This is a conglomerate topic. It involves two distinct problems the TR and PC borders have.
While not in the actual release, TR InDev has moved its western border to meet up with Province: Cyrodiil’s eastern border.
Valus Mountains and the Marshes of Mir
This topic came up just after the map was moved west and the northern border of Black Marsh was hashed out.
It’s relevant for TR both because of the heightmap implications as well as the implications towards Stormhold, which is one of the biggest trading cities related to Narsis in our current plans. It should sit on an outlier of the Velothi mountains which curves east and divides Shipal-Shin’s canyons from Black Marsh proper.
Currently it doesn’t, at least not per regions.
It’s relevant for TR both because of the heightmap implications as well as the implications towards Stormhold, which is one of the biggest trading cities related to Narsis in our current plans. It should sit on an outlier of the Velothi mountains which curves east and divides Shipal-Shin’s canyons from Black Marsh proper.
Currently it doesn’t, at least not per regions.
We had an informal discussion in #cyrodiil (with pictures, which I’ll just quote underneath the spoiler.
May 14 22:18:57 <Anonytroll> guh, Scamp May 14 22:18:59 <Anonytroll> scaaamp May 14 22:19:07 <Scamp> guh guh May 14 22:19:10 <Scamp> sup May 14 22:19:24 <Anonytroll> wuh huh May 14 22:19:26 <Anonytroll> juh May 14 22:19:34 <Scamp> buh May 14 22:19:38 <Anonytroll> southern region planning is going well May 14 22:19:39 <Anonytroll> May 14 22:19:53 <Scamp> mmhm May 14 22:19:53 <Anonytroll> we're going to overwrite your cells - there will be an official "whoops" about it soonish May 14 22:20:13 <Scamp> hm? May 14 22:20:52 <Scamp> what are "my cells"? May 14 22:21:02 <Anonytroll> your as in PC's cells, silly May 14 22:21:13 <Scamp> but we haven't done anything near the border May 14 22:21:22 <Scamp> so clearly there's no "our cells" yet May 14 22:21:41 <Anonytroll> I swear, why do you have to make cross-project coordination so difficult? :< May 14 22:22:20 <Scamp> I don't think it's so difficult after all May 14 22:22:33 <Scamp> when we work on the eastern border we'll load your cells and match ours May 14 22:23:05 <Anonytroll> The sheer lack of interest in long-term planning is irritating me. May 14 22:23:17 <Scamp> mh May 14 22:23:39 <Scamp> not sure man May 14 22:23:48 <Anonytroll> Well, alright. May 14 22:23:56 <Scamp> you said you were overwriting stuff, not really asking for cooperation May 14 22:24:05 <Scamp> so how am I making it more difficult? :D May 14 22:24:57 <Scamp> not sure about long-term planning May 14 22:24:59 <Anonytroll> I was going to explain more in-depth, but you made your thing about "what are 'my cells'" and then the topic wandered from there. May 14 22:25:08 <Scamp> I see May 14 22:25:28 * Gnomey154 ( has joined May 14 22:25:29 <Scamp> explain away then May 14 22:25:46 <Scamp> here's Gnomey! hiya May 14 22:25:54 <Gnomey154> Hello! May 14 22:26:13 <Anonytroll> Well, our southern parts have moved west to account for the additional space which wasn't there before. May 14 22:27:01 <Scamp> but wasn't there always some sort of weird empty space in between the two provinces anyway? May 14 22:27:09 <Anonytroll> Not since the last heightmap May 14 22:27:14 <Anonytroll> (It's going to be in TR1606) May 14 22:27:25 <Anonytroll> There's still some in the north, but the south is pretty much spot on May 14 22:27:26 <Gnomey154> There may have been a bit of space, certainly, May 14 22:27:30 <Gnomey154> but not nearly as much. May 14 22:27:36 <Scamp> what's TR1606 now? May 14 22:28:01 <Anonytroll> The next release in June. May 14 22:28:21 <Scamp> interesting May 14 22:28:40 <Anonytroll> We're throwing shit at the wall and release what sticks every quarter of the year. May 14 22:28:58 <Scamp> alrighty, so is there anything in particular that seems to be