Tholer Andas' forcegreeting is called from two scripts: Andas battle script (when you're close enough) and vault guard script (when they're attacked). GetAttacked check in the vault guard script may infinitely trigger Andas' forcegreeting because it doesn't have a variable check or anything like that. Forcegreeting in Andas battle script, on the other hand, is wrapped into a shoutonce == 0 check and sets it to 1.
Can be on the seabed, rocks, or in tunnels near dreugh citadels. They mine and use this type of coral a lot in their architecture and décor (though it's probably not the only kind). Would have Graphic Herbalism switch on the meshes as it can be mined/harvested. Art by me (Fluxbender).
Would be great to have for Lake Andaram (Paruddma's Maw), or, failing that, Lake Coronati in Narsis release. And of course in the Inner Sea, Padomaic Ocean, etc.
Concept art requested by some developers for Dreugh Clutter by Tammilisäke. Probably has a priority level above low due to the Dreugh citadel assets being currently in development.