I just reinstalled Morrowind after a failed modding installation attempt, and while the playthrough seems to have worked successfully, I seem to get these errors when loading the game.
Item "T_Mw_Random_FlorTannaTree" not found on "T_Mw_FloraSS_Tanna01a". Item "T_Mw_Random_FlorTannaTree" not found on "T_Mw_FloraSS_Tanna01b". Item "T_Mw_Random_FlorTannaTree" not found on "T_Mw_FloraSS_Tanna01c". Item "T_Mw_Random_FlorTannaTree" not found on "T_Mw_FloraSS_Tanna01d". Item "T_Mw_Random_FlorTannaTree" not found on "T_Mw_FloraSS_Tanna02a". Item "T_Mw_Random_FlorTannaTree" not found on "T_Mw_FloraSS_Tanna02b". Item "T_Mw_Random_FlorTannaTree" not found on "T_Mw_FloraSS_Tanna02c". Item "T_Mw_Random_FlorTannaTree" not found on "T_Mw_FloraSS_Tanna02d". Texture "Textures\_land_default.tga" count 3. Texture "Data Files\Textures\menu_thin_border_bottom.dds" count 2. ModelList still has 1 NIF files. 1 - Meshes\xbase_anim_sh.nif
It seems they're related to Tamriel Rebuilt, but I can't find anything regarding where to locate these missing files and add them. Would anyone know what further steps I should take to resolve this issue?
Thank you for all your help.
2016-03-14 23:18
1 week 20 hours ago
That's the texture files of an old version of the plant. So I guess you are running an older version of tamriel data or mainland.
The base anim file could be related the weapon sheating mod?
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2021-03-14 19:56
3 years 9 months ago
Ah apologies, I forgot to include my current modlist:
_001_ Morrowind.esm
_002_ Tribunal.esm
_003_ Bloodmoon.esm
_004_ Ward of Akavir.esm
_005_ Patch for Purists.esm
_006_ Morrowind Patch Project v1.6.6 [For Rebirth].esm
_007_ Better Heads.esm
_008_ Tamriel_Data.esm
_009_ TR_Mainland.esm
_010_ Sky_Main.esm
_011_ Cyrodiil_Main.esm
_012_ wl_SolstheimOverhaul_v1.esm
_013_ Tamrielic Lore.esm
_014_ OAAB_Data.esm
_015_ Better Heads Tribunal addon.esm
_016_ Better Heads Bloodmoon addon.esm
_017_ GDR_MasterFile.esm
_018_ SpeechcraftBalance.ESP
_019_ Steel Throwing Knife_fix.esp
_020_ Smart_Crosshair.esp
_021_ Ebony Claymore.esp
_022_ DN_dhtt.esp
_023_ MTP - CR Patch.ESP
_024_ Bob's Diverse Dagoths.esp
_025_ FreeTheSlaves!.ESP
_026_ Almighty Artifacts.ESP
_027_ Next Generation Combat.esp
_028_ Next Generation Combat - Hand To Hand Sound Fix.esp
_029_ Morag Tong Polished.ESP
_030_ Greetings for No Lore.esp
_031_ Clean Main Quest Overhaul 1.3.ESP
_032_ Expansion Delay.ESP
_033_ AreaEffectArrows.esp
_034_ bcsounds.esp
_035_ master_index.esp
_036_ LeFemmArmor.esp
_037_ adamantiumarmor.esp
_038_ EBQ_Artifact.esp
_039_ Patch for Purists - Book Typos.ESP
_040_ Patch for Purists - Semi-Purist Fixes.ESP
_041_ Adamantium Ore Fix.ESP
_043_ Yet Another Guard Diversity - Regular.ESP
_044_ Yet Another Guard Diversity - Purist.ESP
_045_ Nasty Camonna Tong.esp
_046_ Djangos Dialogue.ESP
_047_ Kira's Filled Soul Gem Sellers.esp
_048_ BetterFatigueUsage.ESP
_049_ BetterGoverningAttributes.esp
_050_ What Thieves Guild.ESP
_051_ Services Restored.ESP
_052_ Magicka Expanded - Resource Pack.ESP
_053_ Morrowind Rebirth - Skills [Addon].ESP
_054_ Morrowind Rebirth - Mercenaries [Addon].ESP
_055_ Morrowind Rebirth - Birthsigns [Addon].ESP
_056_ Better Clothes Complete.ESP
_057_ FMI_ServiceRefusal_Contraband.ESP
_058_ Morrowind Rebirth - Game Settings [Addon].ESP
_059_ Camonna Tong.ESP
_060_ Mage Robes.ESP
_061_ CAP Dome.esp
_062_ Morrowind Rebirth [Main].ESP
_063_ Bonemold weapons.ESP
_064_ Uncharted Artifacts.esp
_065_ FMI - Gavrilo's Package.ESP
_066_ Imperial_Legion_Expansion.esp
_067_ RR_Gnisis_Arch_Eng.ESP
_068_ Clean_Mines & Caverns.esp
_069_ Concept art palace.ESP
_070_ Great House Dagoth.esp
_071_ abotWhereAreAllBirdsGoing.esp
_072_ Container Ownership.ESP
_073_ Almalexia's Armor.esp
_074_ Diseases Restored.ESP
_075_ Rarer Scrap Metal.ESP
_076_ The Tribe Unmourned (GHD).esp
_077_ Sleepers, Awake!.esp
_078_ Encumberance increaser StrX10.esp
