



Checked out: 



This is the claim used to make edits and fixes to TR_Mainland. Do not make changes arbitrarily.

TR_Mainland should not break compatibility unless it is structurally necessary. This means do not change the IDs of anything that was released in a TR_Mainland.esm unless strictly necessary.


TR_Mainland is the esm which contains the “finished” parts of Tamriel Rebuilt. Save major restructuring, the landmass contained within is supposed to be fully interiorized, NPCed, quested, and cleaned. See: Editing guidelines.
Uploaded here is only the esp. Make sure to redate the .esp to 01/01/2012 18:00:00 with Wrye Mash so that it loads before other plugins that rely on it. Remember to load this when doing edits to the section files.
Always use the newest Tamriel Data and the latest Data Addon from GitHub with release files.

Tamriel Data 8.9:

Development Plan

Relevant queues: Mainland Redo

Last updated: 2021-11-22
Assets: Riverstrider eggs are in progress, which can be placed along Lake Andaram’s coast whenever they’re merged.
Exteriors: Some work is being done on Roa Dyr (some pieces are missing which will be added back in). Various road, terrain, riverbed, etc. work around Aanthirin are underway.
Interiors: There will be some edits to Khalaan (new models, etc.)
Quests: Several quest additions are pending review. “Brother Against Brother” is MVP for DOD, and should take priority. “Drinking, Stealing, Ranting” is a showcase quest that’s been merged into Mainland, but it needs another dialogue pass. Mainland IAS members need faction assignment. “Blight Watch” is still claimed by Kevaar. Changes have been discussed to be made to the interior and quest, and should be discussed with her.

Merged Bugfixes: 

Merged Claims: 

Merged Assets: 


Dropping: - Ebon Tower is now

Cicero's picture


- Ebon Tower is now one mesh
- Oran Manor Atrium has been decluttered to increase visability 
- Tur Julan doors are replaced
- Tur Julan platforms have rails now so that people don't fall off when exiting the top towers (these things are quite silly so this helps out a lot)
- Summerset mission in Ebon tower NPC's all are using the new Altmeri glass armour now 
- a little more decluttering where I noticed it could be done without much effort
- Khalaan Manor of the lords now has the stairs replaced by the dedicated asset

Dropped and removed edits to

Atrayonis's picture

Dropped and removed edits to the banking topics.

  1. Some of these made no sense (like reverting the money checks for deposit and withdraw funds),
  2. The banking topics are held in Tamriel_Data, not TR_Mainland and they should not be edited here.

Dropping -Added Divine

Taniquetil's picture

-Added Divine Intervention for sale from TR_m3_Orelle Faugard and TR_m3_Felmo Ilveroth in the Grand Chapel of Talos (latter is faction locked, former is not - same deal as Ebonheart)
-Made TR_m3_Orelle Faugard a trainer (healer)
-Made TR_m3_Saturius in Julianos' tower a spell merchant and trainer
-Applied ownership to containers outside IAS museum
-TR_m3_Turunstrid now references Karthwasten, not Rorikstead, as the source of her flour
-TR_m3_Hirurgus now owns the items in his sewer home. Also gave him shoes.
-Gave shoes to TR_m3_q_Astien_Lothaire

Dropped: - Replaced the

Cicero's picture


- Replaced the khalaan sky script with Why's script.
- Felmva Mothandil no longer setfight100 after speaking to her.
- Manor of the Lords is set to Illegal to Sleep again.

- Added T_De_FurnM_Bed_S_01

Ragox's picture

- Added T_De_FurnM_Bed_S_01 to Alt Bosara, Atherios Adirion: Weaponsmith
- Added T_De_FurnM_Bar to Alt Bosara, Atherios Adirion: Weaponsmith
- Added T_MwDe_Var_Cr to Alt Bosara, Atherios Adirion: Weaponsmith
- Added T_MwDe_Var_Cr to Port Telvannis, Sendal Tithres: Weaponsmith
- Added T_MwDe_Var_Cr to Port Telvannis, Deram Drelas: Armorer
- Added T_MwDe_Var_Cr to Tel Ouada, Llerar Arantamo: Armorer
- Added T_MwDe_Var_Cr to Sailen, Fothas Bradyn: Smith
- Added T_MwDe_Var_Cr to Seitur, Manus: Trader
- Added T_MwDe_Var_Cr to Vhul, Adosl Drinith: Smith
- Added T_MwImp_Var_Cr to Old Ebonheart, Eurilon: Weaponsmith

Dropping - replaced bar

Taniquetil's picture

- replaced bar pieces in OE Briricca Bank with rich variant, and set vault locks to 100 instead of 90.
- replaced shelves in OE Barristers Guild with rich variant
- replaced Akaviri shield in Anjzhirra's Rare Goods with a Breton buckler shield (variant unique in TR, so still rare)
- Made Cellitara and Valkreia Krex in OE MG trainers
- Made Marsh-Demon-At-Her-Elbow in OE Barristers Guild a trainer
- Made Mashag gro-Agum and Ophelie Vilifiene in OE FG trainers
- Removed rare book Chimarvamidium from the OE IAS basement (there is another on the top floor) and from the random house it was in in Marog. Replaced the latter with the much more common Chronicles of Nchuleft.
- Removed rare book The Dragon Break Re-Examined from Cervius Veris' shop in Helnim.
- added filtering to prevent Ashlanders from relaying a "Lake Andaram" topic, per Dillonn

Plus a couple of dialogue edits:


Topic Andothren
"Andothren is the main port of House Hlaalu on the Inner Sea. The ancient lighthouse there has been in continuous use throughout the centuries. Whether you're looking for merchants, services, or the Imperial guilds, the city has everything for you."
-> "Andothren is the main port of House Hlaalu on the Inner Sea and a thriving center of trade. It is the seat of the Hlaalu councilor Tholer Andas, one of the wealthiest and most powerful mer this side of the Thirr. (2x)

"Can you believe the city above was once a bastion of Dunmer culture? There were Temple shrines, Tong halls and lordly gardens. Then, some four hundred years ago, the Empire came... and the proud members of House Indoril refused to surrender and put the city to the torch and died martyrs."
-> "Can you believe the city above was once a bastion of Dunmer culture? There were Temple shrines, Tong halls and lordly gardens. Then, some four hundred years ago, the Empire came... and the proud members of House Indoril refused to surrender. They put the city to the torch, and died martyrs."

