
Rilvin Dral disappears immediately after dying

When fixing the first issue in https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/bugtracker/unseating-rilvin-dral-issues, I have accidentaly introduced a new issue - Dral is now disabled properly when you kill the Dral copy, however he's also disabled instantly once he dies if you follow the quest progress as most people will and confront him at Tel Thenim, meaning you can't loot him for his gear.

The Prince and the Pauper Hlerynhul quest ending problems

The guy whom you rescue returns to Hlerynhul Temple but:

- He has nothing to say to the player.

- He has funky AI settings that make him walk into walls.

- His friend, the questgiver, has little to say to you when you resque the guy.

- It is not clear that the reward will be given by the Temple minister.

Seven Families book placements

There are currently only three placements of T_Bk_SevenFamiliesTR_V1 in Narsis, and just one placement of T_Bk_SevenFamiliesTR_V2. These are excellent books on Hlaalu history which concern the seven families, which will probably be missed by players, particularly the second volume. In my opinion each of the seven families' manors should at least contain a copy of the book which concerns their own family. There is currently a copy of both volumes in the second family manor, but the first, sixth and seventh family manor lack any.

Tarbus Norin doesn't use weapons when fghiting demons

A pair of depressed advunturers near Galseah cave south of Helnim are mourning their friends fallen in the daedra cave. If you speak to Tarbus Norin, you can suggest returning to Galseah with them and kill everything inside. But Tarbus has only mundane weapon (given to him by me in a previous bugfix), so he will fight the daedra with his fist.


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