can shove the idea of Dres work chanties at you…

I don’t know much at all about the music system, but this is fantastic work.

ThomasRuz's picture
Asset Developer
2016-05-09 13:13
Last seen:
9 hours 50 min ago

Indeed the music in vanilla is, more than, repetitive. Adding a random music interval is definetly something worth looking into as well as adding another layer of timed interval with scripts.
I myself am not a head designer, but am in favour of changing the music system, as long as it stays authentic(the Morrowind feel) and does not break the game and its immersion.

Biboran's picture
2016-01-23 11:05
Last seen:
6 years 6 months ago

Special music for dungeons etc. works very bad on Morrowind engine. Thing like this was in MAO…
For m idal OST for TR is new tracks very close to vanilla style.

oldChimer's picture
2016-10-01 19:13
Last seen:
6 years 5 months ago

Having been inactive for a decade, it took me by surprise a while ago that the TR music addon had apparently been forgotten. It’s still on ModDB and we will put it on Nexus and Great House Fliggerty with the next release (in September, hopefully). Kaziem used some of its tracks in the Summer video and hopefully we’ll hear TR’s main theme more often in the future.

As with most projects involving TR, it was not deliberately abandoned. Instead it kinda petered out when the people who were involved left over the years. Whatever you are going to do on the music front, it will by design and intent be unique and special. Good luck!

Why isn’t this listed at the downloads section here at TR?  I grabbed it back when it still was (old site, though).  The addon is great and ought to be widely known.  And used.

The more I venture into the realms of wisdom, the more I realize that all wisdom is nothing but illusionary and theoretical.
So, in order to go completely illiterate and bogus, I need to know more about everything.

10Kaziem's picture
Asset DeveloperInterior Developer
2015-12-12 23:47
Last seen:
3 years 4 months ago

Actually it needs to be put back up. We forgot about that in the hubbub of the recent release. I’ll put that on the to-do list.

Does: concepts, textures, youtube vids, admin stuff e.g. PR, handbook, assets, small website things. Activity level: wildly unpredictable. Still active. Find me on Discord.

Atrayonis's picture
Developer EmeritusInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2015-09-28 20:13
Last seen:
2 years 8 months ago

My bad: it was intended to be put up on Nexus with TR1609.

10Kaziem's picture
Asset DeveloperInterior Developer
2015-12-12 23:47
Last seen:
3 years 4 months ago

Note/update: I put it back on the site with the main release. We’ll see where it goes for the next release.

Does: concepts, textures, youtube vids, admin stuff e.g. PR, handbook, assets, small website things. Activity level: wildly unpredictable. Still active. Find me on Discord.

Ambroeus's picture
2017-03-31 13:21
Last seen:
7 years 9 months ago

As ThomasRuz say, I did: my Morrowind music have some Silence adjoined (mod Sound of Silence) and I was really careful to choose the right amount of Silence, then now is quite perfect, with tyhe right amount of Music and Silence.

Years ago I used also adjoin another Music mod, but I don't remember what was, only that suited perfectly mixing into the game.