Dark Elf

More cutlery variants

Often working on dunmer M interiors, it can be seen how little variety cutlery has. It is usually choice between P-like wood variants and R-like ones (silverware, blueware). Having some in the middle would be beneficial not only because of fitting to M interiors, but also because it could also be used to stage P and R interiors (for example M cutlery in R interiors would mean rich family that slowly sells their more expensive goods because of money problems).

Guide to Andrethis

The Guide to Andrethis text will need to be written up to replace the placeholder asset used for Narsis: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/asset/generic-hlaalu-documents-and-scrip...

Written in the style of the other "Guide to" texts.

For information gathering when writing this, Andrethis was renamed from Saint Seryn so try using the former name as a search term if you're struggling to find info on the site.

Dres Architecture

Dres architecture following the agreed upon design in the Dres document: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/forum/proposal-rework-dres-tileset

The artworks of the individual buildings are more up to date, following a discussion on discord, so use those as a primary style reference with the large image serving as examples of form.

All art provided by athcliath97


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