



Checked out: 



This file facilitates TR's edits to the vanilla game, for the integration of our content with vanilla. This primarily means increasing FactionRep requirements for advancement, and Hortator and Nerevarine quests.

Since this file edits dialogue and Mainland entities, be sure to always load it with TR_Mainland.esp

Merged Bugfixes: 

Merged Assets: 


So, a user reported a

Why's picture

So, a user reported a deprecated asset on Faruna, and this led me down a bit of a rabbit hole. Turns out TR_Factions edits the NPC records of Faruna, Mithas, Rathra, Vaerin, Dral and Eldale, and many of them have been edited since last time they were touched in TR_Factions - leading TR_Factions to overwrite newer mainland content with older versions of these NPCs.

I have updated the NPC records for these in the file I just uploaded. However, since TR_Factions is bound to see some more additions in the future, with us moving into Hlaalu territory, I think it's a good idea to think about how to make TR_Factions more lightweight and robust against changes in Mainland. I suggest the following:

  • Move any direct NPC edits out of TR_Factions into TR_Mainland
  • Disable the relevant bits of script on these NPCs with a global, which TR_Mainland leaves at 0
  • Set said global to 1 in TR_Factions

That way, TR_Factions does not need to edit TR_Mainland NPCs, and can limit itself to adding dialogue and journals, for a cleaner implementation.

Also reminder to check what

Rot's picture

Also reminder to check what happens on default global value when the plugin's loaded for the first time after game start (ie would the global value have to be set by startscript instead)

Note after hammering each

Atrayonis's picture

Note after hammering each other over how much we are going to reveal. Gothren's vanilla dialogue points out that either he is about as old as Fyr (and Dratha) or there have been other people for the Hortator position relatively more recently.

"As any educated Dunmer knows, all the Telvanni councilors would need vote to choose a Hortator, and the vote would have to be unanimous. It's an archaic tradition, not invoked since I was an apprentice. Since a Hortator's duty is to lead a Great House in war, and we haven't had a war in a very long time, we have no need of a Hortator."

As such, what we could sort-of agree on was to change a Telvanni councilor's dialogue (I nominate Eldale) to this:

So you want to be named Hortator? I've heard that the last time we of House Telvanni debated choosing a Hortator was when the Akaviri were raiding these shores. Little troubles us here nowadays. If you want to convince me to support your nomination, %PCName, your case had better be good


  1. Giving Gothren's line a temporal context,
  2. Making sure that Gothren is not accidentally about as old as Fyr (and Dratha, by extension),
  3. Confirming that people are not immediatly jumping to the "you want to be like Nerevar" conclusion by allowing for the possibility that there have been other Hortators since,
  4. Not actually confirming that the Telvanni chose a Hortator even when the Kamal were invading and thereby keeping the whole thing vague enough to mutually dissatisfy everybody in the discussion.

Edit: PhDinSorcery has since been reminded us that Nibani Maesa had the line

A "Hortator" is a war-leader chosen when Dunmer great houses must put aside their normal feuds to unite against a common enemy. This has not happened since the Empire invaded our land.

So most of the belly-aching was for nothing. That line can still be added.

A number of dialogue filters

Why's picture

A number of dialogue filters were lost between my and Atra's latest version, which will need to be corrected.