overwritten by your recent heightmap changes? May 14 22:29:14 <Gnomey154> Basically we had our old Map 6 heightmap, which was the accumulated dust of over a decade of messing around, May 14 22:29:38 <Scamp> map 6 is a term I am certainly more familiar with May 14 22:29:39 <Gnomey154> then a newer heightmap - the current one - which brought it up to date with the very vague state of things, but also took a few liberties, May 14 22:29:44 <Gnomey154> and now the one I'm working on. May 14 22:29:57 <Anonytroll> Well, on the map I linked, the red dotted line is both the province border and the edge of the southern map. May 14 22:30:19 <Anonytroll> The brownish parts are what TR's cells are, and the pinkish(light brown ones) are PC's planned cells May 14 22:30:34 <Anonytroll> here'S one without the western regions: May 14 22:31:57 <Anonytroll> So the cells directly on the border are pretty much in the position those on the Skyrim border are - we're putting in Shipal-Shin's canyons over what PC assumes to be the Valus Mountain range. May 14 22:32:48 <Anonytroll> So we'd need to discuss how tall and how wide those things are supposed to be and if it would be better if we put some of the VAlus mountains on our side of the border and have you meet these up instead of canyons. May 14 22:33:53 <Scamp> sure, I wasn't expecting we'd have to match canyons anyway May 14 22:34:00 <Anonytroll> Something that's more relevant right now, though: is the Cyrodiil/Morrowind border supposed to have Septim's Gate fortified passes on both ends? May 14 22:34:21 <Scamp> hm May 14 22:34:26 <Scamp> how do the other border forts work? May 14 22:34:32 <Anonytroll> Dunno. May 14 22:34:41 <Gnomey154> From the images I've seen on P:C, it doesn't look like it will be too hard to get a nice border one way or the other; May 14 22:34:44 <Anonytroll> That came up in today's meeting, actually. May 14 22:35:01 <Scamp> I thought it'd be one fort for each pass really May 14 22:35:04 <Anonytroll> We have border passes on our side, but if there are double-forts or if the forts are only on one side would be up to ShotN. May 14 22:35:08 <Scamp> I guess we could go with another one if it makes sense May 14 22:35:28 <Gnomey154> the Marshes of Mir don't look incompatible with Shipal-shin, while the images for the Valus Mountains appear to have a compatible vertically-oriented shape. May 14 22:35:51 <Scamp> I'm not sure what you mean by "images" May 14 22:36:04 <Scamp> there really isn't anything there other than a heightmap that is terrible out of scale May 14 22:36:37 <Scamp> we had to lower it quite a bit in the western parts, I'd expect similar measures here May 14 22:36:39 <Gnomey154> Hm, one moment. And I should clarify that I'm not sure if the concepts are up-to-date. May 14 22:36:50 <Gnomey154> May 14 22:36:51 <Gnomey154> THere. May 14 22:37:06 <Scamp> ah you mean our conceptual ideas May 14 22:37:07 <Scamp> right May 14 22:37:59 <Gnomey154> So yeah, between these two images: May 14 22:38:07 <Gnomey154> You have something very much like Shipal-shin May 14 22:38:43 <Scamp> well May 14 22:39:05 <Scamp> how tall are these mountain ranges supposed to be near Septim's Gate May 14 22:39:05 <Anonytroll> I thought it was more red May 14 22:39:32 <Gnomey154> Yeah, it's red; I meant that the shape of the Valus mountains is roughly right while the colour of the marshes of Mir isn't far off. May 14 22:39:48 <Anonytroll> like May 14 22:39:51 <Anonytroll> ah May 14 22:39:57 <Gnomey154> As for how tall the mountains ranges are supposed to be, I'm frankly not sure. May 14 22:40:09 <Gnomey154> That can easily be adjusted one way or another on our side. May 14 22:40:22 <Gnomey154> All I can really say is 'not very low'; May 14 22:40:33 <Scamp> I mean May 14 22:40:47 <Scamp> how is there a need to match regions on either side if there's mountains in between anyway? May 14 22:41:15 <Gnomey154> Ah, mostly just