Hlaalu-Thirr Section




Checked out: 


Discussion thread here


This is the file where dialogue, quests, and claims for the western Thirr should be merged. Do not edit this file without also loading TR_Mainland.esp, and do not merge other esps into it without also loading TR_Mainland.esm! (see editing guidelines) Requires the latest TR Data Addon!

Development Plan

Interiors need to be checked, exteriors need to be finished.

Veloth's Path should be widened like in Indoril-Thirr.

Link to previous release

Merged Claims from the Old Forum:

Merged Bugfixes: 

Merged Claims: 


Grabbing to de-WG the

MinerMan60101's picture

Grabbing to de-WG the southwesternmost cell, delete that door, and to merge Tur Julan 1.

Dropping. Fixed a texture

MinerMan60101's picture

Fixed a texture seam and some jagged terrain north of Neen.
Deleted the junk cells TR_i4-414-Hla and TR_i4-414-hla-ruin.
Merged TR_i4-519-Hla in cell 1, -27 since it was already in Hlaalu Thirr without an exterior entrance and that location fits the interior.

Dropping. NPC'd these ints:

Rats's picture


Malvys Nethrelas had a

Jani's picture

Dropping. Misc fixes: Fixed

Why's picture

Misc fixes:

  • Fixed stairs and doormarkers in Tur Julan Spire 2
  • Fixed rock bleeding through gate when opened at front gate.
  • Replaced crank in Tur Julan Black Hands Hall with a non-activatable one.
  • Replaced hatch door at top level of Tur Julan Black Hands Hall with a blocked variant.
  • Added a balcony to the Tur Julan Sanctum entrance, because doormarkers in mid-air don't make the player fall and this was the easiest fix.
  • Fixed the z-fighting ceiling of Tur Julan, Crossing of Wings, Foyer
  • Cleaned the file of edits to T_De_Cm_Shirt_09, T_De_Ex_Shirt_01 and _02, and T_De_Et_Shirt_04, _09 and _10

Tur Julan Spire 1:

  • Replaced T_Bk_SkylampNightTR with T_Bk_HowtoterstHereticsTR
  • Replaced T_Bk_HistoryOfDaggerfallTR with bk_InvocationOfAzura
  • Replaced another T_Bk_SkylampNightTR with T_Bk_RegretTR
  • Replaced T_Bk_MostInfortunatePartyTR with T_Bk_GospelOfSaintVelothTR_V2

Tur Julan, Spire 3:

  • Replaced bookskill_restoration2 with bk_DoorsOfTheSpirit
  • Deleted T_Bk_GlassInMorrowindTR
  • Replaced T_Bk_BrokenDiamondsTR with T_Bk_CharityAndLeadershipTR

Tur Julan, Crossing of Wings, Entrance

  • Deleted T_Bk_MwHistoriaAndothrenTR and T_Bk_SkylampNightTR
  • Deleted T_Bk_MapsM3-2TR and T_Bk_MapsM3-1TR
  • Added some minor clutter to fill the voids left by those books.

Tur Julan, Sanctum

  • Replaced T_Bk_SermonOfTheSaintsTR with T_Bk_GospelOfSaintVelothTR_V1

Dropped.  Dialogue choice

Rats's picture


  • Dialogue choice loops fixed.
  • Vys-Assanud NPCs are now less hostile both in nature and in dialogue

Dropping. Changelog for v0070

Arvisrend's picture

Dropping. Changelog for v0070 (2019-07-28a):

- Merged Indal-Ruhn dialogue, Plantations dialogue, Sheo's Box of Fun and the Ahnassi quest.

- NPCed all exteriors in HT, except for Tur-Julan.

- Fixed 3 bugs from the tracker and some dirty dialogue (Greeting 5, "go free").

- Fafni no longer asks the player to bring non-existing sujamma jars to Pjerulf, but just says "Pass him my greetings if you see him."

Dropping. Changelog for v0071

Arvisrend's picture

Dropping. Changelog for v0071 (2019-07-28b):

- Fixed a list of dialogue bugs by Dillon (thank you!) and an incorrect order of responses in the Immetarca quest (please playtest).

- Grounded all orange mosses.

Dropping. Changelog for v0072

Arvisrend's picture

Dropping. Changelog for v0072 (2019-07-28c):

- Cleaned out some more dirty dialogue.

- Fixed Immetarca quest (thanks Dillon for most of the work!). Did not fix the boots, since IMHO that needs more testing.

- Re-NPCed Vulunith and Ilvi Ancestral Tombs due to their use of old-school levlists. Locked a door in Ilvi Ancestral Tomb so that low-level players don't get a windfall.

- NPCed Olms Ancestral Tomb.

- Fixed a few floaters.

Make sure to replace the

Dillonn241's picture

Make sure to replace the script TR_m4_immetarca_boots_script with this (check for correctness). It should make the boots work correctly. Currently, the effect breaks after the first time and it's not very random due to the randomness being set every time the script runs.


begin TR_m4_immetarca_boots_script

;this script makes the Boots of Wayward Flying truly wayward... teeheehee...

short OnPCEquip
short PCSkipEquip
short stage
short randomness
float timer

if ( MenuMode == 1 )

if ( player->GetSpell "TR_m4_immetarca_boots_fail" == 1 )
    set PCSkipEquip to 1
    set timer to ( timer + GetSecondsPassed )
    if ( timer > 15 )
        player->RemoveSpell "TR_m4_immetarca_boots_fail"
        set stage to 0
        set OnPCEquip to 1
        set timer to 0
    set PCSkipEquip to 0

if ( OnPCEquip == 1 )
    if ( stage == 0 )
        set randomness to (( player->GetLuck ) + Random100 ) / 5
        set stage to 1
    if ( stage == 1 )
        set timer to ( timer + GetSecondsPassed )
        if ( timer > randomness )
            if ( player->GetEffect, sEffectLevitate == 1 )
                player->RemoveEffects, 10
                set timer to 0
                set OnPCEquip to 0
                set stage to 2
                player->AddSpell "TR_m4_immetarca_boots_fail"


TR_m4_S_Masshu has the Yellow

Jani's picture

TR_m4_S_Masshu has the Yellow Rot disease. This means that whenever the player enters his cell, a destruction sound effect can be heard. Is this really necessary?

Note: I forgot to add ShowMap

Jani's picture

Note: I forgot to add ShowMap results to plantation dialogue. We should add a few to Almas Thirr, Indal-Ruhn, Andothren, Vathras Plantation, Oran Plantation, and the Mundrethi Slave Market.

Dropping (2019-08-08).

Arvisrend's picture

Dropping (2019-08-08). Changes:

- As Jani/Rats suggested, TR_m4_S_Masshu no longer has Yellow Rot.

- In all dialogue results, Addmap (an instruction that doesn't exist) replaced by Showmap. This should at least ameliorate Jani's issue with missing ShowMaps. Jani, does it completely fix it? I have no clue how much ShowMap do we want in dialogue. Also note that ShowMap noticeably slows down the responses (one of them is taking 1-2 seconds for me now).

- A couple floaters fixed, and a couple deprecated hammers replaced by correct ones.