{'Header': {'values_changed': {"root[0]['author']": {'new_value': '',
    'old_value': 'Tamriel Rebuilt Team'},
   "root[0]['description']": {'new_value': '',
    'old_value': 'Faction File v. 21.01\r\n\r\nTR_Factions\r\nIncreases faction advancement requirements and extends Telvanni Hortator quests to mainland councilors',
    'diff': '--- \n+++ \n@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@\n-Faction File v. 21.01\n-\n-TR_Factions\n-Increases faction advancement requirements and extends Telvanni Hortator quests to mainland councilors'},
   "root[0]['num_objects']": {'new_value': 205, 'old_value': 186}}},
 'Faction': {},
 'Script': {},
 'Door': {},
 'Npc': {'TR_m1_T_Rilvin_Dral': {'iterable_item_removed': {"root['inventory'][9]": [1,
 'Activator': {},
 'Book': {'bk_BrownBook426': {'values_changed': {"root['text']": {'new_value': '<DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT COLOR="000000" SIZE="3" FACE="Magic Cards"><BR>\r\nBrown Book of Great House Telvanni<BR><BR>\r\n<DIV ALIGN="LEFT"><BR><BR>\r\n[The Brown Book is a yearbook of the affairs of the Telvanni Council for 3E 426. It lists the current members of the council, their residences, and their representatives in Port Telvannis and Sadrith Mora. It also chronicles significant events and council actions for the year.]<BR>\r\n<DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><BR>\r\nCouncilors of House Telvanni<BR>\r\nImperial Era 426<BR>\r\n<DIV ALIGN="LEFT"><BR>\r\nArchmagister Dral, Lord High Magus of Telvanni Council, Telvannis District, Tower of Tel Thenim, Port Telvannis, District of Telvannis, Province of Morrowind<BR>\r\n<BR>\r\nArchmagister Gothren, Lord High Magus of Telvanni Council, Vvardenfell District, Tower of Tel Aruhn, East Molag Amur, District of Vvardenfell, Province of Morrowind<BR>\r\n<BR>\r\nMaster Aryon, Mage Lord of Telvanni Council, Vvardenfell District, Tower of Tel Vos, Village of Vos, The Grazelands, District of Vvardenfell, Province of Morrowind<BR>\r\n<BR>\r\nMistress Dratha, Mage Lord of Telvanni Council, Vvardenfell District, Tower of Tel Mora, The Grazelands, District of Vvardenfell, Province of Morrowind<BR>\r\n<BR>\r\nMistress Eldale, Mage Lord of Telvanni Council, Telvannis District, Tower of Tel Darys, Gah Sadrith, Hlavan Isle, District of Telvannis, Province of Morrowind<BR>\r\n<BR>\r\nMistress Faruna, Mage Lord of Telvanni Council, Telvannis District, Tower of Tel Oren, The Molagreahd, District of Telvannis, Province of Morrowind<BR>\r\n<BR>\r\nMaster Mithras, Mage Lord of Telvanni Council, Telvannis District, Tower of Tel Aranyon, Ranyon-Ruhn, Boethiah\'s Spine, District of Telvannis, Province of Morrowind<BR>\r\n<BR>\r\nMaster Neloth, Mage Lord of Telvanni Council, Vvardenfell District, Tower of Tel Naga, Sadrith Mora, District of Vvardenfell, Province of Morrowind<BR>\r\n<BR>\r\nMistress Rathra, Mage Lord of Telvanni Council, Telvannis District, Tower of Tel Ouada, The Molagreahd, District of Telvannis, Province of Morrowind<BR>\r\n<BR>\r\nMistress Therana, Mage Lord of Telvanni Council, Vvardenfell District, Tower of Tel Branora, Azura\'s Coast, District of Vvardenfell, Province of Morrowind<BR>\r\n<BR>\r\nMaster Vaerin, Mage Lord of Telvanni Council, Telvannis District, Tower of Tel Vaerin, Alt Bosara, Boethiah\'s Spine, District of Mournhold, Province of Morrowind<BR>\r\n<DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><BR>\r\nCouncilor Representatives of House Telvanni<BR>\r\nParliament of Bugs, Port Telvannis<BR>\r\n<DIV ALIGN="LEFT"><BR>\r\nFor Archmagister Dral: Mouth Malvas Relvani<BR>\r\nFor Mistress Eldale: Mouth Fervas Shulisa<BR>\r\nFor Mistress Faruna: Mouth Nethan Marys<BR>\r\nFor Master Mithras: Mouth Nevrile Omayn<BR>\r\nFor Mistress Rathra: Mouth Areth Morvayn<BR>\r\nFor Master Vaerin: Mouth Norahin Darys<BR>\r\n<DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><BR>\r\nCouncilor