figuring out the transition between the mountains. May 14 22:41:19 <Anonytroll> You know the image of the bridge over a canyone, with boths ends not meeting up with each other? May 14 22:41:25 <Scamp> if it were to be much more flat in terrain we'd have to worry about such things May 14 22:41:41 <Anonytroll> Also, I honestly want to avoid someone looking at our plans and saying "oh, TR is trampling all over everyone again, fuck those guys". May 14 22:41:48 <Scamp> no I don't know the image but I understand the imagery May 14 22:42:55 <Anonytroll> May 14 22:42:57 <Scamp> I just had the idea that maybe we'd we looking at the foothills of the Valus mountains here were they wouldn't be so high, so we could make a nice transition between the marshes and shipal May 14 22:43:26 <Gnomey154> Yeah, that's one of the solutions I was considering. May 14 22:43:30 <Scamp> although that probably is quite harder than doing it the "giant mountains" way, and I don't know if the mountains continue further south May 14 22:44:01 <Anonytroll> Oh, and they also should extend further south May 14 22:44:48 <Anonytroll> That is, the Marshes of Mir should not meet up with Shipal-Shin, because we're currently operating under the assumption that STormhold sits on an outlier of the Valus Mountains on a rocks/dusty region and thus needs all the trade it can get, propping up Narsis proper. May 14 22:45:23 <Scamp> so that bridge would be septim's pass, and you're worried about each end not matching up properly May 14 22:45:53 <Scamp> from what I've seen we shouldn't run into too much trouble here, though. May 14 22:48:14 <Gnomey154> I might make better sketches later, but for the time being: May 14 22:48:43 <Gnomey154> As I see it, those are the two main possibilities. Either the Valus proper continues (more or less) on the Cyrodiil side, May 14 22:48:58 <Gnomey154> and the Shipal-shin is effectiely just the Morrowind-facing foothills, May 14 22:49:28 <Gnomey154> or the Valus mountains transition into a sort of canyon-y zone there, down into Black Marsh. May 14 22:50:23 <Gnomey154> I'd really be fine with either, as long as we settle on one sooner or later. May 14 22:51:35 <Scamp> either way working on that transition will probably require us to have the same assets you're using in our data files (which, as far as I can see, might be merged soon-ish anyway?) May 14 22:51:54 <Scamp> I haven't really followed that discussion honestly May 14 22:51:57 <Gnomey154> Yeah, we should hopefully have our data files merged by then. May 14 22:52:24 <Gnomey154> Currently most that's going on, at least as far as I can tell, is nailing down the new naming conventions, May 14 22:52:42 <Gnomey154> so that the unified data files can be sensibly navigated. May 14 22:53:09 <Scamp> not an easy task, but I quite favor this May 14 22:54:25 <Scamp> I guess if the mountains are meant to be quite high here the first option is the one to go with May 14 22:54:47 <Scamp> but you really should open up a thread on our forums so that more people can give their input May 14 22:55:01 <Gnomey154> As I say, I think the height on our side is quite negotiable, May 14 22:55:22 <Gnomey154> but yeah, it seems like if we end up with a big height difference the first might be better, whereas if we don't the second might be better. May 14 22:55:58 <Gnomey154> And yeah, I do intend to make a thread there. I'll see if I find some time tomorrow. May 14 22:56:02 <Anonytroll> And extending the mountains down. May 14 22:56:25 <Anonytroll> I'd rather not have the discussion about if we should scrap the road to Stormhold again :< May 14 22:57:05 <Gnomey154> Just to be clear, do you want the Valus mountains to extend further south on the Cyrodiil side? May 14 22:57:33 <Anonytroll> Yes - they don'T work if they are all on the Shipal-Shin side. May 14 22:57:39 <Anonytroll> I'll make a quick mockup, hang on May 14 22:57:41 <Gnomey154> because