Asset & scripting proposals for the Canyon Echo newspaper in Narsis - The proposal contains: - The newspaper model (the same as in OE and Anvil, just copied and a texture path changed) - The texture - The icon - The ESP file, in which:
I find it difficult to believe that not a single person realized how the Minotaurs sounded (e.g. barrowguards making silt strider sounds for some reason), but it wasn't fixed in the recent TD release regardless. This ESP makes them use the cow sounds, which is still not a great situation, but at least it is better.
Asset Request for Orsimer assorted food items and cooking devices. Orc diet generally consists out of (woollypillar) meat prepared in all forms, foraged mountain plants, and honeydew. Now more recently, grains have increasingly started to become more important to the diet. Aside from drinking hot water, Orsimer generally also drink salted hemolymph and a mountainous honeydew ferment called mountain dew-swill. Below is an extensive description.
Currently, hf_furn_rga_r_Ctable2.nif have a collision mesh a bit longer than it's mesh, making it not siting directly in the ground with the F command. The claims aims to fix that.