New to TamrielRB. Everything seems to work so far, but I loaded Ravenloft, which seemed to work too except that Felix the skull in the darker half of the mages lab seems to be missing. When present, Felix provides training spells, and spellmaking services. I haven't been all through Ravenloft yet so I don't know if anything else is missing, but so far it seems to work beautifully except for the wayward Felix. I'm also running OpenMW (new to that as well). Any ideas, help, speculation even, would be great, thanks!
(Reply #1) Posted on Sat, 2019-03-30 20:46
2019-03-30 20:39
5 years 9 months ago
My bad. I found Felix. He is attached to the ceiling right above the spot where he usually sits. He still offers all the services he is supposed to, so we're good. If anybody ever asks about Felix the Skull in Ravenloft, tell them to look up!