Yashazmus temporary companions

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SpecialK's picture
2021-04-07 08:43
Last seen:
5 months 3 weeks ago

So I've seen this in the reported bugs, but in Yashazmus during the Gah Sadrith Inquisiton quest, the inquisitor companions keep getting stuck or falling off the ledges in the main shrine. And shortly after getting the daedric naginata, Eranil just completely vanished somehow, nowhere to be found even with detect creature magic (he did not die). Unfortunately I saved before realizing this. Could someone give me his object ID so I could try consoling him back into existence? Or would that break his scripting?

Rot's picture
Quest Developer
2014-03-16 17:45
Last seen:
2 years 1 week ago

TR_m1_Q_Eranil  should be the relevant NPC ID, not sure about the script logic in your situation. You could try TR_m1_Q_Eranil->Enable but it's apparently intended for him to vanish when you change cells after Ilwen is dead, so if that's what happened it would happen again.