Topic Old Ebonheart
"You're in the sewers, the massive gutter of an undercity, which runs underneath Old Ebonheart. This is the true face of our city, which the fancy townspeople on the surface like to pretend doesn't exist. Or worse yet--would like to see eradicated. But here we are. Thieves and beggars, the downtrodden and the ostracized. For the folk living down here surviving is a form of resistance."
-> "You're in the sewers, the massive gutter of an undercity which runs underneath Old Ebonheart. This is the true face of our city, the one the fancy townspeople on the surface like to pretend doesn't exist. Or worse yet, would like to see eradicated. But here we are. Thieves and beggars, the downtrodden and the ostracized. For the folk living down here, surviving is a form of resistance."

"This city once belonged to House Indoril. Some of my kinsmen still reminisce about the past with great longing. I wonder if they have forgotten how tragically the Indoril rule of Old Ebonheart ended! The proud lords rather saw their city burn than to surrender it to Tiber Septim's men."
-> "This city once belonged to House Indoril. Some of my kinsmen still reminisce about the past with great longing. I wonder if they have forgotten how tragically Indoril rule of Old Ebonheart ended! The proud lords preferred to see their city burn than to surrender it to Tiber Septim's men." (also edited variant version)

"In the First Era the city was ruled by the ancient House Raathim, but after the rise of the Tribunal the city became part of the domain of House Indoril. During Tiber Septim's campaign in Morrowind the fanatic Indoril nobles, facing certain defeat, chose to burn the city to the ground--and themselves with it--rather than surrendering it to the Empire. The city was rebuilt in the Colovian style and a great citadel was constructed, to control the route between Vivec and Almalexia."
-> "In the First Era, the city was ruled by the ancient House Raathim, but after the rise of the Tribunal, the city became part of the domain of House Indoril. During Tiber Septim's campaign in Morrowind, the fanatic Indoril nobles, facing certain defeat, chose to burn the city to the ground--and themselves with it--rather than surrender to the Empire. The city was rebuilt in the Western style and a great citadel was constructed to control the route between Vivec and Almalexia."

"Old Ebonheart is bit of a legislative oddity in the province. Whereas the complex, and often brutal, native laws are actively enforced elsewhere in Morrowind, within the walls of Old Ebonheart there's no other law but the Emperor's law. The special status of our city is the result of an array of dusty old treaties and pacts made at the turn of the Third Era."
-> "Old Ebonheart is bit of a legal oddity in Morrowind Province. While the complex and often brutal native laws are actively enforced elsewhere in Morrowind, within the walls of Old Ebonheart, there's no law but the Emperor's law. The special status of our city is the result of an array of dusty old treaties and pacts made at the turn of the Third Era, following the signing of the Armistice."

"Old Ebonheart is the largest Imperial city in Morrowind. It has many taverns of which I'm particularly fond. Its castle is even larger than the castle in Firewatch, and there's a second fort lying on an island north of there as well, which houses the Imperial Navy's headquarters in Morrowind."
-> "Old Ebonheart is the largest Imperial city in Morrowind. It has many excellent taverns, and its castle is even larger than the castle in Firewatch. The docks there host the Imperial Navy's headquarters in the province."

Topic Old Ebonheart Mages Guild
"Old Ebonheart is the largest Imperial city in Morrowind. As such this guildhall attracts a lot of mages looking for a slice of civilization."
-> "Old Ebonheart is the largest Imperial city in Morrowind, so this guildhall attracts a lot of mages looking for a slice of civilization."

"Have you noticed the guildhall is bigger on the inside? The city only provided us with a small building so we had to enchant it to give us some more space."
-> "Have you noticed that the guildhall is bigger on the inside? Our building is a bit small, so it's been enchanted to give us some more space."

"There is plenty of space here for us to further our study of magic. More than you might expect looking at it from the outside."
-> "There is plenty of space here for us to further our study of magic. More than you might expect, looking at it from the outside."