Representatives of House Telvanni<BR>\r\nCouncil Hall, Sadrith Mora<BR>\r\n<DIV ALIGN="LEFT"><BR>\r\nFor Archmagister Gothren: Mouth Mallam Ryon<BR>\r\nFor Master Aryon: Mouth Galos Mathendis<BR>\r\nFor Mistress Dratha: Mouth Raven Omayn<BR>\r\nFor Master Neloth: Mouth Arara Uvulas<BR>\r\nFor Mistress Therana: Mouth Felisa Ulessen<BR>\r\n<BR>\r\n<DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><BR>\r\nCouncil Actions<BR>\r\n<DIV ALIGN="LEFT"><BR>\r\nFormer Mouth Eldale, of Altmer descent, was elevated to Councilor to replace the Mage Lord Darythi, Tower of Tel Narrusa, Helnim. This concludes several years of deliberation by the council.<BR>\r\n<BR>\r\nIn response to repeated protests from Duke Dren and representatives of the other Great Houses, Telvanni Council reminded them that, according to ancient law and custom, Telvanni Council places no constraint on the ambitions and enterprise of its individual members. If the Empire or other House Councils wish to dispute Telvanni exploration and colonization of the wastes and wildernesses of Vvardenfell, they are welcome to do so, with the Councilors\' best wishes, but Telvanni Council will not contribute its resources or authority to such endeavors.<BR>\r\n<BR>\r\nThe council renews its objection to proposals placed before Duke Dren and the Grand Council concerning slavery and slave trading in Vvardenfell District. The right to own and trade slaves is guaranteed by the terms of the Treaty of the Armistice, and Telvanni Council will not entertain any discussion of abridgements of those rights.<BR>\r\n',
     'old_value': '<DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT COLOR="000000" SIZE="3" FACE="Magic Cards"><BR>\r\nBrown Book of Great House Telvanni<BR><BR>\r\n<DIV ALIGN="LEFT"><BR><BR>\r\n[The Brown Book is a yearbook of the affairs of the Telvanni Council for 3E 426. It lists the current members of the council, their residences, and their representatives in Port Telvannis and Sadrith Mora. It also chronicles significant events and council actions for the year.]<BR>\r\n<BR>\r\nCouncilors of House Telvanni, Vvardenfell District, Imperial Era 426<BR>\r\n<BR>\r\nArchmagister Rilvin Dral, Lord High Magus of Telvanni Council, Mainland Morrowind, Tower of Tel Thenim, Port Telvannis, Telvanni Isles Region, Province of Morrowind<BR>\r\nArchmagister Gothren, Lord High Magus of Telvanni Council, Vvardenfell District, Tower of Tel Aruhn, East Molag Amur, District of Vvardenfell, Province of Morrowind<BR>\r\n<BR>\r\nMaster Aryon, Mage Lord of Telvanni Council, Vvardenfell District, Tower of Tel Vos, Village of Vos, The Grazelands, District of Vvardenfell, Province of Morrowind<BR>\r\n<BR>\r\nMaster Neloth, Mage Lord of Telvanni Council, Vvardenfell District, Tower of Tel Naga, Sadrith Mora, District of Vvardenfell, Province of Morrowind<BR>\r\n<BR>\r\nMistress Dratha, Mage Lord of Telvanni Council, Vvardenfell District, Tower of Tel Mora, The Grazelands, District of Vvardenfell, Province of Morrowind<BR>\r\n<BR>\r\nMistress Therana, Mage Lord of Telvanni Council, Vvardenfell District, Tower of Tel Branora, Azura\'s Coast, District of Vvardenfell, Province of Morrowind<BR>\r\nMistress Eldale, Mage Lord of Telvanni Council, Mainland Morrowind, Tower of Tel Darys, Gah Sadrith, Telvanni Isles Region, Province of Morrowind<BR>\r\n<BR>\r\nMaster Mithras, Mage Lord of Telvanni Council, Mainland Morrowind, Tower of Tel Aranyon, Ranyon-Ruhn, Molagreahd Region, Province of Morrowind<BR>\r\n<BR>\r\nMistress Rathra, Mage Lord of Telvanni Council, Mainland Morrowind, Tower of Tel Ouada, Molagreahd Region, Province of Morrowind<BR>\r\n<BR>\r\nMistress Faruna, Mage Lord of Telvanni Council, Mainland Morrowind, Tower of Tel Oren, Molagreahd Region, Province of Morrowind<BR>\r\n<BR>\r\nMaster Vaerin, Mage Lord of Telvanni Council, Mainland Morrowind, Tower of Tel