Hello everyone,
I finally decided to do some construction set stuff, so I decided to make a interior cell named “abandoned mine”, a dungeon with daedra and undead enemies. This is the first time I made a thing in CS, so don't expect a lot.
The dungeon hasn't been fully cluttered either.
EDIT: added more rocks.
EDIT3: Added lightsources and a northmarker, I do not know how to use TESAME very well, but it seemed okay. Ready for another review?
EDIT4: I made some changes. I have lowered the lighting to 8-7%, I have gridsnapped the ex_common parts, I have added raw glass crates deeper in the mine, I've cluttered the daedra ruin a bit more, but I have kept in_dae_room_l_corner_02 as there is no other static that has the same functionality, so I've added alot of rubble there so that it seems extra weathered, I changed the throne, added a cave door. I kept furn_de_r_table because originally it was intended to be the place where the mine boss would sit and collect his money. I also removed the daedra and the artifact. I don't know if I have corrected the objects well enough so they don't casper/bleed etc., which I also find really hard to do on a uneven cave surface, I have cleaned the file with TESAME.
2015-12-29 23:49
1 year 8 months ago
Hey ThomasRuz, it’s awesome that you want to become an interior developer on top of all the artwork you’re providing.
Your cave is a pretty good start. It’s creative and it looks like you’ve got snap grid down. There are a few major pointers I’d like to make though:
For anything I might have missed, you can go through our interior showcase guidelines (http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/content/guidelines-interior-showcases) if you haven’t already. Good luck on your next submission!
2016-05-09 13:13
10 hours 15 min ago
Thanks for the advice!
2016-01-17 13:07
1 year 10 months ago
I’m reviewing this now; I'll try to get it posted today if possible.
2016-01-17 13:07
1 year 10 months ago
Your file has one dirty reference (in_nord_ladder_02), you should delete this in TESAME.
As RyanS pointed out, you should remove the daedra/skeletons from the interior; creatures are added to interiors at a later stage and it’s best for your showcase to follow the same guidelines as interior claims.
Your cell's lighting is way too high currently; sunlight should be in the low 80s at the very highest, and preferably much lower for caves/mines. Have a look at the lighting for mines/caves in the vanilla game (or TR). Generally, TR prefers lower global lighting values than vanilla to make light sources stand out more dramatically.
You’ve correctly gridsnapped the cave/daedra pieces, but the ex_common statics should be gridsnapped together as well.
Many of the ex_common parts you’ve used have caspering ends; that is, holes in the mesh are visible. Either the static should be replaced with one that fits the position without visible caspering, or the static should be bled into the cave walls/ground to hide the caspering parts.
The cave is reasonably cluttered (though some more furniture and misc items from the miners would be good), but the daedric ruin portion still looks quite bare; try to fill up the space with some of the in_dae_rubble parts. The mismatched floor texture on the in_dae_room_l_corner_02 static looks a bit out-of-place; I would shuffle the area around to either mirror the mismatched texture on the other side of the room, or just redesign the area to only use the one floor texture.
Add a crate or two of raw glass; at the moment the only mined glass in the entire interior is the two pieces on the table near the entrance, which seems a bit odd for a glass mine (even an abandoned one)
The furn_de_r_table should be replaced with a lower-class version (furn_de_p_table_* or furn_de_ex_table_*).
The T_Imp_FurnR_Chair_05 throne is a bit out-of-place as well; a dremora buried in an obscure dunmer glass mine wouldn’t likely have access to high-class imperial furniture. The claw static on top of it looks quite odd, too; it would be better to make a throne/altar out of dae_rubble pieces.
A few of the rock/boulder statics (in_lava_rock_04, for example) are scaled up a bit too far, making the textures stand out. Replace them with larger rocks.
The cave entrance is missing a door.
The ring you’ve made for the dremora is using the model for the Warlock’s Ring, which is a unique artefact. If you want to include the ring in the interior (though you should remove the dremora), replace the model with one of the more common rings. Also, the ring has a value of 1, which should be changed to something representative of the enchantment’s value. The enchantment seems extremely overpowered, too.