- https://www.tamriel-rebuilt

Dillonn241's picture

-- The topic "specific place" in Firewatch suggests that "the docks offer travel to Bal Oyra and Tel Ouada" for three out of the four different responses. This seems to be a remnant from an older version of Tamriel Rebuilt. At least if using TR_Travels, there is no travel connection between Firewatch and Tel Ouada, so this should be updated accordingly.
-- When asking about the topic "Bal Oyra", the local residents refer to it as sitting on the northern coast of Molagreadh Region. With the current region assignments however, it is located in Boethiah's Spine Region.
-- For Staron (TR_m2_Staron), the wrong filter is used for the Dunmer specific response to the topic "Rihad". It is filtered for Not Race: Dark Elf, where it should be filtered for Race: Dark Elf.
-- There are two typos in the response to the topic "local area" for Manibia Eretan (TR_m2_Manibia Eretan). "The isn't" should be "There isn't" and "inbetween" should be changed to "in between".
-- There is a typo in the general response to "local area" in Alt Bosara. Lake Boethiah is northwest of this village, not northeast, and the response should be changed accordingly.
-- In her Greeting 7, Lielle Veris (TR_m2_Lielle Veris) welcomes the player to Lariast's store. But the store belongs to Cervius Veris, whom she is married to.
-- There are several typos in Hvalesa Llenim's (TR_m2_Hvalesa Llenim) dialogue. In "local area", "The are" should be "There are"; in "Alt Bosara", "it's" should be "its" (first occasion).
- Removed hidden rocks in Roa Dyr and several other exteriors.
- A few minor script optimizations in OE.
- Made the key to the OE puzzle mansion easier to see once you find its hiding place.
- Gave Eveshi Drilor another line and edited her other ones to make it more apparent that she has a quest.
- Gave Dovres Salvi (Roa Dyr ferry) a makeover so he isn't a carbon copy of the other ferryman.
- Replaced a colony barrel in Helnim, a colony sack in Daranith Ancestral Tomb, a chargen barrel in Asurnabi, a Shenk chest in Imperial Navy Command Post, and a Carnius arrow in Tomaril Manor.
- Adjusted placement of Vontus' clothing for the Lightning Boots quest. Some script edits to make him say his own line (prevent player mouth movement) and use an actually possible enchantment effect.

Dropped. Couldn't quite do

Dev Shah's picture

Dropped. Couldn't quite do the expulsion filters completely, I'll do it later.



    -replaced GetDeadCount with OnDeath checks
-Placed On Daedric Design in Old Ebonheart, Tail Tales and a couple in Almas Thirr, Nelos Llothri's house
    -fixed everything but the Kragenmoor thing (The name is subject to change anyway, and both are used multiple times) 
    -changed topics "fire salts", "frost salts", "void salts", "Daedra skin", and "Scamp skin" to be telvanni-only (which as Arvisrend points out, aren't quest specific, but they have %PCRank, and that's weird for non telvanni.)
    -For the Yishini thing, reworded the directions so they're easier to follow, but a bit more vague(Near the shrine of boetheiah(Which is *kinda* misleading) to just the south road). Put her a bit closer to the road to compensate.
    Added a custom enchantment with the same effects.
-Changed the instances of Imperial Archaeology Society and Archaeology Guild to Imperial Archaeological Society.
    A conflict with TR_m3_OE_StendarrTowerHaunting
    Added AddTopics for OE TG jobs (Older ones are still left)
    added expulsion filters to MG.(No addtopics for older stuff yet)
    added expulsion filters to IL
    dialogue result had 5 zeros after AiFollowCell, and had improper commas.

Take care!!

Dropping Mainland

Dev Shah's picture


- , used in_lava_rock_27 to cover it up.
- changed the weight for this and TR_m3_OE_FG_bk_ConJou1/2/3 to .20.
- did the suggested fixes.
- did the dialogue thing. 
- was exceeding 512 characters, so rephrased a bit to fit the ng.
- Had `setjournalindex 5/0`(Both journal indices don't exist. ) for linking with other topics. Added a fallback on the other entries (Turunstrid Harrow-Hand, Emaroc Harquart, Gul-Ei and Murletta Jarontus)
- did not fix the 'bug', but it's made a little easier to find out what to do, and fixed a few bugs I found while playtesting.
    -The last quest explicitly states:"This is the last quest I will give you now." I remember quest should be not used unless in specific circumstances.
-Removed ownership from a note in Vhul, Tradehouse so as to not make the trader sell it.
-Added the condition for the player to be in FG for topic 'equipment chest' last entry.
- the last one is probably a replacer thing, looks fine in vanilla.
-Nuked a couple of extra rocks in Ebon Tower.

Take care!!

- Replaced Wickwheat bundle

Cicero's picture

- Replaced Wickwheat bundle statics with the misc versions

- Removed metamorphis from Telvanni Library and OE Mages Guild

- Deleted some plants under a rock in Necrom Upper District

- Removed 4 planters full of plants in the void in Almas Thirr St. Veloth Dome

- Repositioned Duskbell to make sure it is not bleeding/floating

- Went back to all previous releases and replaced questionable items with new TData additions. Examples are Daedric Fang, Orcish double shanks, Orcish Cleavers, etc. Things that don't represent the sets in a positive way (elegant, master crafted). Breton Mission does have some Mithril weapons so thought I would mention that here so there are no surprises

- Fixed 16 Chitin Throwing Stars in Anmoleth's Outfitter, all had a shady smuggler ownership and not her

- Removed unnecessary usage of Famed Artifacts of Tamriel

- Added the Hadrumnibibi entrance (will need to move witch into the interior when it is made)

- Removed amber lights under water, replaced with blue lights near Almas Thirr

- Fixed casper for St. Veloth monastery exterior

- Removed the Cyrodiilic plants and fish out of Aimrah Grotto. Replaced the Dreugh life book model from a PC one to a MW one (like Kagouti mating habits)

- Removed all Sacraficial Dagger instances, just couldn't stand seeing them anymore. They suck and are just useless assets. Their tags are Skyrim Werewolf dagger, so just get them out of here honestly

- Updated road textures in Roth Roryn, retextured Hlaalu cobblestone roads with AI road, implemented the correct cobblestone for Hlaalu settlements

- Removed mounted Clannfear, Ogrim, Durzog, Argonian and Khajiit heads. Daedra heads make them seem like animals, Durzog for obvious reasons, and Argonian/Khajiit heads in Windmoth Legion Fort really made no sense, and also sour the Head of Scourge easter egg

- Some more landscape smoothing, optimzing and style enchancing

- Fixed random bleeders and floaters in Aanthirin

- Replaced coastal rock cavern entrances with AI Rock versions whenever I found them

Taking and dropping for some

Taniquetil's picture

Taking and dropping for some minor ITO- and Ando MG-related edits.

