Dark Elf

Gospel of Saint Veloth (Take 4)

Well, I got a burst of inspiration today so decided to take a stab at my own version of the Gospel of Saint Veloth, which had been attempted three times before.

On the one hand I managed to finish my version, on the other hand its language ended up a good deal more esoteric and impenetrable than I had initially intended. As such, unless its indecipherable nature is judged to work to its benefit, this will probably require a lot of feedback and tweaking.

Container Set

in need of issue check.
Meshes and textures should be renamed / textures might change color if needed.

*** added roped barrels and urns
*** added the other barrels


The player finds a talking skull. It turns out to be the head of an ancestor guardian (some sort of intelligent bonewalker?) that an adventurer knocked off its body, and now it can't move around on its own. It tells the story of how the body killed the adventurer but then wandered off and fell off a cliff/into a river/etc and was destroyed. The skull asks the player to take it to its family so it can be properly reinstated.


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