


Currently in development

Checked out: 


Release File page to hold the patch that removes TR's Firemoth, for those who prefer to play without it. Needed for compatibility with the original plugin or other Firemoth overhauls.

What this does:

  • Like the old Firemoth patch, this one also edits the landscape to fix underwater land tears that occur when your run the original Siege at Firemoth with TR.
  • Changes cellnames of the Firemoth cells to match the original Siege at Firemoth plugins.
  • Includes a start script that sets the global variable that controls the stage of Tamriel Rebuilt's Firemoth quest to "-1". This disables scripted objects (including enemies) involved in the questline, and blocks all of the relevant dialogue from appearing to the player.
  • Removes all TR-placed references from the Firemoth cells that aren't disabled by the global variable and that interfere in some way with the original Siege at Firemoth (meaning most of the underwater detailing added by TR is preserved)
  • Adds dummy cells named "Firemoth Legion Fort" and "Sulfurwatch Keep", and places certain items in them, to prevent certain scripts from erroring.

This allows you to:

  • Run the original Firemoth plugin (or any of its derivatives that don't make drastic exterior changes) alongside TR without landtears.
  • Remove any Firemoth-related content from your game, if you can ignore the empty Saros Archipelago landmass.

This doesn't allow you to:

  • Run any Firemoth plugins that make drastic exterior changes to the original without landtears. For example, Firemoth Reclaimed will work with TR if you would load this patch before it, but the landscape around it is going to be somewhat messed up. That would need a separate patch that makes more extensive landscape edits. Of course, this patch could be used as basis for that.
  • Completely remove all traces of Firemoth from your game. Again, that would need a separate patch.

Load order is Siege at Firemoth.esp -> TR_Firemoth_remover.esp. If you just want to remove the Firemoth content from your game, you can run this standalone
