Tamriel Rebuilt Removal

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kizzymet's picture
2017-01-12 02:31
Last seen:
7 years 11 months ago

I have been trying to install this for hours.  No matter where I download it from, how I install it, or how many times I verify that my ini file has been updated my game will not start due to a "Missing Masterfile: TR_Data.esm" error.  I don't want the mod anymore.  I just want to try playing my game but a clean install didn't seem to remove it all.  Is there a Tamriel Rebuilt removal guide somewhere?

Rakanishu's picture
Quest Developer
2016-09-15 23:12
Last seen:
1 week 1 day ago

Hey kizzymet,

There recently have been some updates to Tamriel Rebuilt and its data structure. TR_Data.esm was replaced by Tamriel_Data.esm, which is causing your problem.

Here's a very quick and easy guide to setting up Tamriel Rebuilt v16.12.

1) Download the most recent versions of Tamriel_Data and Tamriel Rebuilt v16.12:
Tamriel_Data - http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/44537/ (either HD or vanilla, not both)
Tamriel Rebuilt v16.12 - http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/42145/

2) Place the contents of the Data Files folder in the Tamriel_Data download into your Morrowind installation's Data Files Folder.

3) Place all three .esp files from TR v16.12 into your Data Files folder.

4) Set up your Morrowind.ini file similar to this (the exact numbers might be different based on other mods you have installed):
Archive 0=Tribunal.bsa
Archive 1=Bloodmoon.bsa
Archive 2=PT_Data.bsa
Archive 3=TR_Data.bsa

5) Activate Tamriel_Data.esm and TR_Mainland.esm (and optionally TR_Preview and TR_Travels) in your launcher.

6) Enjoy!

Rot's picture
Quest Developer
2014-03-16 17:45
Last seen:
2 years 2 weeks ago

The versions of Tamriel Rebuilt that require TR_Data.esm are packaged with it. Since you don’t have this file, your error is not caused by Tamriel Rebuilt (especially if you’ve deleted it) but by another mod. Check for optional patches made for TR, or for old mods that use assets from TR_Data.