Around Akamora





Game version: 




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Fixed for Version: 


TR_m2_Baro Kelaius00000000    The Inn Between    4307    4881    14466    "Imperial with a cool story, but gives me the option I can kill him for a contract, which I didn't recieve (yet). Is that a dialogue joke or something?"    
T_MwDe_SetInd_Cul2Empty    Akamora (30,-11)    253588    -84952    4412    "urns in cliff"    
flora_stoneflower_0100000004    Mephalan Vales Region (30,-14)    252092    -112556    4553    "caspering cliff under this stoneflower"    
flora_tree_wg_05    Mephalan Vales Region (31,-13)    260124    -106112    3922    "tree in cliff"    
terrain_rock_wg_17    Akamora (30,-12)    250428    -94344    2275    "rock through bridge"    
Terrain_rocks_WG_01    Mephalan Vales Region (29,-12)    238335    -91949    1968    "caspering cliff end through rock above here."    
ex_de_docks_center    Mephalan Vales Region (28,-13)    237448    -101670    1496    "rock is blocking walkway off bridge"    
light_de_lantern_02_256_Off    Akamora, Tiranat-Parys Egg Mine    3924    915    2792    "lanterns not burning"    
T_Imp_Legion_Saber_01    Akamora, Indaren Manor    3544    3844    14659    "imperial sabre displayed at an indoril noble's house?"    
in_MH_int_wall_01    Akamora, Varen Manor    3392    3520    14912    "what's with the waterfall mist, something changed in this inerior over time?"    


Can't edit this report, but I

Dillonn241's picture

Can't edit this report, but I fixed all the casperers/bleeders. Here's what's left:
TR_m2_Baro Kelaius00000000    The Inn Between    4307    4881    14466    "Imperial with a cool story, but gives me the option I can kill him for a contract, which I didn't recieve (yet). Is that a dialogue joke or something?"   
light_de_lantern_02_256_Off    Akamora, Tiranat-Parys Egg Mine    3924    915    2792    "lanterns not burning"    
T_Imp_Legion_Saber_01    Akamora, Indaren Manor    3544    3844    14659    "imperial sabre displayed at an indoril noble's house?"    
in_MH_int_wall_01    Akamora, Varen Manor    3392    3520    14912    "what's with the waterfall mist, something changed in this inerior over time?"    

Concerning #1, I wasn't able to get that dialogue so I have a feeling a quest was active there. #2 seems likely to be an error, but may want to double check that there is no story-related reason for it (abandoned?). Same with #3, though I'm more sure that's an error. Didn't check #4.

at #1: I think this was meant

Arvisrend's picture

at #1: I think this was meant as a quest hook for one day. Anyway, the dialogue is too awesome to mess with IMHO. Rule of cool!

at #2:

Tiranat-Parys Eggmine:<BR>
Recently abandoned, the Parys family claims that it was sabotaged. We are not sure about that, perhaps the mine wasn't managed well enough.<BR>

at #3: A trophy perhaps?