TR_SH11_Hunza_1-2 Tent 1: Tent of the Clan’s healer. Trained in restoration & alchemy by the Temple so include a few religious texts. Sells some potions including fortify strength.
Tent 2: Tent of a Shinathi who can offer basic weaponry, armour, and repair services.
TR_SH11_Hunza_Saharkhan Tent of the grizzled Hunza Saharkhan. A well-traveled mercenary before settling as the clan-leader. Include an enchanted Council Watch helm amongst a few treasures from his past-life & recent clan lootings. Include a pair of hammocks for him & his wife, and some separate bedding for a few martial companions.
TR_SH11_Dae_Assukilunend Medium daedric ruin of Mehrunes Dagon. Occupied by Dagon cultists & daedra. On claimant's preference it can include a small caveSH section using the transition piece.
TR_SH11_Cave_Hannit Cave containing a Kwoom breeding pool. Associated with the Hunza clan. The cavern should climb to the top of the mesa and terminate with a pool chamber where the Kwoom are bred. Ensure the pool is not too deep for the kwoom. The upwards path should be guarded by Hunza Shinathi. Do not include smuggler storage.
TR_SH11_Tomb_Sadreno Medium ancestral tomb. Looted and occupied by Grave Maggots goblins. A broken wall leads to a small caveSH section that contains pens of captives ripe for eating.
TR_SH11_Tower_Virdad Small velothi tower, occupied by a small group of Buoyant Armigers who have recently taken the tower from a warlock. Include a cell where they are keeping the warlock.
TR_SH11_Tent_A1 Tent of a Shinathi bandit. Contains some stolen loot, archery gear, and a few skulls collected from his victims. The Shinathi is not inside the tent, but stands outside armed with a bow.
This is the claim for standard, vanilla-like Hammerfell crates. Can be expanded with custom variants, but it's made to have RGA-wood-textured variants that are usable possibly in not long time, even for Abecean Shores release. Obviously with Sutch and especially Rihad and Stros releases, this claim will get even bigger priority.