TR_Preview border with Firemoth DLC

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Exovian's picture
Interior Developer
2020-06-22 03:12
Last seen:
1 hour 2 min ago

Hello! I've been in the planning stages of restarting an old mod I was working on some years ago, which would utilize the Firemoth Archipelago from the Seige at Firemoth DLC. For several reasons, I've come to the conclusion that redesigning the exterior entirely would be better than trying to edit the existing plugin implementation. I know that the Bethesda released Firemoth conflicts in some places with the Ascadian Bluffs region in TR_Preview, so I figured I may as well try to avoid those cells entirely when I remake the exterior. 

Looking at the cells in the CS, withouth Firemoth loaded, there's a terrain tear on the north side of -8,-12 and -7,-12 where it looks like the terrain's sloping up to the island that Firemoth would add. Given that, will any Firemoth mod need a compatibility patch for that border to avoid tearing, or will that part of the seafloor get flattened in the release? 

Thanks for any help; I'm obviously not asking for y'all to change anything, I'd just like to try to make my mod compatible.

Dillonn241's picture
Interior DeveloperQuest Developer
2017-10-17 19:03
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1 week 1 day ago

Firemoth is being redesigned entirely as an optional part of Tamriel Rebuilt.

Exovian's picture
Interior Developer
2020-06-22 03:12
Last seen:
1 hour 2 min ago

Yes, I've seen that.To clarify, I'm trying to find out if, without that optional Firemoth plugin y'all will be making, there is still a set of cells in that area that the main TR release won't touch, to allow for other Firemoth mods to be installed instead, or if any Firemoth mod in that general area would inherently require a landscape patch for the TR border.

Atrayonis's picture
Developer EmeritusInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2015-09-28 20:13
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2 years 8 months ago

All Firemoth mods will require a landscape patch once the cells have moved into TR_Mainland. We will make one available alongside and as alternative to TR_Firemoth.

Exovian's picture
Interior Developer
2020-06-22 03:12
Last seen:
1 hour 2 min ago

Good to know. I can't wait to see what y'all come out with!