Clippers, floaters, missing npc etc.





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Hi! Long time lurker, once- developer (briefly) here. I've been playing TR since DoDEoE. I've been noticing lots of small visual errors and some wierd things in quests, but sadly I only just decided to start writing a list as I play and post things on the bugtracker. Please let me know how I can be more helpful (perhaps I should be taking screenshots as I play?). 

- Andothren northwestern gate is not properly aligned with the wall, clipping.

- The Andothren FG quest that has you searching for the thieving cliff racer has poor directions from the mirror/silverware merchant - she tells you to exit the western gate, but there is a northwestern and southwestern gate. Perhaps this is intentional but seems a bit off.

- Duvana's hut East of OE, slightly east of Serynthul is missing Duvana (not in interior or exterie) - in the MG quest where you fetch ingredients you are directed to ask farmer if you can pick their produce, but there is nobody to ask.

- Those cells se of ebonheart and south of Serynthul have many floating trees and rocks, especially in the places where the terrain is steeper around the river.

- there's a weird orange dust cloud behind Vhul (the inn I believe). There's 5 or 6 clumps of orange moss there but the cloud really sticks out especially at night (perhaps this is intentional).

- The archway into Vhul is clipping - seems the two sides of the gate are not properly aligned.

Hope this is helpful! Feedback on my feedback appreciated, more will come as I play for sure.