  • Replaced Vol. IV of the Peryiton in the Ebon Tower palace library with the (also rare) Julianite Number-Spells. Volume II remains in the library.
  • Added a mithril shield and display case in the High Rock mission at the Ebon Tower.
  • Added a copy of On Daedric Design to Tenandus' Rare Books in Necrom. Also adjusted the bookstore a bit - replaced the counter with De_M, moved the formerly-empty book display to the entry (so the player doesn't enter to a blank wall), and added a few other books appropriate for the location: Pearl Betwixt Empires vol I, The Gospel of Saint Veloth, vol II, and The Gospel of Saint Delyn
  • Removed the copy of On Daedric Design from Tail Tales (Old Ebonheart)

Messed up the version -

Taniquetil's picture

Messed up the version - deleted my last upload. Going to replace the last file when I get a chance. Until then, use Cicero's latest version.

Same edits this time as my

Taniquetil's picture

Same edits this time as my last post.

The books in the Ebon Tower palace library need to be fixed at some point - they're an absolute mess of resizing and inconsistency.

Dropping. Did a partial audit

Taniquetil's picture

Dropping. Did a partial audit for terms like "slave", "slavery", "go free", etc. I plan to keep searching for questionable lines in older TR content, but these are the main ones I wanted to fix.

- Made Volyn Farmhouse in Sailen and its residents no longer a bawdy joke.
- Edited quest TR_m3_Er_Prayer and the reference to the quest in TR_m4_MP_SlaveWhisperer
- Adjusted in-line PC dialogue slightly in TR_m4_MP_SlaveWhisperer
- Put TR_m3_Lloryn_Dredil outside in Evos and deleted TR_M3_Gih-Jah for compatibility with new Evos quest concept (also the NPC was a straight-up clone of an existing vanilla one, including the name)
- Made several minor fixes to dialogue typos
- Made changes to dialogue listed here: TR_Mainland dialogue adjustments

Checking out to remove the

MinerMan60101's picture

Checking out to remove the peninsula near Id Vano as discussed in the meetings, to reassign Ascadian Bluffs cells to Aanthirin, and to clean up some unnecessary unique containers from m1 and m2

Dropping: Removed the

MinerMan60101's picture

Removed the peninsula near Id Vano as discussed in the Sundered Scar Template Meeting
Detailed sea floor in its absence a bit
Moved Idaverrano near that area as discussed in that meeting
Deleted the T_De_SetRuin_X buildings around where Idaverrano was as that area was water pre-Inner Sea
Replaced region assignments of Ascadian Bluffs with Aanthirin (reverting three vanilla cells to Ascadian Isles)
Cleaned out following unique containers which were close enough to T_D ones to be unnecessary:
 - TR_m1_crate_01_iron_ore, TR_m1_crate_i_ore_i1-13 -> T_MwCom_Var_Cr1OreIron
 - TR_m1_random_iron_ore - deleted, levelled list for above
 - TR_m1_barrel_arrows -> T_MwCom_Var_Bl1ArrowLgn
 - TR_m2_377_crate_02_Pick, TR_M2_SW_i2-335_minecra-> TR_m2_crate_miner_picks (should get T_D version)
 - TR_m1_skeleton_i1-23 -> T_Glb_Var_Skeleton07
 - TR_m1_dead_slave_0X -> T_Glb_Var_Skeleton07, T_Glb_Var_Skeleton08, static buildable skeletons

Am still working on this when

Cicero's picture

Am still working on this when I have free time to. Just so people don't think me leaving meant sitting on this keeping it in limbo.

Uploaded a backup. Some

Cicero's picture

Uploaded a backup. Some things are still heavily WIP, such as some roads I am trying to finish up. Most edits were done on the Hlaalu side of the thirr. Roa Dyr has it's meshes merged. There is a lot of other things needed to do/are done. When I finish all I wanted to do in this check out, I'll post the extensive changelog with it. 

Sorry to bother you Cicero,

Mwgek's picture

Sorry to bother you Cicero, but the bridges in Roa dyr between the islands are also removed now and the big round ind_wall_03. I didn't merge them into the chunks. Seems I also missed some of the windows in the merge of the biggest chunk with the stacked round indoril manors. Also the stuff connecting to the morag tong building near the harbor, 2 pillars and bridges. I might have told you to remove *all* statics building parts, so I'm sorry to cause you extra work.

So the models still need a good check-over before release to see if there is anything missing from when I sphere-exported it with mwse. Noticed something down in the canal that in the area with the cushions the floor plane was missing and also adding back in the windows etc, etc.

It did give me almost 10 fps extra. So that's nice.

Find me on:
ArtStation 》Tumblr 》Sketchfab

No worries. I can do a

Cicero's picture

No worries. I can do a compare and contrast and see what I can restore thats missing.

