Paramelia Interior Showcase

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Paramelia's picture
Interior Developer
2023-06-27 08:47
Last seen:
13 hours 59 min ago

Hello I'm Amelia, I posted this on the Project Tamriel forum and was suggested to post it here.

Corresponds to ex_hlaalu_b_07

Binary Data TR_Showcase_Parallax.ESP7.06 KB2023-06-28 23:56
jackimoff wackimoff's picture
jackimoff wackimoff
ModeratorSenior DeveloperWriting ReviewerInterior ReviewerQuest Reviewer
2021-02-06 12:11
Last seen:
1 day 22 hours ago

Name: TR_Showcase_Parallax

Clean: Yes, good

Lighting: There are 256 radius lamps on the top floor that are too bright and so is causing greenlight. Greenlight is a lighting bug in the morrowind engine which causes surfaces to develop a sickly green colour when a light source is too bright or too close. Swap them for 128 variants.
light_de_candle_09_94 is causing greenlight on the barrel, swap for a 64 variant.

Settings are a little bright but no issue.

Northmarker: Present, good

Fits exterior: Yes, good

Pathgrid: All nodes need to be the blue manually placed ones, swap out the autogen ones for manually placed nodes.

Illegal to Sleep Here: Yes, good.

Gridsnap: Yes, good

Set Mismatch: None, good

de_p_chest_02_mclothes3, bleeding into the carpet, needs to be sitting on top.

light_de_lamp_02_256, top floor by the door, fairly noticeably floating

misc_de_bowl_glass_peach_01, this asset has a pointed bottom so you need to sink the point into the surface rather than have it balancing.

Rescaled miscs: None, good.


The area by the top of the stairs needs a railing, in_hlaalu_hall_rail, between the pillars.

File has a mainland master, this needs to be removed with wrye mash.

The bed needs a pillow. Pillows are sunk the same way you do sacks.

The planter with the fern in it is a little in the way, push much closer to the wall.

Int is a bit sparse on tapestries on the top floor, add a few more.

Int has no T_data assets, these are assets which start with T_ in the CS. Please sprinkle a few of those in.

ₒₕ, bₒₒ𝒹?

Paramelia's picture
Interior Developer
2023-06-27 08:47
Last seen:
13 hours 59 min ago

Made the changes you've listed

Binary Data TR_Showcase_Parallax.ESP7.37 KB2023-07-01 19:55
jackimoff wackimoff's picture
jackimoff wackimoff
ModeratorSenior DeveloperWriting ReviewerInterior ReviewerQuest Reviewer
2021-02-06 12:11
Last seen:
1 day 22 hours ago

All isues fixed, that's a pass. Congrats!

ₒₕ, bₒₒ𝒹?