The in_strong_corr#_0# is missing these two pieces: three corner pillars and two corner pillars on oppisite sides. If these new assets had vanilla names they would be in_strong_corr4_05 and 06. These don't need strongruin variants. The vanilla meshes to base this off of are i/in_strong_corr4_01-04.nif.
First of a series of three or four books, different accounts of the First Council by Sotha Sil's servants. Should be rare and kept by mystics and high-level scholars.
This is a rewrite of the book "True Telvanni Nobility", found for example on the downstairs bed of Midaan Manor in Tel Ouada (asset id: t_bk_truetelvanninobilitytr). Since the text, as it stands, sounded a little too clunky for its purported author, I took the liberty of rewriting it, while keeping most of its original focus and tone. I also kept all the old alignment and page break tags in the original book intact. Unfortuntately, I cannot implement it, as I lack access to the CS.