I assumed they only followed Cyrodiil's border up to the current point and then curved east. May 14 22:58:58 <Anonytroll> well they would, but that's not what P:C is planning May 14 22:59:07 <Anonytroll> wait, er, no no May 14 22:59:10 <Anonytroll> hang on May 14 23:00:30 <Scamp> I thought our mountains were going to span the entire border on our side May 14 23:01:26 <Anonytroll> well, the Marshes of Mir block the VAlus mountains on your map May 14 23:01:35 <Anonytroll> So I think they are meant to end there May 14 23:01:43 <Anonytroll> May 14 23:01:50 <Anonytroll> That's how I imagine this should look like May 14 23:02:01 <Gnomey154> Ah, I keep overlooking that. May 14 23:02:09 <Scamp> May 14 23:02:47 <Anonytroll> I literally have that in my map May 14 23:03:01 <Scamp> not really May 14 23:03:10 <Anonytroll> Yes really. It is a layer, it's active May 14 23:03:47 <Anonytroll> The Valus Mountains are on the cell with Septim's Gate (or here: the unnamed border pass) in it, east of it, blocking the rest of the mountains, are the Marshes of Mir. May 14 23:04:35 <Gnomey154> Ah, the valus Mountain's continuation is hidden on your map Anony, May 14 23:04:43 <Gnomey154> as our cells are covering it. May 14 23:04:46 <Anonytroll> It is one cell May 14 23:04:56 <Gnomey154> Yeah, it could be wider on our side though. May 14 23:05:02 <Anonytroll> Unless you imagine that the Value Mountains continue in Shipal-Shin entirely. May 14 23:05:15 <Scamp> the thing I see is. You're covering some of the white cells on your map, but on our map the valus mountains continue all the way to the south May 14 23:05:17 <Anonytroll> Because then they can't extend to Stormhold May 14 23:05:26 <Scamp> so there's no blocking going on here May 14 23:06:17 <Anonytroll> It is one cell May 14 23:06:56 <Gnomey154> May 14 23:07:02 <Gnomey154> Possible solution? May 14 23:07:03 <Anonytroll> If the Mountains curve east in that one cell, it would have them extend all through SHipal-Shin May 14 23:07:21 <Gnomey154> 'm not quite sure how you think the mountains should continue south, hence the ugly-blobbiness. May 14 23:07:57 <Gnomey154> Thing wouldn't need to narrow as much by Septim's Gate either. May 14 23:08:00 <Scamp> we can always just make them wider in P:C as Anonytroll suggests May 14 23:08:03 <Anonytroll> That's a bit further east than I thought, but that's okay May 14 23:08:27 <Anonytroll> It would look weird, very steep May 14 23:08:33 <Anonytroll> But I guess that's MW for you May 14 23:08:50 <Anonytroll> (in the narrow part) May 14 23:09:00 <Gnomey154> It depends largely on how high we want the Valus Mountains to be tht far south, and how tall we want Shipal-shin to be. May 14 23:09:37 <Gnomey154> I'm not sure what elevation the Marshes of Mir are supposed to have; if they're around sea level, certainly, it might be rather extreme, May 14 23:09:51 <Scamp> well that one pass I worked on in map 5 was ridiculously steep on both sides too May 14 23:09:52 <Gnomey154> but I assumed they were a bit higher, at least near the Valus Mountains. May 14 23:09:58 <Scamp> you don't say "map 5" anymore, do you May 14 23:10:06 <Anonytroll> no May 14 23:10:12 <Gnomey154> That would be Velothis District now, May 14 23:10:15 <Scamp> I'm old May 14 23:10:16 <Scamp> xD May 14 23:10:20 <Gnomey154> but Map 5 still works for the sake of clarity, really. May 14 23:10:25 <Anonytroll> That would be the Shotn border in my mind May 14 23:10:30 <Gnomey154> (Well, clarity for older members. :-P) May 14 23:11:00 <Scamp> yah I was just saying it works with the steepness. Although it's quite ugly tbh May 14 23:11:49 <Scamp> if we make this a sort of rock-hilly transitional region we wouldn't have that problem May 14 23:12:01 <Scamp> but that's entirely up for discussion May 14 23:14:31 <Anonytroll> May 14 23:15:25 <Anonytroll> So, how's that? Two cell extension into Cyrodiil, more east into TR. The mountains