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As usual: f = float, fff = several floaters around, c = casper. Ignore the unlinked door if that's an open claim.
9/9/2022 (00:30) TR_Mainland.esp 1/1/2013 (02:01) skraeling flora_grass_01 Emmurbalpitu (1,-22) 8414 -174502 3972 "f"
9/9/2022 (00:30) TR_Mainland.esp 1/1/2013 (02:01) skraeling flora_grass_01 Emmurbalpitu (1,-22) 8211 -174672 3958 "f"
9/9/2022 (00:30) TR_Mainland.esp 1/1/2013 (02:01) skraeling flora_grass_01 Obainat Camp (0,-22) 7905 -175689 4051 "f"
9/9/2022 (00:33) TR_Mainland.esp 1/1/2013 (02:01) skraeling ex_cave_door_01 Roth Roryn (-1,-21) -3837 -171865 3750 "unlinked"
9/9/2022 (00:37) TR_Mainland.esp 1/1/2013 (02:01) skraeling flora_gold_kanet_02 Andothren (-1,-16) -2005 -129822 1631 "these should perhapbs be owned"
9/9/2022 (00:37) TR_Mainland.esp 1/1/2013 (02:01) skraeling flora_gold_kanet_02 Andothren (-1,-17) -1680 -131338 1491 "these should perhapbs be owned"
9/9/2022 (00:37) TR_Mainland.esp 1/1/2013 (02:01) skraeling flora_black_anther_02 Andothren (-1,-16) -1080 -131038 1508 "these should perhapbs be owned"
9/9/2022 (00:42) TR_Mainland.esp 1/1/2013 (02:01) skraeling ex_common_plat_cent Adammuburtu -459 5663 -411 "Coriolanus' corpse should be persistent, or else it will disappear if the player backtracks and returns after a while"
9/9/2022 (09:07) TR_Mainland.esp 1/1/2013 (02:01) skraeling T_Mw_TerrRockRR_Rock_20 Obainat Camp (0,-22) 8016 -174659 3914 "f"
9/9/2022 (09:07) TR_Mainland.esp 1/1/2013 (02:01) skraeling flora_grass_01 Emmurbalpitu (1,-22) 8414 -174502 3972 "fff"
9/9/2022 (00:08) TR_Mainland.esp 1/1/2013 (02:01) skraeling T_Mw_TerrRockRR_Rock_26 Obainat Camp (0,-22) 7859 -175867 4064 "float a bit"
9/9/2022 (00:10) TR_Mainland.esp 1/1/2013 (02:01) skraeling T_Glb_TerrWater_RectFlw256_03 Roth Roryn (0,-21) 2232 -166547 831 "this..."
9/9/2022 (00:10) TR_Mainland.esp 1/1/2013 (02:01) skraeling T_Glb_TerrWater_RectFlw256_03 Roth Roryn (0,-21) 2472 -166994 831 "... doesn't quite line up with this"
9/9/2022 (00:10) TR_Mainland.esp 1/1/2013 (02:01) skraeling T_Glb_TerrWater_RectFlw256_03 Roth Roryn (0,-21) 1171 -165140 711 "this..."
9/9/2022 (00:10) TR_Mainland.esp 1/1/2013 (02:01) skraeling T_Glb_TerrWater_RectFlw256_03 Roth Roryn (0,-21) 1411 -165588 711 "... doesn't quite line up with this"
9/9/2022 (12:39) TR_Mainland.esp 1/1/2013 (02:01) skraeling in_velothismall_ramp_02 Monastery of St. Felms, St. Felms Tower 1664 1216 1665 "these steep ramps need collision boxes, otherwise a player can easily fall through at the top end"
9/9/2022 (12:47) TR_Mainland.esp 1/1/2013 (02:01) skraeling T_Mw_Flora_TumtumParasol_03 Velothi Mountains Region (-16,-18) -129318 -140597 4656 "f"
9/9/2022 (12:50) TR_Mainland.esp 1/1/2013 (02:01) skraeling T_Mw_TerrRockRM_RockGrp_02 Velothi Mountains Region (-18,-18) -140580 -141716 13218 "c"
9/9/2022 (12:51) TR_Mainland.esp 1/1/2013 (02:01) skraeling T_Mw_TerrRockRM_RockGrp_02 Velothi Mountains Region (-18,-19) -145241 -149433 13354 "this is the source of the Pryai. sure we don't want something interesting here?"
9/9/2022 (13:05) TR_Mainland.esp 1/1/2013 (02:01) skraeling T_Dae_Cre_Xivilai_0100000000 Mashadananit, Molten Halls 6546 1282 14042 "his name says 'Xivilai <Template>'"
9/9/2022 (13:17) TR_Mainland.esp 1/1/2013 (02:01) skraeling in_velothismall_ndoor_01 Sehutu, Sanctum of Souls 4160 512 13920 "the door marker is too deep in the ground, stucking me"