Script and cell id errors (not using BTB's mod)(Solved)

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iagsdvudavgd's picture
2021-05-22 02:18
Last seen:
3 years 7 months ago

All the plugins I have and their load order are:

1- Morrowind.esm

2- Tribunal.esm

3- Bloodmoon.esm

4- Tamriel_Data.esm

5- TR_Mainland.esm (Tamriel rebuilt)

6- MD_Azurian Isles.esm (Lyithdonea the Azurian Isles)

7- Sky_Main.esm (Skyrim home of the nords)

8- Cyrodiil_Main.esm (Province: Cyrodiil)

9- GDR_Masterfile.esm

10- MW_Children_1_0.esm (children of morrowind)

11- TR_Factions.esp

12- TR_Travels.esp

13- Clean balancedchimerrace_V2.esp

14- ChimerofLight_Voices_COM.esp

15- ChimerofLight_Voices_RES.esp

16- ChimerofLight_Voices_NPCs.esp

17- Daedric Armor Nerevar.esp

18- Alchemy Book_1.3.esp

19- Daedric Thorwing Weapons Mod.esp

20- God Of Worms.esp

21- The Doors Of Oblivion 1.4.esp

22- XE Sky Variations.esp (not activated)

23- The Doors Of Oblivion 1.0.esp

24- entertainers.esp

25- AreaEffectArrows.esp

26- bcsounds.esp

27- master_index.esp

28- LeFemmArmor.esp

29- adamantiumarmor.esp

30- EBQ_Artifact.esp

31- Yourhouse.esp

32- constance1_0.esp

33- Siege At Firemoth

34- enchantmulti100x.esp

35- Natural Healing.esp

36- KS_Julan_Ashlander Companion_2.0.esp

37- NerevarArmor-v30.esp

38- Vampire_Embrace.esp

39- Encumberance increaser strx25.esp

40- Cinia.esp

41- Slave rescue makes you famous.esp

42- Maormer.esp

 I also have morrowind script extender and mge xe.
When loading the plugins there is no problems at all, but when i click "new game": 
-First a warning pops up and says: Expression Error Unable to find cell "Old Ebonheart" in script TR_m3_IL_qyntosdoorSc. Continue running executable?.
if i click "yes" then:
-Second: Expression Error Unable to find cell id "Old Ebonheart" in script TR_m3_NPC_OE_KarandiaCorrux.
The only thing I can click now is just "acept" and then the game closes itself. 
Please help.

Atrayonis's picture
Developer EmeritusInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2015-09-28 20:13
Last seen:
2 years 7 months ago

One of your plugins is overwriting the Old Ebonheart cells. Unfortunately, I don't know which one, the usual suspect (BTB's mod) isn't there.

iagsdvudavgd's picture
2021-05-22 02:18
Last seen:
3 years 7 months ago

Which one would you think it might be?

Rot's picture
Quest Developer
2014-03-16 17:45
Last seen:
2 years 1 week ago

Since it's unknown all that's left is to test disable them (half by half until you find the culprit)

iagsdvudavgd's picture
2021-05-22 02:18
Last seen:
3 years 7 months ago

I will try, Thank you

iagsdvudavgd's picture
2021-05-22 02:18
Last seen:
3 years 7 months ago

I tried that and discovered that "the orsinium project" was the culprit. Thank you