This claim is for general NPCing work for Veloth's Path south and west of Hlan Oek. Implement NPCs and local dialogue according to the below guidelines. Do NOT implement quests without discussing these, but feel free to suggest misc. quest hooks and discuss these in the comments below and/or on Discord for later quest claim stages.
This claim is for general NPCing work for the major Daedric shrines and the Chimer Fortress in the Lake Andaram release. Implement NPCs and local dialogue according to the below guidelines and interior claim descriptions. Do NOT implement quests without discussing these, but feel free to suggest misc. quest hooks and discuss these in the comments below and/or on Discord for later quest claim stages.
This claim is for general NPCing work for the town of Idathren. Implement NPCs and local dialogue according to the below guidelines and interior claim descriptions. Do NOT implement quests without discussing these, but feel free to suggest misc. quest hooks and discuss these in the comments below and/or on Discord for later quest claim stages.
This claim is for general NPCing work for the town of Hlan Oek. Implement NPCs and local dialogue according to the below guidelines and interior claim descriptions. Do NOT implement quests without discussing these, but feel free to suggest misc. quest hooks and discuss these in the comments below and/or on Discord for later quest claim stages.
I edited this from one of the sneezes because I wanted to have some soft weeping for my Temple claim. Very basic sound cut of an existing vanilla line.
The 2nd rock texture for OW ( needs to be changed to be a mossier version of 01, instead of being Shipal-Shin layer 2 with the same moss. You're welcome to change the moss texture of 01 as well if you wish, if you think it looks like corny poop (not a common complaint but one I've seen more than once.) After this is done the 2 of them should get a variant rotated 90 degrees, just use the same ID and filename with a b at the end.
We need another scrub texture or 2. It should be pale-ish purple and/or red.
Distinct heads and (skin) textures for Malahk Orcs. Originals contributed by Rats. Rats mentioned the face textures are 512x256 and may need to be upscaled for HD / downscaled for SD?