Some remarks for House Dres

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Geophysic2013's picture
Asset Developer
2018-04-17 00:38
Last seen:
4 months 3 weeks ago

Hello! Sorry for my English)
I want to draw yours attention about the fact of planning House Dres, based on some important historical facts.
1. So, The Deshaan Plains is a large salt plain. Salt - the most important product at Middle Ages and Antiquity. Salt allows to save food, this is the only normal preservative that allows you to make food supply.

2.Wax - second most important product at Middle Ages and Antiquity. Any faith - this is tempels. Any teamples must to be illuminated. for illuminated temples need much of wax. In ancient times trade in wax was a giant business. As in the territories Dres flying giant wasps they are produce giant amounts of wax, which can be sold for a great price.

3. Weapon and armor - third most important product at Middle Ages and Antiquity))))). I styde our and original geology, dres territories should not have many deposits of iron, tin and lead. They could to barter salt, slaves and wax for weapons and armor, steel and iron.

 What do you say to this?
Brzm's picture
2017-04-08 23:38
Last seen:
5 years 11 months ago


1. I don't think Deshaan salt is your common NaCl, for what I understand it works more as a caustic than a preservative.

2. You mean bees? Skyrender wasps produce a nectar which, if I'm not wrong, is used raw for hallucinogenic-trial purposes and refined as a means to have a stronger connection with ancestors. The relation between Dres and Skyrenders outlined so far in the planning documents is something different than farming.

3. Sure that happens in a certain measure, but don't forget most traditional house armors are made of bonemold and use of indigenous materials such as chitin or netch leather is widespread, same goes for weapons to a certain extent, so ore demand should not be that high. I guess Imperials are more interested in those materials.

Good points anyway, worth thinking over.
For me, House Dres should invest in rice paper mills!

Kevaar's picture
Developer EmeritusQuest Developer
2016-01-19 19:35
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1 month 3 weeks ago

1. I'm inclined to say both, that there is some normal NaCl which is a major export for the Dres, as well as the more toxic stuff. One of the uses for the toxic stuff is in enchantments that the Telvanni use (it has some magical properties), but on the whole, it serves as one of the reasons why no one but the Dres has been able to settle the Deshaan Plains. You need special equipment and knowledge to be able to live in the area. So, more of an element that has shaped their environment, then something they try to trade in.

2. To go off of what Brzm said, I'm not sure if we're going with the Skyrender honey being a hallucinogenic, or them even having carries too many parallels to the velk nectar imo, which the Indoril have, and Dres are much more practical than the Indoril, who in contrast have the leisure time to sit around getting high and spouting off religious psychobabble inspired by their druggie trips. Wax might be a better substance, probably very much like resin in terms of how it is used. That said, Skyrenders are more like the mounts of choice and perhaps the herding dogs for the Dres. They are not so much the livestock that produce things as they are partners in the Dres' management of OTHER livestock, like the plainstriders.

3. True, the Dres don't have much iron or metal; most of their armor is organic, either made from woven bits of saltstrap (I think that's the name...) or bonemold, or shells of bugs. I'm not sure if Dres would want to trade with outsiders much at all: they prize their ability to be self-sufficient, and see outside influences as potentially a corruption of their culture.

Geophysic2013's picture
Asset Developer
2018-04-17 00:38
Last seen:
4 months 3 weeks ago

Thank you. I understood the salt and wax interpretation  at Tamriel Rebuilt.

1-2 Just want to note, this products are strategic for Impire much more than for Dres, Indoril and others. For this goods Impire will be figts at ever place at Tamriel, or trade with intermediaries.

2. By the way, resin for construction can be used of bituminous resin. Bituminous resin could be exctracted of remaining dwemer mine gallery. 

3. General military law: better means of attack (weapon) to force opponent copy or create the same good weapon or defense, that not to loose that fight. At Morrowind must exict committed at that time arming or technologe to create arming, which all houses would like to trade.