Othreleth Woods Region Guide

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2018-06-02 23:21
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9 hours 42 min ago

Othreleth Woods Region

Othreleth Woods functions as both House Hlaalu's major bread basket region, as well as dense dangerous woodland for exploration. The settlements as well as Veloth's Path function as the safest parts of the region.

Aim for 200 references for wilderness cells as a soft cap. DO NOT make wilderness cells above 350 references unless its required for settlements or points of interest.

Template meeting summaries:
- https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/content/2020-11-15-meeting-summary 
- https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/content/2020-11-21-meeting-summary 

Ground Textures:
-ai_dirtroad - minor roads and paths
-T_De_SetInd_TxCobbleStone_01 - Veloth's Path
-T_Mw_TerrScrubOW_01 / 01b / 03 / 04 / 04c - Common ground covers to use as if it were grass
-T_Mw_TerrScrubOW_01c / 02 - Rare highlight texture for extremely colour diverse dense patches of flora
-T_Mw_TerrDirtOW_01 - Infrequent texture for clearings or diversity in wooded areas
-T_Mw_TerrDirtScrubOW_01 - For somewhat fertile areas, natural non road paths, and scrub diversity
-T_Mw_TerrRockOW_01 - Use it around rocky, wooded areas
-T_Mw_TerrRockOW_02 - (PENDING) Will be an even mossier version of 01, but as of now is just Shipal-Shin layer 2, which we won't see in the region
-T_Mw_TerrRockSH_01 - Rare, use in drier sections of the woods
-Sand_02 - underwater in the river
-T_Mw_TerrDirtMudSH_01 - around the river
-AI_Tilled_Dirt - For farms, we may get a more appropriate texture at some point.

Othreleth Woods is very light on rocks, use them sparingly
-T_Mw_TerrRockOW_Rock1** largely found in perimeter and transitional areas
-T_Mw_TerrRockOW_Rock2** found mainly within the deeper parts of the woods, under heavy canopies where biodiversity is greatest.
-T_Mw_TerrRockSH_Rock1** when you want to place rocks without moss
-T_Mw_TerrRockSH_Rock3** to transition from RM rocks to SH rocks

Static Flora:
The primary trees of Othreleth Woods are the yellow/orange mushroom trees. Always make sure that most of the tree's cap is recieving sunlight, but especially the central orange part.
-T_Mw_FloraOW_TreeTall_** - Most frequent
-T_Mw_FloraOW_TreeMed_** - Moderately frequent
-T_Mw_FloraOW_TreeBig_** - An mangrove-like mushroom tree, found commonly in dense woodland areas
-T_Mw_FloraOW_TreeSmall_** - Least frequent, good for detailing roads/paths and putting in planters
-T_Mw_FloraOW_OvaryTree and OvarySprout - A smaller yet not infrequent mushroom tree. Can be placed alone, as long as its near other things.
-T_Mw_FloraOW_ShroudCap_** - common bush equivalent plant. Place in groups of 3-5 on average.
-T_Mw_Flora_ShroomTable** - any colour, common groundcover plant. Place in groups of 2-4 on average.
-T_Mw_FloraTV_TreeGeran_** - found on the borders with SH and TV. Place in groups of 2-5 on average.
-T_Mw_FloraTV_TreeZifa_** - found around the river, and on the border with SH and TV. Place in groups of 2-5 on average.
-T_Mw_FloraOW_TreeRedLeaf_** - Leafy tree to add diversity. Place in groups of 2-5 on average.
-T_Mw_FloraOW_Varga_** - Common, medium sized tree. Place in groups of 2-5 on average.

Container Flora:
-T_Mw_Flora_BlisterSpr** - pair with red_128 light - common ground cover mushroom. Place in groups of 3-5 on average.
-T_Mw_FloraAT_OranMoss** - around the river. Place in groups of 2-4 on average.
-T_Mw_FloraOW_Rockbrst** - grows on or around rocks, more rockbursts on mossier rocks. Place in groups of 2-5 on average.
-T_Mw_FloraOW_CFungus_** - common ground cover fungus. Place in groups of 2-5 on average.
-T_Mw_FloraOW_PoisonBloom_** - pair with BC mushroom lights - rare plant found only in the most dense parts of the woods, hidden from sunlight. Place alone (most of the time) near rocks or roots.
-T_Mw_FloraOW_Glwshrm_** - pair with T_Mw_Light_Glowshrooms_** light - common mushroom that grows on both living and dead OW mushroom trees. Place in groups of 3-6 on average
-flora_(black/green/red)_lichen_** + T_Mw_Flora_Lichen** (literally every mw lichen in data) - grows on anything static plant or rock in the region. Place in groups of 2-4 on average.
-T_Mw_FloraOW_SujPod** - grows deep in the woods in sunny patches. Place in groups of 3-6 on average.
-T_Mw_FloraOW_Cupling** - mushroom tree roots (can be attached to mushroom trees or standalone) with parasitic cups sprouting from the top. Place in groups of 2-4 on average.
-(some kind of shelf fungus)
-T_Mw_Flora_SheggShelf**pair with Green_SPulse_128 light - Semi-rare shelf fungus. Grows on trees in dense woodland. Place in groups of 2-5 on average.
-T_Mw_FloraOW_ShlfFung** - Common shelf fungus. Grows on trees and logs. Place in groups of 2-5 on average

Cultivated Flora:
-flora_comberry_01 - winerys
-T_Mw_FloraSH_Tanna** - dry area farms
-T_Mw_FloraOW_SujPod** - main crop of the region

The Kanit River and Lake Coronati:
-T_Mw_FloraOW_Bulbshroom_** - Pair with light T_Mw_Light_Bulbshroom_** - Use as you would use kelp in other underwater areas.
-in_cave_plant(00/10) - In flora patches with bulbshrooms
-T_Mw_Flora_Seacup_** - Common underwater container.
-T_Mw_FloraOW_Tulband** - Fruit that grows in shallow areas. Place so the fruit is on the surface of the water.
-Ex_barnacles_** - On rocks, docks etc
-kollop_** - Use less frequently than you do in other underwater areas.

Cavern Flora:
-(Carnivorous Fungus)
-T_Mw_FloraOW_Glwshrm_** - container - pair with T_Mw_Light_Glowshrooms_** light
-T_Mw_FloraOW_PoisonBloom_** - container (rare)
-T_Mw_Flora_BlisterSpr** - container - pair with red_128 light
-T_Mw_FloraOW_ShroudCap_** - static
-T_Mw_FloraOW_Rockbrst** - container
-in_cave_plant** - static
-T_Mw_Flora_SheggShelf** - container - pair with Green_SPulse_128 light

Vertex Shading:
-Under statics: 104,100,90
-Between textures: 121,121,121

General Design Points:
-Some land textures are similar enough to each other to not need transition shading
-Some of the trees fit perfectly over a road, this is cool to do but let's not overdo it.
-Make sure to place the trees in a way that the canopies do not overlap too much. Most of the cap should be recieving sunlight.
-The mushroom trees can be rotated on the x and y axis but keep it low.
-Put loot in stumps. Go crazy with it. If you're concerned that you're adding too much just ask.