Saturday March 5 6:00 GMT meeting (held on discord:)
Discussion leader: Gnomey
Note-taker (secretary): N/A (mostly those who took part in the meeting)
-the claims system
-preparing TR’s scheduled March release
TR_InDev is a master merge file of mostly old, incomplete work, which section files are split off from; currently there are things in InDev which shouldn’t be there (namely, quests for Teyn). The resulting issues should not grow any larger over time, but remain as they are, so the solution is to buddha it out.
From now on, “Merge” files will be consistently named “Section” files.
TR will now host most of its files (including the major downloads) on the site. The zip files for our major releases will be hosted elsewhere.
Since the Claims Browser is getting automated, the issues are how one stage progresses into the next:
- There will be a new “Claim Pending” stage, which Claimants get when they click the “claim claim” link.
- Reviewers can be added to the claim with one click.
- The final settings from “In Review” to “Finished” to “Merged” can only be set by editing the claim, so only Leads will be able to do so.
Exterior claims will be merged into section claims. Exterior claim borders within the section claim will be fixed, while the section claim borders will initially be left as is. Whenever a TR_Preview merge is put together, the gaps in the landscape between sections will be roughly closed for that merge with Seneca’s script. The borders will only get a proper fix as they are merged into TR_mainland. This approach should spare us the need to repeatedly cut apart landmasses. Particularly massive landscape gaps should be spotted before creating the section files so that we can merge the relevant exteriors into the same file and fix the gaps early.
We will be expanding our galleries; for one thing, our maps should be hosted there, but we’ll also be trying to accommodate more general use and encourage developers to host their TR images on-site.
(names in brackets indicate who is likely to work on the given task either way; more help is always welcome)
- finish updating files (Gnomey, Seneca, Not and Anonytroll), write changelog
- work on release video (Kaziem)
- interview (Kaziem, Gnomey, maybe Not)
- add page clarifying what sort of TR work needs to be done to the handbook: reviewers (who need to complete interior claims first), concept artists, modellers; get handbook presentable