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Disclaimer: I haven't played this quest. I noticed this discrepancy based on a lucky find while modding and I present the consequences based my knowledge on how the game journal works. If I'm mistaken and it's working as intended, then we can close it & I'm sorry.
I noticed that the "TR_m1_FG_Protection2" Dialogue record has only three journal entries (quest index 10, 100, 101) but no "first entry" with a Quest Name checkbox checked. Same for "TR_m1_FG_Protection3" and "TR_m1_FG_Protection4". Only the "TR_m1_FG_Protection" Dialogue has the "Fighters Guild: Proactive Protection" quest name entry.
If I'm not mistaken, then this means that all entries from records "2", "3", "4" shall not be considered as this quest in the post-Tribunal MW game journal. In other words: when the player filters the "Fighters Guild: Proactive Protection" quest in the journal options submenu, then only the entries from "TR_m1_FG_Protection" shall show. This is a bug, right?
I mean, here's an example which I understand is working as intended: the "Belated Justice" quest in OE has multiple Dialogue records ("TR_m3_OE_BelatedJustice" and "TR_m3_OE_BelatedJusticeA" through to "TR_m3_OE_BelatedJusticeH") and every one of them has a Quest Name first entry "Belated Justice".