Another backup. Still got

Cicero's picture

Another backup. Still got quite a lot to do but I am almost at a point to give this file back and check out 

I require a few changes:

Why's picture

I require a few changes:

  • Remove creatures from Olms Ancestral Tomb and Olms Ancestral Tomb, Sepulcher
  • Unlock doors and remove traps in Olms Ancestral Tomb
  • Remove door and chest from lowest area in Olms Ancestral Tomb, Sepulcher - and replace the fresco with the vanilla one depicting Almsivi.
  • Remove furn_de_cushion_square_04 from the pagoda-area thingy on top of the island that the tomb sits on (2, -16)

March 1st 2022 Drop - Bugs:

Cicero's picture

March 1st 2022 Drop

- Bugs:

> Fixed:

> Fixed:

> Fixed:

> Fixed:

> Fixed:

> Fixed:

> Fixed:

> Fixed:

> Fixed:

> Fixed:

> Fixed:

> Fixed:

> Fixed:

> Fixed:

> Fixed:

> Fixed:

> Fixed:

> Fixed:

> Fixed:

> Fixed:

> Fixed:

> Fixed:

> Fixed

> Fixed

- Why's request: 

> remove all creatures from the two cells of Olms Ancestral Tomb

>  unlock the loaddoor to the Sepulcher 

> remove the big chest in the Sepulcher, as well as the door between the staircase and the final room

> remove the cushion at the top of the island that the tomb is on, the one under the little roof-thingy

> oh and possibly tie the other doors to the key that's in that first cell

> oh, and replacing the mural in the Olms Ancestral Tomb, Sepulcher with the Almsivi mural would be nice, too

- Cavern renames:

> Pamashibabua Cavern -> Pamashibabua

> Forgotten Grotto -> Vannu Grotto

> Bal Daelkhun -> Daelkhun

- Shipwreck renames:

> Dastardly Forsaken shipwreck -> Forsaken Shipwreck

> Thouroughly Looted Shipwreck -> Looted Shipwreck

- Daedric Ruin renames:

> Hesadsadshamallu -> Yamuninisharn

> Kharalambos Ruin -> Ebamusharisus

> Hassulsallusalkit -> Bal Dushal

> Haddadalmalu -> Ashpibishal

> Kisrashallat -> Yabananit

> Aurmadzi -> Ashinanibibi

> Massulahibernanit -> Bushipananit

> Oethadapilu -> Malkamalit

> Zalgothrabu -> Esuranamit

> Athrilmalilas -> Ashushushi

> Sirrilas -> Ald Uran

> Cirtiritashpi -> Zatamushi

> Hashucivodulnassu -> Onimushili

> Lambinatha -> Ibiammusashan

> Syn-Jugalla -> Zalitalan

- Dwemer Ruin renames:

> Kvazmunduncharz -> Nchulark

> Mzingthlegfth -> Mzungleft

> Ardkoz ->  Akuband

> Khananzr -> Alencheth

> Arkantgn -> Nchulegfth

- Stronghold renames:

> Kogo'Bal -> Valandus

> Turen -> Turendas

- Renamed the ore mines:

> Balsincag Diamond Mine -> Balsin Mine

> Dillitan Ebony Mine -> Dilitan Mine

> Gilvan-Tidrith Iron Mine -> Gilvan-Tidrith Mine

> Harrumat Diamond Mine -> Harrumat Mine

> Murahn-Cithal Iron Mine -> Murahn-Cithal Mine

> Sassur-Dari Iron Mine -> Sassur-Dari Mine

> Shubattu Adamantium Mine -> Shubattu Mine

> Terendas Gold Mine -> Terendas Mine

> Varethan Ebony Mine -> Varethan Mine

> Veramus Iron Mine -> Veramus Mine

> Yanimmu Iron Mine -> Yanimmu Mine


O General edits:

- Started Replacing BC Grass with Aanthirin ferns (fern_01 for grass_01, fern_02 for grass_02). Will continue at a future date

- Started Replacing all stoneflower with Flowering Timsa-Comes-By flowers. Will continue at a future date

- Got as much future proofing terrain rock paint in Aanthirin for potential rock/cliff palette swap as I could -- will continue in the future

- Added lighting to Temple Domes that are missing them when I come across them

- Roa Dyr city meshes merge

- Roa Dyr fixes (some things got missed in merge)

- Aanthirin chasm river has roads and makes use of terrain more now

- More texturing, bumping and lighting for the Thirr riverbed

- More roads added to dungeons and tombs

- Paintied all of ascadian-thirin to aanthirin assets aside from old ebonheart region

- Replaced all the golden kanit with blue kanit in the exterior

- Replaced all iron with ruby in Gilvan-Tidrith Mine

- Replaced all the iron with ruby in Veramus Mine

- Verarchen topic changed to Veranis

- Cleaned up Rilsoan island

- Added more creature spawns and encounters to make Aanthirn not so.......boring???

- New landmark: Pneuma Grove near Indal-ruhn

- Edited the grotto exists for Dreugh dungeons to not confuse players that the dark planes are not for interacting. Made use of rocks and black lights

- Adjusted all bluefoot ingredient placements for the new ingredient model coming in a future data addon fix

- Used the new ruin pieces in Khalaan, lord district (will use for the rest of city during the Ald Raathim redo)

- Removed all daedric bat eye ingredient refs

- Merged the TV cell chef linked me

- Merge 28,-20 Daedric Ruin (Alumawia)

- NPC'ed Alumawia

- Amulet of Seht's Warding enchantment is now cast when used for 10 seconds rather than constant effect

- Fixed the fall through dark crawl spaces in Zanammu, Tier one

- Put the Dreugh wax candles in Aimrah grotto

- Started adding daedric wards and amulets of entry -- will script these for interactions in the future

- Replaced all cave entrances in Aanthirin with grey rock rather than costal rock to match the surroundings better

- Replaced T_Mw_TrrRockAC_CaveEmtr_01 with ex_cave_entrance_ac_01 (x3)

- Cut hamtha cavern

- Replaced all Red lichen with Orange lichen in Aanthirin

- Moved Almas Thirr silt strider out of dreugh water and to the small hill across from the boat travel -- ready for Hlan Oek AT edit release

- Replaced heather with kreshweed in Aanthirin as they are the velks food source accordiong to the skeleton man interview

