I was attempting to update a mod’s esp’s with the TR Patcher last night. The author is gong to update to the new version but said to use TR Patcher in the meantime.
The problem is anytime I launch it, it says it cannot find the Translation.txt and to place it in the DIR and rerun. Except it is in the directory. Do I need to run a specific version of Java (think i am on 8u11 or 8u12) or place this file in a different location? TR Patcher runs but just shows the warning everytime. Not sure what I am doing wrong.
PS. Am I missing the search feature for these forums? I swear I do not see it and I could maybe answer my own questions with a search. I’m using chrome, not sure if that would be an issue.
2014-03-16 17:45
2 years 3 weeks ago
Path that works for me is both files TR_FilePatcher.jar and Translation.txt in …/Morrowind/Data Files/trdatapatcher, (maybe check if it’s not the wrong file for Translation.txt? common name)
This is Search, it’s accessible from the top right corner drop-down. I think everybody has trouble finding it (I did)
2016-11-15 05:46
5 years 8 months ago
2016-01-26 12:34
2 days 17 hours ago
For windows users it usually works, if the Translations.txt ist in the same folder as the TR_Filepatcher.jar (it doesn’t matter which folder that is). On a linux system, you need to open a command line and first move to the folder with the TR_Filepatcher and Translation.txt in it and execute java –jar TR_Filepatcher.jar then. You may have to do the same thing, from the sound of it.
2016-11-15 05:46
5 years 8 months ago
@worsas that worked! Thanks. Not sure if its a Win10 thing or not but that definitely worked. Thanks so much.
2023-08-11 19:01
1 year 4 months ago
I know this thread is years old, but this trick worked for me (on windows) twice, but now it doesn't, and I still haven't resolved an issue that I think the filepatcher should fix. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.