wouild be less steep and could decline in height the more south they go. May 14 23:15:40 <Scamp> this could work May 14 23:15:41 <Anonytroll> The little mountain outlier would allow the Marshes of Mir to extend east. May 14 23:16:07 <Gnomey154> Yup, works for me. May 14 23:16:15 <Anonytroll> And the rocky/dusty thing of Stormhold is still there, as it's still south of Shipal-shin and block off rain from the west too May 14 23:16:19 <Anonytroll> Excellent May 14 23:16:21 <Scamp> just looking at the map now, those mountains will be a challenge anyway. In some places they span 2 or 3 cells. Quite hard to pull off in a decent manner May 14 23:16:25 <Anonytroll> Now someone needs to tell Infragris May 14 23:16:29 <Gnomey154> Could you draw a rough concept or link an image of roughly how you imagined the mountains around Stormhold to be? May 14 23:19:47 <Gnomey154> My image is something sort of like the moutnains here, (specifically on the left): May 14 23:19:52 <Gnomey154> So basically Shipal-shin. May 14 23:19:58 <Anonytroll> May 14 23:20:12 <Anonytroll> May 14 23:20:32 <Anonytroll> or even May 14 23:21:07 <Anonytroll> but mostly morrocco May 14 23:21:12 <Gnomey154> Hm, not very far off. So basically Shipal-shin + a ton of erosion then? May 14 23:22:08 <Anonytroll> Sure, but from both sides. It's still a good bit more elevated than Black Marsh proper, mind, otherwise there would be more proper useable soil there. May 14 23:22:37 <Gnomey154> Yeah. Ok, I can work with that.
I believe this has never gone anywhere officially, but “we’ll see how TR does things” is not going to cut it when TR is trying to see what PC wants to have in this region. We can reduce heightmap reworking on both ends if we agree on a common border height at least, and properly plan TR’s southern border.
See also the attached images for how Gnomey pictured the border could go in either case.
2015-09-28 20:13
2 years 8 months ago
Border Passes
I’m quoting Gnomey here, since I don’t have associated maps to point out the problem (zooming in the UESP map might help?)
2016-01-17 14:03
7 months 2 weeks ago
Hey, I didn’t notice this discussion before. Mir and the eastern jungles are probably going to be one of the last regions we will work on, so most designs for it are still very much speculative. In itself, I don’t object to TR doing its thing with these regions, as I don’t want to impose restrictions based on designs that might not be implemented in their current shape.
For the P:C side, I am in favor of the first of Gnomey’s designs. The Mir is conceived as a kind of transitional region between the upper Valus Mountains and the mangrove swamps of Blackwood, which is alomost entirely at sea level. As such, the Mir itself is still quite elevated and rocky in places. The region forms a large caldera surrounding Lake Canulus.
One thing about the height of these mountain ranges: preliminary designs for the Valus Mountains (which are supposed to be the same mountain range as the Velothi Mountains in Morrowind) describe them as low and eroded, to set them apart from the northern Jerall Mountains (which are the foothills to the Snow Throath massive in Skyrim). How high/sharp, relatively speaking, is TR planning to make these mountains?
About the border forts: Cyrodiil will almost certainly have a number of Imperial border forts on their side of the passes, dating back to the Reman and Tiber era border wars. Wouldn’t want those violent dunmer getting ideas, after all. The area of Cheydinhal will also feature some refugee settlements for Dumeri dissident exiles and political refugees.
2015-09-28 20:13
2 years 8 months ago
Sounds good, the first design looks more real to me as well.
The current rough heightmap in InDev has a height of 8700. I’d say thereabout. The actual shape and slope is pretty much how the picture looks: a general roundish shape at the same level then sharp drop-offs into canyons.