Below is a list of placement issues that should be fixed:
active_de_bedroll (2006.045, 7753.569, 14174.047) - Bleeding into the rocks too much; try to position it so only the edges of the mat are bleeding.
active_de_bedroll (3291.524, 5969.847, 14349.561) - Bleeding too much.
active_de_bedroll (3393.847, 6235.977, 14342.919) - As above, also caspering on one end.
active_de_bedroll (3144.109, 5945.706, 14360.624) - As above.
active_de_bedroll (2015.792, 7586.056, 14177.334) - This one's quite close, but one side is caspering slightly; it just needs to be rotated a little and pulled away from the wall.
barrel_01_cheapfood20 (-358.864, 6420.787, 13915.607) - Floating. Rotate until the bottom is lying flat against the ground.
barrel_01_cheapfood5 (3438.493, 6137.719, 14373.521) - Bleeding into another barrel and the ground.
barrel_01_cheapfood5 (3475.495, 6100.696, 14383.412) - Bleeding into another barrel.
barrel_01_cheapfood5 (3483.268, 6122.957, 14453.103) - Floating.
barrel_01_cheapfood5 (3499.184, 6142.983, 14385.766) - Bleeding into another barrel.
barrel_01_drinks (1952.692, 7822.341, 14189.886) - Bleeding into the ground.
barrel_01_drinks (733.730, 6667.209, 13933.315) - Floating.
barrel_01_empty (772.287, 6620.198, 13932.136) - Floating.
barrel_01_Ingredients (-387.286, 6363.563, 13919.893) - Bleeding into ground.
barrel_bandit_01 (-328.331, 6608.290, 13892.569) - Bleeding into ground.
com_basket_01_ingredien (3521.204, 6018.084, 14394.402) - Floating.
com_sack_01_chpfood5 (-368.132, 6620.136, 13881.914) - Positioned a bit awkwardly and bleeding too far into the ground. Sacks should bleed a little, but ideally all four corners of the sack should be above-ground.
com_sack_01_chpfood5 (-379.046, 6592.491, 13882.643) - Bleeding too far on the top end, and floating on the bottom end.
com_sack_01_ingred (1846.021, 7865.164, 14198.012) - Bleeding too far into ground.
com_sack_01_ingred (1876.398, 7786.715, 14168.589) - Bleeding too far into ground and crate.
com_sack_01_ingred (2972.177, 6013.029, 14354.855) - Bleeding slightly into ground.
com_sack_01_ingred (2997.498, 6025.984, 14359.448) - Bleeding slightly too much into ground, and not enough into the left sack.
com_sack_01_ingred (3016.375, 5997.951, 14354.855) - Bleeding just a little bit too much into another sack.
com_sack_01_ingred (-337.749, 6358.420, 13903.134) - Floating.
com_sack_01_ingred (-340.952, 6358.121, 13889.311) - Corner is bleeding slightly too much.
Com_Sack_02_Gold_05 (3463.243, 6173.834, 14373.287) - Floating/Bleeding into barrel.
Com_Sack_02_Gold_05 (3426.035, 6101.318, 14373.287) - As above.
Com_Sack_02_Gold_05 (3448.092, 6065.625, 14373.287) - As above.
Com_Sack_02_Ingred (1871.816, 7826.126, 14248.136) - Floating.
crate_01_levelweapons (1888.129, 7829.764, 14190.175) - Bleeding into ground.
ex_common_plat_corn (3045.353, 6471.483, 14369.812) - Ends of poles on one side are caspering.
ex_common_plat_corn (3536.707, 6466.438, 14376.584) - Ends of poles beneath the stairs are caspering.
ex_common_plat_end (1128.278, 6534.590, 14160.227) - Ends of poles on inward-facing edge (away from the stairs) are caspering.
ex_common_plat_end (3433.732, 5589.456, 14934.774) - Ends of poles on outward-facing edge caspering.
ex_common_plat_end (3478.834, 6068.345, 14659.858) - Caspering on one side.
furn_de_r_table_07 (3798.939, 4931.949, 14953.762) - Floating.
in_cavern_rail00 (2822.330, 7796.101, 14420.104) - Floating.
in_cavern_rail00 (2864.157, 7757.066, 14421.541) - Floating.
in_lava_1024 (3200.000, 8000.000, 13568.000) - The edge is visible; move it across until it bleeds into the wall.
in_lavacave_stal00 (2034.275, 7432.439, 14203.156) - Caspering.
in_lava_rock_02 (2746.854, 6748.110, 14519.581) - End is caspering.