- Removed all the blue vertex shading in the Llothanis river

- Replaced the Legion guards in Terendas Gold Mine with Telvanni guards

- Removed the unique golden kanet from ald sotha throughout mainland

- Added Nandor Beraid's shipwreck exterior

- Renamed the daedric side of khalaan to Vorthas Uldun (the name of the actual realm, Khalaan is the chapel)

- Removed TR_m3_OE_sc_ETlegiondoc_02 (Letter from Tel Vos)

- Removed Boethiah's Glory and replaced with Boethiah's Proving to Ignatius Jureilius

- Replaced the Khalaan portals with the lichgate meshes

- Replaced the blood ruin flames with the blue flamed edited oaab daedric candle stands

- Removed ruined houses and daedric ruin in azura's bay as this was always a waterway so made no sense

- Removed island directly north of Gol mok

- Finished cleaning up the thirr tower islands

- Deleted Tel Oren bridge

- Deleted junk wilderness cells outside of mainland and solsthiem

- Deleted cells 0,-21, 0,-20 (roth roryn region) for Mojo for his RB waterfall redo

- Painted Aimrah road velothi bricks instead of cobblestone road

- Killed some rock arches when felt like it

- Cut the slave greeting about feet

- Removed floating pipe in Ruma Soanix's Manor

- Replaced Khalaan beds with useable ones again

- Painted the cobblestone roads with the new aanthirin one

- Painted the dried riverbed with the new crackedearth texture

- Renamed sheogorath box of fun person to Uurathor to remove shivering isle nod

- Changed hunger guar thief to a scamp for sheo box of fun to remove the hunger nod to shivering isle

- Renamed Mr.Fluffles. Mr. Fluffles is too clown world wacky dacky

- Ald Mirathi Map marker added

- Ald Niripal Map marker added

- Ald Volos Map marker added

- Ald Verya Map marker added

- Moved Girithammu Grotto out of the open ocean and on the northpoint of the mainland near Tel Ouada

- TR_w_m2_webspinner and TR_m2_w_sacrific_dagger_U_i332 both use Sacraficial dagger models. This has been changed

- Added the new pre-release vivec tapestries in almas thirr

- Assigned correct key to door in curia vaults (suggested by mort)

- Tur Julan road connects to veloth's path and will connect to Roth Roryn when the two sections are merged

- Daedric shrines are missing "shrine" from their interior names with statues. Fixed!

- Finished redoing big rock arch place where Veloth's true path was. Dedicated asset used.

- Khalaan is legal to sleep in like Magas Volar (which is even harder to get to -- bells vs one amulet)

- Added imperial ebony shield

- Edited Khalaan level creatures to include more daedra such as seducers and frost atronachs

- Added Land Dreugh around lake Anadaram

- Added more adamantium to khalaan to showcase the mundus wound

- Removed fabricant elixir from Old Ebonheart, Ghurmag gra-Shula's House

- Ildrim/Darvon transformation finished

- Adurin-Ouaka/Andar Mok transformation finished

- Replaced khalaan guard armour with the new updated chuzei models

- Replaced daedric lava whiskey with dragons blood in Khalaan -- this is essentially removing a frostcrag spire reference and restoring cut morrowind content

- Replaced all nordic steel and silver weapons -- keep to nord lands or special NPCs

- Replaced all nordic steel and mail armour -- keep to nord lands or special NPCs

- Switched weather for these two cells to AI 0,-13 and 0,-14

- Changed the class for the barristers in the OE guildhall to T_Mw_Barrister

- Removed khalaan landmines

-Shipwreck in old landing was floating

- Hormidac Farralie in OE has dialogue that implies you cannot see his face (he used to have a closed helm), it doesn't make much sense now that he's been given an open one. FIXED

- Removed Vaden's Fang and it's enchantment

- T_Dwe_UNI_MaskOfPurity is a "unique" dwemer helm found in two TR dungeons - both of which are daedric, not dwemer. Removed the one in Sirillas

- Suldun Egg Mine vampires changed to orluhk ones

- Compendium of Lost Artifacts in the Ebon Tower library

- Replaced shalks

- Replaced Lunar with dark seducer and renamed to Si'ess

- Landscape edits al over Aanthirn -- not done of course, more will continue in the future

- Finished Aanthirin Roth Roryn pass edits

- Replaced all the 46 roamers with unique bandit npcs

- Unchecked autocalc on TR_m3_Kha_Whisp_Fountain_sp

- Removed all ashlands rock groups in sundered scar and aanthirin

- Replaced amber lights under water near almas thirr with blue ones

- Merged Hadrumnini interior

- NPC'ed Hadrumnibibi, also added some general daedra level lists on the surface, moved the bosmer witch to the interior

- Removed Khalaan index out of Khalaan


Will talk to Tani about road

Cicero's picture

Will talk to Tani about road edits at a future date. For now I am just sick of mainland and want to not look at it for a few days. Elden Ring calls.


Evil Eye's picture


  • So far I've added TR_Map filters to almost all dialogue that had a NoLore filter
  • Switched all NPCs and filters over to the new global classes
  • Added NoLore/T_Local_NoLore and T_Local_NPC to every script that contained a TR_Map variable
  • Fixed most or all of
  • Replaced NotRace Khajiit filters with NotLocal T_Local_Khajiit filters for all lines filtered by a TR_ ID (need to verify this)
  • Replaced NoLore filters with T_Local_NoLore filters for all lines filtered by a TR_ ID (need to verify this)

Dropping. Can someone mark

Evil Eye's picture

Dropping. Can someone mark the above bug as closed?


