old ebonheart issue

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temujin890's picture
2016-07-19 20:13
Last seen:
8 years 5 months ago

I am having a problem with the trapdoor in the Grand Chapel of Talos: Undercroft in old ebonheart, when i activate it it just rotates the trap door a quarter turn clockwise, then if activated again it rotates back to its original state. I am also having the same problem with the entrance to the sewers in the water by the docks and also the one on the well in town, is this unfinished or an other problem. I cant seem to find anyone having this problem through google. so far every thing else i have seen is working just fine keep up the great work.

Atrayonis's picture
Developer EmeritusInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2015-09-28 20:13
Last seen:
2 years 7 months ago

Doors (including trapdoors) have a hardcoded 90° rotate behavior unless they are redefined (as actual transit doors). The interior doors that open are simply doors that have no door markers.

These parts simply aren’t finished. That’s why Old Ebonheart is in TR_Preview, not TR_Mainland.

temujin890's picture
2016-07-19 20:13
Last seen:
8 years 5 months ago

I figured as much, Thank you for a quick response! =)