This is a new house just north of Balmora for a seamstress/clothier named Meraesa Carith. It is intended to be a middle-class (ish) home that doubles as a workshop. The house is just below the temple on the northern side of town.
I have attempted to get the lighting just right, but it may still be a bit too dark. There are four custom lights in the entry area near the small dining table that have been scripted to switch out during the day; morning, midday, afternoon, and night. They should track Morrowinds day/night cycle.
2020-07-31 02:09
3 weeks 2 days ago
Good effort (and applaudable creativity), but there are several big no-no's before we proceed as normal with this review:
These were the big issues at a glance, fix these and I will delve more deeply into object placement and stuff.
2022-07-09 03:41
1 year 7 months ago
Ok, I believe I have addressed all of the things you mentioned. The pet scrib is gone, as is Maraesa (though she still exists to keep ownership). Automatic lighting was removed, and all lights were normalized to either the bamboo white, multi-candle (melts), or lanterns. Interior lighting was adjusted up as per the guideline and the bedroom / plate setting at the table was altered to use middle-class items.
2020-07-31 02:09
3 weeks 2 days ago
Maurvir’s Showcase
Name: TR Meraesa Carith’s House
Clean: Clean out the custom-made lanterns and use the vanilla ones that are the same (light_de_paper_lantern_01_128). Also, clean out the NPC, int devs don’t deal with object ownership anyway.
Lighting: Good
Northmarker: Present, good
Fits exterior: Fits a ex_hlaalu_b_07, good
Pathgrid: One issue (see below)
Illegal to Sleep Here: Yes, correct
Gridsnap: The tile piece containing the bed has moved off grid
All tapestries (see below)
T_De_Weight_01: bleeding into the table
T_Imp_Clothbolt_01: bleeding right through the floor and the ceiling below
Furn_de_rug_big_04: bleeding into the walls (should be downscaled a bit)
Sacks should be bled a bit into the floor so they arent standing up on a point and because it looks more physically realistic
Rugs should be bled into the floor so it doesn’t look like the tassels are floating
Remove the inside locks from the loaddoors
Rescale the tapestries back to 1.0
Replace the silver utensils with wooden ones to match the class
Again, replace the com_closet_01 with a de_p equivalent
Do not rescale miscs (or any object you can pick up). Put them back to 1.0 (T_Com_ClothPurple_01, TR_mc_ledger)
TR_mc_ledger: while I see the appeal of having custom objects, this one doesn’t really add anything to the int at all. If you want to show a temple side to the owner, placing religious books around would do fine. The other note, however, is good.
Pathgrid issue:
Connect the two on the left instead of the two in the back. The connection right now is bleeding through the post
Proper tapestry placement:
2022-07-09 03:41
1 year 7 months ago
Third try is a charm, I hope, Custom lights have been switched out, all misc items are back to 1.0 scale, and the clipping bolt of cloth has been corrected. The closet in the pantry has also been replaced with a de_p version.
2020-07-31 02:09
3 weeks 2 days ago
With all issues fixed, promoting you to int developer