_079_ Magical Missions.ESP
_080_ Tealpanda's Alchemy Essentials.esp
_081_ veg-TotW-MSrestored.esp
_082_ TR_Factions.esp
_083_ TR_Preview.esp
_084_ TR_Travels.esp
_085_ aru_signs_en.esp
_086_ SpeedandStamina.ESP
_087_ Vivec's Wearable Ashmask.ESP
_088_ Better Bodies.esp
_089_ Passive_Healthy_Wildlife.esp
_090_ entertainers.esp
_091_ Graphic Herbalism.esp
_092_ DXM_masterindex_journalfix.esp
_093_ Great House Dagoth ( Master Index Compatibility ).esp
_094_ Fair Magicka Regen 2.0b.esp
_095_ Better Clothes_v1.1_nac.esp
_096_ Leyawiin 1pt1.esp
_097_ Improved Argonians.esp
_098_ JWR_Dwemer_L.esp
_099_ Magic Diversity NO SOUND.ESP
_100_ Redoran War and Sathil Mercenary Armor.ESP
_101_ Clean_Chargen Revamped v2_3_2.esp
_102_ Mountains_of_Mournhold_V3.5.esp
_103_ mwse_Containers.esp
_104_ Graphic Herbalism Tamriel_Data.esp
_105_ Graphic Herbalism Tamriel_Data Extra.esp
_106_ KirasEnchantingOverhaul.ESP
_107_ LootWellUrned.ESP
_108_ Thieves Guild Regained Trust.ESP
_109_ MillionaireCreeper.esp
_110_ Meteorite Ministry Palace - Higher.ESP
_111_ ContainerWeightMaxed_1_M (1.1a).ESP
_112_ ContainerWeightMaxed_2_T (1.1a).ESP
_113_ ContainerWeightMaxed_3_B (1.1a).ESP
_114_ Morrowind Rebirth - Races [Addon].esp
_115_ Great House Vault Privileges.ESP
_116_ After the Blight.esp
_117_ Tamrielic Lore AddOn Museum Donations Any Time.esp
_118_ Tamrielic Lore AddOn MoA Improved Expanded.esp
_119_ Our Lady's Solace.esp
_120_ Graphic Herbalism Extra.esp
_121_ Sotha Sil Expanded.ESP
_122_ Our Lady's Solace - SSE Add-on.esp
_123_ Tamrielic Lore Script Insurance.esp
_124_ Morrowind Content Restoration - Merged.ESP
_125_ Unique Jewelry Redone.ESP
_126_ The Bloodskal Blade.esp
_127_ FM - Unique Items v1.0.ESP
_128_ Graphic Herbalism TotSP.esp
_129_ Lake Fjalding Anti-Suck.ESP
_130_ AndromedasFastTravel.esp
_131_ AndromedasFastTravel_RealSignPosts.esp
_132_ XE Sky Variations.esp
_133_ RubbersWeaponsPack.ESP
_134_ Protective Masks Redux.ESP
_135_ No One is Above the Law (Stable).ESP
_136_ Buoyant Armiger Armor.ESP
_137_ The Sanguine Rose.ESP
_138_ Brevur of Balmora - Finally Some Good Statue Mod.ESP
_139_ Talos Cult Revised.esp
_140_ DB Clothing Patch.ESP
_141_ Welcome Home.esp
_142_ Quests for Faction Leaders.ESP
_143_ NPC Faction Affiliation Corrector (Maximalistic).ESP
_144_ Bonemold_Armor.esp
_145_ Eclipse of the Crescent Blade - SpaceDevos Dialogue.ESP
_146_ Hostages.ESP
_147_ Welcome to the Arena! v6.7.esp
_148_ Lore-friendly Bal Molagmer Gloves.ESP
_149_ Blades Informant.ESP
_150_ The Rise of the Tribe Unmourned.esp
_151_ Morrowind Rebirth - Tools [Addon].ESP
_152_ Something's Not Right.ESP
_153_ Census_and_Excise_Office_Faction.ESP
_154_ Bounty_Hunter_BUNDLE.ESP
_155_ Clean The_G93_Vanilla_Quest_Tweaks_RP_Choices_Consequences_Super_Mega_Package_-_Ultimate_Edition.ESP
_156_ Bal Molagmer Add-on.ESP
_157_ Hiring Guards for the Redoran Stronghold - Honorable Solution.ESP
_158_ Grandfather Frost.esp
_159_ DD_2_ExpeditionToMzelthuand.esp
_160_ Xbox Menu Sound.esp
_161_ TD_Addon.esp
_162_ Merged Objects.esp
I'm not sure, as I downloaded the mods from the Nexus site yesterday, verified the BSas and everything. I wonder if it's due to another mod I installed looking for the old files.
2016-03-14 23:18
1 week 20 hours ago
That might be the case. Graphic herbalism for TR isn't needed anymore, maybe that causes it and links to old flora. TR data flora is now GH-ready out of the box. If you use mw.exe with mge.exe and mwse I suggest switching to the mwse graphic herbalism all together. Should be pluginless. Hopes this solves the missing textures on the TR side of the problem.
Running two patches doesn't help either.
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ArtStation 》Tumblr 》Sketchfab
2021-03-14 19:56
3 years 9 months ago
That worked! Thank you so much!
2016-03-14 23:18
1 week 20 hours ago
Great, have fun!
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ArtStation 》Tumblr 》Sketchfab