Necrom Indoril Gauntlets?

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tsuki_ouji's picture
2017-05-25 07:54
Last seen:
7 years 5 months ago

It's been a while since I played TES3, but I recently reinstalled, updated mods, etc., and I noticed that the gauntlets for the Necrom Indoril armour no longer exist, and it doesn't seem to be mentioned in the changelogs. Can anybody enlighten me as to why this is? It seems like a weird thing to remove, and it's weird wearing the set without matching handwear.

Rot's picture
Quest Developer
2014-03-16 17:45
Last seen:
2 years 1 week ago

Can't find anything about the removal either, I guess the Ordinators in Mourning already didn't wear them before.

Mortimer's picture
Senior DeveloperQuest Reviewer
2016-06-10 21:48
Last seen:
1 week 2 days ago

can they be put back in 

Atrayonis's picture
Developer EmeritusInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2015-09-28 20:13
Last seen:
2 years 7 months ago

That question was raised before in 2014 and had an answer here.

The uniform of the Ordinators in Mourning has gone through various revisions, and the current version doesn't include the gauntlets (nor the cuirass or pauldrons). You're not having an error it's just the way their armor set is.

So, until someone can find something more specific as to their removal, this is as good as we know.

tsuki_ouji's picture
2017-05-25 07:54
Last seen:
7 years 5 months ago

Cool, thanks. I wish we had a concrete reason, but I wasn't able to find that post myself, so thanks.