in_lava_rock_16 (477.752, 6233.316, 14481.817) - Caspering.
in_lava_rock_17 (3252.352, 8290.446, 15009.313) - Caspering.
in_lava_rock_17 (-129.941, 6500.062, 14327.583) - Caspering.
in_lava_rock_17 (3267.846, 7865.621, 14837.386) - Caspering.
in_lava_rock_24 (-1536.435, 6049.059, 13687.922) - Caspering.
in_nord_ladder_02 (3552.708, 6253.524, 14518.379) - Needs to be raised a little to bleed into the underside of the top platform.
in_nord_ladder_02 (3566.347, 5054.008, 14789.505) - Floating.
in_nord_ladder_02 (419.704, 6825.980, 13774.642) - Positioned at an odd angle; rotate it to be in-line with the platform.
in_nord_ladder_02 (357.588, 6428.965, 13774.642) - As above.
in_nord_ladder_02 (937.753, 6542.228, 14032.411) - Bleeding through the top platform, move it either completely below or above the platform.
light_de_candle_03 (3801.968, 4953.684, 14996.111) - Floating.
miner's pick (1913.194, 7823.902, 14222.727) - Bleeding into crate.
miner's pick (428.529, 7490.234, 13813.229) - Bleeding into ground.
miner's pick (84.706, 7284.660, 13917.693) - Bleeding a bit too far into the ore container.
misc_com_bottle_01 (3786.328, 5058.432, 14932.312) - Floating/bleeding into platform.
misc_com_bottle_02 (3782.168, 5047.877, 14927.455) - Bleeding into platform.
misc_com_bottle_02 (3797.756, 5063.906, 14928.076) - Floating.
misc_com_bottle_02 (3803.702, 5035.846, 14926.726) - Bleeding into platform.
misc_com_wood_knife (3733.448, 4969.262, 14922.941) - Bleeding into platform.
rock_glass_03 (19.915, 7263.896, 13847.810) - Rotate or raise this until the bottom crystal is out of the ground or completely hidden beneath it, it looks a bit odd as it is.
T_Imp_FurnR_Chair_05 (985.092, 2046.765, 13836.003) - Bleeding into the floor, and a bit over-sized (that dremora would look like a child sitting on it)
Take care of these and I’ll give you a second review when you’re ready.
2016-05-09 13:13
10 hours 15 min ago
Ok, I will look into it.
2016-05-09 13:13
10 hours 15 min ago
Ready for another look.
2016-01-17 13:07
1 year 10 months ago
Alrighty, I've had a look through this. Sorry it's taken me a while to get back to you on it.
As I said in my last review, please replace the upper-class 'furn_de_r_table_07' with one of the 'de_p' or 'ex_de' ones; the high-quality wood looks out of place in this interior.
I must have forgotten to mention it last time, but there are quite a few places in the cave where you've used multiple copies of the same rock/boulder/stalagmite next to eachother. This tends to look rather unnatural, so try to add some more variety in statics to these areas.
The throne looks good; the spikes on the side of the in_dae_claw_01 are bleeding into the back of the throne, though. Maybe try bringing the rubble pieces on either side down, or just lift the claw up a bit.
Regarding the miscoloured floor piece; the clutter you've placed around it draws attention away reasonably well, so I think you can get away with it as-is, but an alternative solution to consider (and the one that seems to be favoured by the vanilla game) would be to add matching pieces opposing it to create a symmetry (something like this: http://i.imgur.com/xWDV3NE.jpg).
There's still quite a few floaters/bleeders that need looking at, but take your time and try your best. Remember to use the wireframe mode (the 'W' key) to get a clearer idea of the structure of the surface you're placing things on. With cave floors, you'll save yourself a lot of stress if you can fit objects so they don't cross over between faces.
Here's the full list of placement issues that still need attention:
2016-05-09 13:13
10 hours 15 min ago
Ok, I'll adjust it when I have time.
2016-05-09 13:13
10 hours 15 min ago
That time seemingly was approximately 5 years and 4 months.
