
Less Murderous Hoom & Tame Variant

In the current T_D, Hoom are murderous savages that will charge the player as soon as they come into view. This .esp changes their default Fight value to 81 (similar to horkers) causing them to only attack if approached directly. Also introduces a Tame Hoom / T_Mw_Fau_Hoom_Tame_01 with Fight set to 30, which can be placed in pens without them trying to murder the player as soon as they enter the cell.

Request: Open-top Hlaalu Staircases

This is a request for open-top versions (without the ledge framing highlighted in red) of the following three existing staircases, for use in atrium-style Hlaalu set rooms. Will be essential for the Mages Guild  in Narsis and probably future large ints as well.

  • T_De_SetHla_I_Stairs_L_01
  • T_De_SetHla_I_Stairs_M_01
  • T_De_SetHla_I_Stairs_R_01

Asset Request: Variant pieces for Vanilla Bread.

Asset request for variant pieces for the vanilla bread.

Noticed that "deshaan bread"  from data is ending up over-used compared to the default bread owing to it having more shapes to work with, namely half loaves and slices, as such putting in a request for such variants for the vanilla bread to help correct the disparity.


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