W*E*R*D*N*A's Interior Showcase

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W-E-R-D-N-A's picture
Interior Developer
2020-10-12 01:06
Last seen:
4 months 3 weeks ago

Attached is my showcase based on shell 7 in the image. The cell name is TR_ix-xx-Hla.

The basic idea for my interior was a 2 story Hlaalu farm house inhabited by a legion veteran western dunmer who took his pay and worldy possessions and bought a farm in the Motherland, perhaps near Kragenmoor. He shares the home with his wife, a native dunmer woman.

Binary Data WERDNA's_Showcase.esp12.48 KB2022-05-27 03:44
Peter's picture
Developer EmeritusSenior DeveloperInterior Reviewer
2021-09-07 12:38
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2 months 2 weeks ago


W-E-R-D-N-A's picture
Interior Developer
2020-10-12 01:06
Last seen:
4 months 3 weeks ago

May be premature, but BUMP!

Mark's picture
ModeratorSenior DeveloperInterior ReviewerQuest Developer
2020-07-31 02:09
Last seen:
1 week 6 days ago

Name: TR_ix-xx-Hla (for the record, we don’t name int claims this way anymore in TR. For Narsis, it would be something like TR_Narsis_01. For the purposes of showcases, TR_Showcase is just fine)
Clean: Yes
Lighting: Sunlight should be lower, around 25/20/15 (because it oversaturates and lights up only one side of the int), and Ambient should be brown to compensate. There’s also lots of greenlight present, so lower the radii of your larger light sources. 
Northmarker: Present, good
Fits exterior: Yes
Pathgrid: Okay, extra unnecessary node by the top door.
Illegal to Sleep Here: Yes, correct
Gridsnap: Good


All tapestries are bleeding.


Big rugs should be bled to hide the effect of floating tassels


Don’t put tapestries behind furniture. You can keep the one behind the bed because you can see most of it, but otherwise (like the sides of the bed, behind the dresser, behind the desk), remove them.
I know it’s for a dunmer and his wife, but the bed is inaccessible to any character in-world so I’d replace it with a single one and move it against one of the sides.
There are multiple instances in which movement and navigability is put into jeopardy by furniture placement. Move the table on the top floor to the corner so it doesn't block the walkway, and I suggest taking the small table, moving it beside the new single bed, and pushing the dresser closer to the corner.

"On Morrowind" is a special MQ reward book even if it seems generic at heart, so remove that.

Worst examples of greenlight, though others exist in the int:

Target ambient lighting color:

Proper tapestry placement:

W-E-R-D-N-A's picture
Interior Developer
2020-10-12 01:06
Last seen:
4 months 3 weeks ago

Draft 2. This one should have all the object positioning fixed and correct ambient lighting. Hopefully there is no green light remaining.

Binary Data WERDNA's_Showcase_v2.esp12.04 KB2022-06-16 02:54
Mark's picture
ModeratorSenior DeveloperInterior ReviewerQuest Developer
2020-07-31 02:09
Last seen:
1 week 6 days ago

Still a couple lighting problems. Good that you downsized the lanterns, but the redware lamp on top of all that is causing greenlight. Swap it with a light_de_buglamp_01_64 (which has a radius that is half the size of the redware lamp), and turn the flame away from the center of the table. This minimizes greenlight. See picture below.

(This is before, see how it is much brighter and it's turning the nearby wall trim and some of the tabletop into a greenish color)

(this is after the change, less bright and next to no noticeable greenlight)


Similarly, replace the light_de_candle_03 in the hallway downstairs with a light_de_candle_03_64 because it is also causing greenlight. Here's another before/after comparison:


2 more things:

- lower the shelf with the shield on it a bit, as there is some greenlight on the top beams that could be toned down a bit (normally, greenlight on ceilings is unavoidable when you have to put lanterns up, but in this case, lowering a shelf that is already pretty high can help a bit)

- Add a light source by the main door to the house. It's currently dark in that spot


Other than these things, the int looks much nicer and is very close to completion. 

W-E-R-D-N-A's picture
Interior Developer
2020-10-12 01:06
Last seen:
4 months 3 weeks ago

All the recommended fixes should be made in this one.

Binary Data WERDNA's_Showcase_v3.esp12.19 KB2022-06-19 21:33
Mark's picture
ModeratorSenior DeveloperInterior ReviewerQuest Developer
2020-07-31 02:09
Last seen:
1 week 6 days ago

With everything fixed, promoting you to int dev