Hi, registered to ask this question:
Downloaded the latest version of Tamriel Rebuilt. Updated everything, registered BSA’s, downloaded latest version of Java. Decided to patch my save games before also doing Wrye Mash. Patcher opens, I select the save games I want to use....click “Patch selected files”...and absolutely nothing happens. The status pie graph doesn’t update and the Filepatcher simply does nothing. What am I doing wrong here? I have followed everything to the letter.
Please help.
2016-10-09 23:10
5 hours 40 min ago
Did you update from TR version 16.03 or below (March 2016 or earlier)? If not please simply ignore the filepatcher, it won't help you.
2016-01-19 19:35
1 month 3 weeks ago
Also check you have the Translation.txt file and the patcher is talking to it. It comes with either the Tamriel Rebuilt or Tamriel_Data download iirc.