Hello! My first submission here - I decided to go with a more "communal" house for my design; the upstairs is fairly open. I imagined a pair of dunmer living here who live here and frequently have guests.
Note: I originally intended this to be an interior to go along with an Exterior showcase (hence the northmarker angle) but I decided to just go with the INT for now.
Shell: T_De_SetHla_X_Building_02
Cell :TR_Stonks_House
(Reply #1) Posted on Sat, 2024-01-27 00:45
2022-10-07 22:15
4 days 3 hours ago
will review this
2022-10-07 22:15
4 days 3 hours ago
Name: TR_Stonks_House
Clean: Yes
Lighting: Adjust fog so it isn't monotone. Can increase its values, decrease ambient if needed.
There is a lot of greenlighting, please correct by changing placement and using lower radii variants. Please also include some lanterns hanging from the ceiling.
Northmarker: Present
Fits exterior: No. T_De_SetHla_X_Building_02 has an alcove. There should be a half hall where this is. Please see existing uses of this shell & adjust the layout accordingly.
Pathgrid: Needs to be simplified, you only need a node on either end of a straight path
Illegal to Sleep Here: yes, correct
Gridsnap: Off gridsnap. Please correct.
For purposes of showcase, please:
place the coda flower on a flat surface
place the soul gem on a flat surface (not paper)
Please also scan your clutter. Some things wouldn't be easily available in morrowind such as mustard seeds & oysters (at least in a regular poor interior).
Once above is corrected I will continue the review.
2022-05-20 15:12
43 min 34 sec ago
Thanks for the feedback and advice! Here's an updated version.
- Changed Ambient/Fog lighting to be more inline with: https://wiki.project-tamriel.com/wiki/Hlaalu_Interior_Guidelines
- Changed toned down the radius on most of the lights and moved them around a bit
- Per discord we're foregoing the alcove for this int but I will keep this in mind for any claims :)
- Simplified Path Grid
- Fixed Grid Snap, not sure how I moved it off the grid before, must have accidently moved.. everything lol
- Put Coda and Soul gem on flat surfaces - I see why now after trying to rotate them
- Removed mustard seeds, oysters and also a CYR barrel I put in for some reason.
2022-05-20 15:12
43 min 34 sec ago
Fixed a few floaters and pesky greenlights I missed
2022-10-07 22:15
4 days 3 hours ago
Name: TR_Stonks_House
Clean: Yes
Lighting: fine
Northmarker: Present
Fits exterior: fine as discussed
Pathgrid: downstairs path collides with loom
Illegal to Sleep Here: yes, correct
Gridsnap: fine
Coda flower: fine
Steel axe: bleeding on the bottom, needs a lift and f drop
larger axe head is floating & the middle portion of the head is bleeding into the wall
Broom: broom-head needs to be sunk more
Lesser soul gem: fine
Spoon in bowl: spoon-head needs to be f-dropped so not floating in bowl. handle bleeding into bowl.
active_de_p_bed_13 - into wall
barrel_01_ashyams - into wall
com_sack_02_saltrice_10 - bled slightly too much into barrel
furn_de_loom_01 - into wall
ingred_scuttle_01 - visible through bowl
light_de_candle_09_64 - into table
misc_com_bottle_03 - into barrel
T_De_FurnP_Table_04 - into wall
bk_graspingfortune - not quite meeting the book its resting on
common_amulet_04 - can be tilted back a bit
furn_de_cushion_round_01 - minimally floating, needs f drop
furn_de_p_shelf_02 - not meeting wall
ingred_ash_yam_01 - needs tilt
ingred_comberry_01 - needs tilt
ingred_wickwheat_01 - needs tilt
light_de_candle_14_64 - needs X/Y reset
misc_com_wood_knife - needs tilt so handle resting down
misc_com_wood_spoon_01 - as above
misc_uni_pillow_01 - needs to be sunk slightly more into bed
T_Com_FireplaceHook_01 - needs tilt
T_Com_Hammer_05 - needs tilt
T_De_HlaaluCompanyScrip_01 - some
T_IngMine_Coal_01 - needs tilt
T_MwCom_Var_SkS1 needs to be bled down a bit more
light_de_buglamp_01_64 - greenlight onto clothbolt
light_de_candle_09_64 - greenlight onto planter
light_de_candle_18_64 - greenlight onto flask
T_Com_BookendPoor_01 - use de_furnP variant instead
T_IngMine_OreCopper_01 - not common enough in morrowind to have in this house imo
T_MwCom_Var_SkS1Gold - needs to be made more reachable by the player
2022-05-20 15:12
43 min 34 sec ago
Corrections to the above
2022-10-07 22:15
4 days 3 hours ago
T_De_FurnP_Table_04 - into wall
2022-05-20 15:12
43 min 34 sec ago
Corrected the above.
T_De_FurnP_Table_04 - into wall - Just barely no longer touching the bed or wall. Realized that was actually a pretty crampt combo for a hall bed.
ingred_marshmerrow_01 - This model is pretty hard to flatten just right, but I think I got it this time.
misc_de_fishing_pole - Should be properly resting on the two barrels now. I realized this time around it was a lot easier to just move the barrels into a proper position/rotation for the pole to fit well onto. Oh, and theres about a nano meter gap between the barrels now, but should be good as well lol
2022-10-07 22:15
4 days 3 hours ago
passed, reccing for promotion