  • Added TR_Map filters to most lines with a NoLore filter
  • Changed deprecated classes on NPCs and in filters to the new global versions
  • Added NoLore/T_Local_NoLore and T_Local_NPC to every script that contained a TR_Map variable
  • Fixed
  • Replaced Not Race Khajiit filters with Not Local T_Local_Khajiit filters for all lines filtered by a TR_ ID
  • Replaced NoLore filters with T_Local_NoLore filters for all lines filtered by a TR_ ID
  • Merged in duplicated vanilla dialogue that would otherwise be blocked off by the addition of NoLore
  • Replaced overrides in the Valenwood topic with a new line for the OE Embassy written by Violet
  • Replaced tr_m4_Uurathor's nolore script with T_ScNPC_Mw_Map4NoLore
  • Added missing scripts to TR_m1_Daniene_Alliette, TR_m1_q_Niran_Fancelle, TR_m1_Taranon, TR_m3_Arashi, TR_m3_Dalave Varen, TR_m3_Darius Cedus, TR_m3_Dolvys Teloth, TR_m3_Dosa Teloth, TR_m3_Dro'jorr, TR_m3_Evilu Lladri, TR_m3_Falinerron, TR_m3_Indoril Beroth, TR_m3_Ji'Morashu-ri, TR_m3_Juldar, TR_m3_Shady J'hirr, TR_m4_O_Baris, TR_m4_O_Suhelys, TR_m4_Teleri Selos
  • Replaced tr_m1_npc, tr_m1_npc_nolore, tr_m1_npc_slave with their T_D equivalents
  • Added TR_Map variable to
    • tr_m1_fg1_bully1script
    • tr_m1_fg1_bully2script
    • tr_m1_npc_q71_bandits
    • tr_m1_q59_adh_script_5
    • tr_m1_q_fg_erdlandisablescript
    • tr_m1_q_tidrilvenimdead
    • tr_m1_q_tt_7_vamps_script
    • tr_m2_q_10_ilverothscript
    • tr_m2_q_12_banditscript
    • tr_m2_q_12_bugdul
    • tr_m2_q_12_rianele
    • tr_m2_q_26_temisfinale
    • tr_m2_q_27_heelkurscn
    • tr_m2_q_27_lijarrascn
    • tr_m2_q_29_2_ass1script
    • tr_m2_q_29_2_ass2script
    • tr_m2_q_29_2_ass3script
    • tr_m2_q_29_2_guardscript
    • tr_m2_q_29_3_cattlescript
    • tr_m2_q_29_refugeescn
    • tr_m2_q_8_drugdeath
    • tr_m2_q_a8_1_hlorgirscript1
    • tr_m2_q_a8_1_hlorgirscript3
    • tr_m2_q_a8_1_vuvilscript2
    • tr_m2_q_a8_5_dras_varethi
    • tr_m2_q_a8_5_shamirr_sc
    • tr_m3_aim_ivonserynthul
    • tr_m3_dilavesaundeadscript
    • tr_m3_npc_aim_indgrd_scp
    • tr_m3_npc_oe_alju-deekus
    • tr_m3_npc_oe_hlarsis
    • tr_m3_npc_oe_missa_rhyle
    • tr_m3_npc_oe_vohur
    • tr_m3_npc_oe_yggulf
    • tr_m3_o_akindal_scn
    • tr_m3_oe_hauntpatrol
    • tr_m3_oe_hauntpatrol
    • tr_m3_oe_rumadisablescp
    • tr_m3_oe_rumagdisablescp
    • tr_m3_oe_scnpc_darhejodisable
    • tr_m3_oe_tg_antiohelped
    • tr_m3_oe_tg_antiowounded
    • tr_m3_oe_tg_cartscp
    • tr_m3_oe_tg_delagoon_scp
    • tr_m3_oe_tg_maskcaptain_scp
    • tr_m3_oe_tg_maskguard_scp
    • tr_m3_pub_darnim_windbrk
    • tr_m3_pub_meralag_glade
    • tr_m3_pub_sailen_toiling
    • tr_m3_q_a5_ashlanders
    • tr_m3_q_a5_ashlanders2
    • tr_m3_q_a5_mahhjat
    • tr_m3_q_a5_marcusreprus
    • tr_m3_q_a9_idrosomenas
    • tr_m3_q_a9_lati-an_script
    • tr_m3_q_a9_rescueparty
    • tr_m3_q_a9_strandedpilgrim
    • tr_m3_q_a9_witchhuntermove
    • tr_m3_q_bartolomaeus
    • tr_m3_q_bartolomaeus2
    • tr_m3_q_deed_spy_script_01
    • tr_m3_q_kharg
    • tr_m3_q_rils_grotto_smuggler
    • tr_m3_q_theriftmage
    • tr_m3_q_theriftspawn
    • tr_m3_q_theril
    • tr_m3_tt_dis_deadpauper_scr
    • tr_m3_tt_dis_spiritpauper_scr
    • tr_m3_tt_fs_chimerauniscr
    • tr_m3_vaden_noface_scr
    • tr_m3_vadenbaro_scr
    • tr_m4_npc_droqosha
    • tr_m4_npc_erilul_munderyn
    • tr_m4_npc_gandas_maluvi
    • tr_m4_npc_immetarca_script
    • tr_m4_npc_lissandir
    • tr_m4_npc_maalalmo_nethan
    • tr_m4_npc_maashissiri
    • tr_m4_npc_muamu_sayrano
    • tr_m4_npc_rondo
    • tr_m4_npc_salrym_helseri
    • tr_m4_sc_helserinote_script
  • Added T_Local_Khajiit to
    • tr_m1_pub_queens_cutlass
    • tr_m1_q59_mai_script_7
    • tr_m1_q_kaminhirdebug
    • tr_m1_q_ka_minhir_script
    • tr_m1_q_slavediseased
    • tr_m1_shabhiscript
    • tr_m2_norem_inte_vamp2_sc
    • tr_m2_norem_sanc_vamp_sc
    • tr_m2_q_27_lijarrascn
    • tr_m2_q_29_3_cattlescript
    • tr_m2_q_a8_5_shamirr_sc
    • tr_m3_npc_aillijar
    • tr_m3_npc_jajabba
    • tr_m3_npc_oe_common
    • tr_m3_npc_oe_commonnolore
    • tr_m3_npc_oe_rich
    • tr_m3_npc_oe_svarr
    • tr_m3_npc_oe_tower
    • tr_m3_npc_oe_towernolore
    • tr_m3_oe_scnpc_darhejodisable
    • tr_m3_q_4_kiseenscript
    • tr_m3_q_4_smugglersscript
    • tr_m3_q_a5_mahhjat
    • tr_m3_q_deed_script_slaves
    • tr_m3_q_deed_spy_script_01
    • tr_m3_q_theriftspawn
    • tr_m3_roadyrfieldslave_sc
    • tr_m3_tt_fs_chimerascr
    • tr_m4_mundrethislave_sc
    • tr_m4_npc_droqosha
    • tr_m4_npc_jerra
    • tr_m4_npc_maashissiri
    • tr_m4_oranslave_sc
  • Fixed TR_Map local not being set in various slave scripts
  • Trimmed extraneous words from entries that were exactly 512 characters long
  • Moved dialogue around/added lines to:
    • abolitionists
    • alchemy
    • ald sotha
    • almalexia
    • ancestors
    • antecedents of dwemer law
    • argonian
    • arkay
    • ashlander customs
    • attack
    • azura's coast
    • background
    • bandits
    • betmeri
    • black marsh
    • bosmer
    • breton
    • camonna tong
    • chimer
    • conjuration
    • current events
    • daedra
    • daedra worship
    • dagoth ur
    • dark brotherhood
    • destruction
    • dibella
    • dreugh
    • dunmer
    • duties
    • dwemer
    • dwemer artifacts
    • dwemer ruins
    • elsweyr
    • empire
    • enchant
    • enchanters
    • enchanting items
    • fighter disciplines
    • fighters guild
    • fines and compensation
    • flee
    • flin
    • fortify potions
    • geography of morrowind
    • geography of vvardenfell
    • get cured
    • good daedra
    • greef
    • greeting 0
    • greeting 2
    • greeting 4
    • greeting 6
    • greeting 7
    • guard
    • hammerfell
    • hello
    • high rock
    • hit
    • house dres
    • house hlaalu
    • house indoril
    • house redoran
    • house telvanni
    • idle
    • imperial
    • imperial cult
    • imperial law
    • imperial legion
    • inner sea
    • jobs
    • join the mages guild
    • join the thieves guild
    • khajiit
    • killing and murder
    • latest rumors
    • little advice
    • little secret
    • mages guild
    • make amends
    • martial arts
    • mazte
    • morag tong
    • morrowind
    • morrowind lore
    • my trade
    • necromancy
    • nerevar
    • nerevarine
    • nine divines
    • nord
    • orders
    • outlander
    • red mountain
    • redguard
    • sea of ghosts
    • services
    • shein
    • shrines
    • smuggling
    • someone in particular
    • sotha sil
    • soul sickness
    • spear
    • specific place
    • sujamma
    • summerset isle
    • telvanni bug musk
    • temple
    • the empire
    • thief
    • thieves guild
    • tribunal
    • tribunal temple
    • uriel septim
    • using enchantments
    • valenwood
    • vampires
    • vampirism cure
    • vivec
    • war of the first council
    • zenithar