I've recently downloaded the version that I uploaded here, and a lot of the above updates were done by 2016 me. Speaking of current me; I've tried to place the objects a bit better that were mentioned in Sirrah's previous comment though we'll see how well that has gone! (see attachment for new file)
2020-07-31 02:09
3 days 7 hours ago
2020-07-31 02:09
3 days 7 hours ago
Name: Abandoned Mine (add the TR_ prefix to the interior and to the file as well, makes it easier for everyone to find in their folders and in the CS)
Clean: Yes
Lighting: Bump up the ambient to something like 20/20/20, so it’s a bit easier to see where there’s no light objects. Also, give the fog a color that’s not pitch black. In a cave, fog color is clearly seen. Bump up the settings a little so it’s dark grey at least, so in the 20’s/30’s. Also, try to pull some of the tikitorches just a bit further away from the wall to reduce greenlight. (you won’t be able to fully eliminate it though, which is fine in this case)
Northmarker: Present, N/A
Fits exterior: N/A
Pathgrid: Not present, add one (they are required in all ints)
Illegal to Sleep Here: No, correct
Gridsnap: Good
chest_small_02_rndgold: the back of it bleeds pretty clearly into the table (you can see because the vertex shading disappears). Try to play some more with the rotations.
misc_com_wood_fork: bleeding
Barrels in the second room: I’m lenient with these but try to make them look a little more even with the ground. There’s some bleeding that is uneven across the bottom of multiple barrels.
Com_Sack_02_Ingred: in the room with only one bedroll--the bleeding is so clearly visible with part of the sack sticking out of the side of the crate
Much of the daedric rubble is bleeding together so obviously. There’s even some z-fighting because of it.
in_nord_ladder_02: the one closest to the entrance is not touching the platform at all
furn_de_p_table_04: nudge a bit so the legs are fully on platforms
Misc_com_tankard_01: back of it is floating a tad
active_de_bedroll: in the room with only one bedroll--this bedroll is floating a lot at the back
miner's pick: in the room with only one bedroll--handle is floating
Com_sack_01_ingred: in the room with only one bedroll--not resting on the crate. I’d advise just resting this flat on the ground though.
A couple of the sacks on a ledge are upside-down. Put these in the correct rotation.
Use more variation in the skeletons, they all look like they were buried here, not died naturally
Use some TD items. In this case, TD versions of the relevant containers will suffice.
Stylistically, there are a few flaws. The int has so many torches and candles and stuff that wouldn’t be on if it was abandoned. So either make it dark or remove the skeletons and it can be an occupied mine. Also, the Daedric part, while I see what you were going for, has nothing really interesting about it. Add some interesting loot or some structural feature, or you could just remove it entirely (the cave is certainly big enough for a showcase).
Your rock density for this cave is spot-on, great job!
Fix these issues and I will recommend you for promotion to interior dev.
2016-05-09 13:13
10 hours 15 min ago
Tried to adress the above issues; important things to mention:
2020-07-31 02:09
3 days 7 hours ago
Review 2
Name: TR_Abandoned Mine
Clean: Yes
Lighting: Good
Northmarker: Present, N/A
Fits exterior: N/A
Pathgrid: Present, mostly good. There is one area that lacks a pathgrid (shown on discord). Also, the tunnels and other straight paths have too many nodes sometimes. Usually just a single line of nodes that snakes through the tunnel is fine.
Illegal to Sleep Here: No, correct
Gridsnap: Good
misc_com_wood_fork: still bleeding
Com_Sack_02_Ingred: still, in the room with only one bedroll--the bleeding is so clearly visible with part of the sack sticking out of the side of the crate. Just center this more on the crate to fix this side-bleeding issue
miner's pick: you fixed this floater before but now it’s a bleeder (you can see by the handle). Just drag this up and press F and it should be fixed.
Contain_corpse10: the one in the final room--I like what you did with his foot getting crushed xD. But with nothing to support his back, he’d just fall over. Might wanna use a different skeleton, or just move him a bit so his back is against a wall.
Use some TD items. In this case, TD versions of the relevant containers will suffice. (found under “containers” at “T_MwCom_Var_”
Sorry I didn't catch this earlier, but there are some other things missing. Wooden support beams for the tunnel areas (check other mines like Vassir-Didanat), green light for glass deposits (look for other uses of the glass ore to find this), and the cave entrance isn't correct (in_lavacave_nat_exit00 is the one you should use).
Good improvements. Still a few more issues to fix, but I like this cave. If you have questions about object placement and such, let me know. I know it can be difficult to spot.