Stream on old Gorne (41, -29) uses still water pieces or flowing but in wrong direction. Also they could be better aligned to waterfalls. As now there are many gaps and caspering places.
There are currently 22 instances of the Abacean variant of dried slaughterfish in the Narsis section - while I can see this being an expensive import for some wealthy narsis nobles, it seems far too widespread, and even shows up in the fishery, which is supposed to contain fresh fish caught in the Thirr. The use of these items should probably be cut down, and its id should probably reflect its abacean origins to prevent further misuse.
Sword of Venomous Thunder, weapon of target of final Roa Dyr bounty has some crazy values.
It's adamantium saber with half its weight, fourteenth its value, half its health and some op enchantment with 20 charges. It should be brough closer to base weapon values.
As title says. TR_m1_Elos Uvelen, the Publican of the Dustmoth Legion Fort in Firewatch uses the generic greeting where he says that a player can rent a bed here, but then tells players to get lost in the "Beds" topic.
Aimrah still has discrepancies with chapel they're under. Aimrah topic got updated to Indoril Beroth of Nanaav. Hetman in background and my trade still mentions Indoril Ilvi of Roa Dyr.
As title says. After the recent rename of the Mournhold set pieces in T_Data, two of the buildings IDs weren't swapped for their new correct equivalents. Revane explained in detail here: In game this results in missing buildings.