Merged ITO. Beware that this

Why's picture

Merged ITO.

Beware that this was a rather experimental procedure, so thorough testing is required before we commit to this new file. I've set Tani as having checked the file out as she is most likely to know where to check for possible problems, and probably needs to do a bunch of cleanup anyway.

There are a few issues with

Why's picture

There are a few issues with the current file, so until further notice, use the previous version of mainland instead of this one.

Update for backup SOME

Taniquetil's picture

Update for backup


I am continuing to clean out the old dialogue and get things situated for the new lines. I'm roughly 1/2 done. I've also added a few lines from the WIP new dialogue, where it was simple to slot in now.

Lots of smaller things done, too many to list here. Major things done:

-All travel NPCs updated

-Added new Nirend River boat network, with new dock at Tel Gilan

-Facelifted former Heleran's Lodge int and renamed to Tel Heleran

-cleared most of the northern inner sea of menhirs added by TR

-Fixed all NPC duplicates

-Expanded FW docks

-Deleted Telvanni Library

-Added unique interactions to daedra in FW Mages Guild

-Detailing to some smaller areas of Firewatch

-Moved OE hub guild guide to Mainland from Travels per new guild guide network plan

-Removed grazelands trees from the peninsula north of Firewatch and the area around Bal Oyra

-updated several NPCs to use new Cook class

Grabbed from chef to merge

MinerMan60101's picture

Grabbed from chef to merge Molagreahd_01. Also merged Ebunammidan. 

Creature work todos: go over all of the redone cells to add creatures and make sure my moving of existing creatures was good, and then NPC Ebunammidian exterior and interior.

All the broken dialogue in

Taniquetil's picture

All the broken dialogue in EoE has been fixed (as far as I can tell). Will continue to hold file to finish replacing old dialogue entries with new ones, but quest work on this file should be good to go.
