Priority: UnsortedAsset Progress: 0Race: Dark ElfFaction: Great House DresStatus: Closed (Rejected)Asset Type: ArchitectureDescriptionConcept art or meshes for Dres canton interiors. See exterior pieces. SiberianCrab concept for floor tiles: #1 #2 Log in or register to post comments Comments These Dres 'cantons' should These Dres 'cantons' should use the standard Dres interior tileset, and won't necessarily be hollow. They are mostly just platforms for the Dres buildings. Edit: in other words, I think this asset entry should be moved to 'closed'. Log in or register to post comments Closing, reopen later if Closing, reopen later if different pieces needed for corridors/interior Log in or register to post comments
These Dres 'cantons' should These Dres 'cantons' should use the standard Dres interior tileset, and won't necessarily be hollow. They are mostly just platforms for the Dres buildings. Edit: in other words, I think this asset entry should be moved to 'closed'. Log in or register to post comments
Closing, reopen later if Closing, reopen later if different pieces needed for corridors/interior Log in or register to post comments
These Dres 'cantons' should
These Dres 'cantons' should use the standard Dres interior tileset, and won't necessarily be hollow. They are mostly just platforms for the Dres buildings.
Edit: in other words, I think this asset entry should be moved to 'closed'.
Closing, reopen later if
Closing, reopen later if different pieces needed for corridors/interior