Vaerin, Alt Bosara, Boethian Lake Region, Province of Morrowind<BR>\r\n<BR>\r\n<BR>\r\nCouncilor Representatives of House Telvanni, Council Hall, Port Telvannis--Sadrith Mora<BR>\r\n<BR>\r\nFor Archmagister Dral: Malvas Relvani, Mage<BR>\r\nFor Mistress Eldale: Fervas Shulisa<BR>\r\nFor Master Mithras: Nevrile Omayn<BR>\r\nFor Mistress Rathra: Areth Morvayn<BR>\r\nFor Mistress Faruna: Nethan Marys<BR>\r\nFor Master Vaerin: Norahin Darys<BR>\r\n<BR>\r\nFor Archmagister Gothren: Mouth Mallam Ryon, Mage <BR>\r\nFor Master Aryon: Mouth Arara Uvulas <BR>\r\nFor Master Neloth: Mouth Raven Omayn <BR>\r\nFor Mistress Therana: Felisa Ulessen <BR>\r\nFor Mistress Dratha: Mouth Mallam Ryon <BR>\r\n<DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><BR>\r\nSignificant Events & Council Actions<BR>\r\n<DIV ALIGN="LEFT"><BR>\r\nIn response to repeated protests from Duke Dren and representative of the other Great Houses, Telvanni Council reminded them that, according to ancient law and custom, Telvanni Council places no constraint on the ambitions and enterprise of its individual members. If the Empire or other House Councils wish to dispute Telvanni exploration and colonization of the wastes and wildernesses of Vvardenfell, they are welcome to do so, with the Councilors\' best wishes, but Telvanni Council will not contribute its resources or authority to such endeavors.<BR>\r\n<BR>\r\nThe council renews its objection to proposals placed before Duke Dren and the Grand Council concerning slavery and slave trading in Vvardenfell District. The right to own and trade slaves is guaranteed by the terms of the Treaty of the Armistice, and Telvanni Council will not entertain any discussion of abridgements of those rights.<BR>\r\nFormer Mouth of Altmer descent Eldale has been elevated to Councilor to replace the Mage Lord Darythi, Tower of Tel Narrusa, Helnim. This replacement has taken several years of deliberation by the Council Lords.<BR>\r\n<BR>\r\n',
     'diff': '--- \n+++ \n@@ -2,49 +2,56 @@\n Brown Book of Great House Telvanni<BR><BR>\n <DIV ALIGN="LEFT"><BR><BR>\n [The Brown Book is a yearbook of the affairs of the Telvanni Council for 3E 426. It lists the current members of the council, their residences, and their representatives in Port Telvannis and Sadrith Mora. It also chronicles significant events and council actions for the year.]<BR>\n+<DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><BR>\n+Councilors of House Telvanni<BR>\n+Imperial Era 426<BR>\n+<DIV ALIGN="LEFT"><BR>\n+Archmagister Dral, Lord High Magus of Telvanni Council, Telvannis District, Tower of Tel Thenim, Port Telvannis, District of Telvannis, Province of Morrowind<BR>\n <BR>\n-Councilors of House Telvanni, Vvardenfell District, Imperial Era 426<BR>\n-<BR>\n-Archmagister Rilvin Dral, Lord High Magus of Telvanni Council, Mainland Morrowind, Tower of Tel Thenim, Port Telvannis, Telvanni Isles Region, Province of Morrowind<BR>\n Archmagister Gothren, Lord High Magus of Telvanni Council, Vvardenfell District, Tower of Tel Aruhn, East Molag Amur, District of Vvardenfell, Province of Morrowind<BR>\n <BR>\n Master Aryon, Mage Lord of Telvanni Council, Vvardenfell District, Tower of Tel Vos, Village of Vos, The Grazelands, District of Vvardenfell, Province of Morrowind<BR>\n <BR>\n+Mistress Dratha, Mage Lord of Telvanni Council, Vvardenfell District, Tower of Tel Mora, The Grazelands, District of Vvardenfell, Province of Morrowind<BR>\n+<BR>\n+Mistress Eldale, Mage Lord of Telvanni Council, Telvannis District, Tower of Tel Darys, Gah Sadrith, Hlavan Isle, District of Telvannis, Province of Morrowind<BR>\n+<BR>\n+Mistress Faruna, Mage Lord of Telvanni Council, Telvannis District, Tower of Tel Oren, The Molagreahd, District of Telvannis, Province of Morrowind<BR>\n+<BR>\n+Master Mithras, Mage Lord of Telvanni Council, Telvannis District, Tower of Tel Aranyon, Ranyon-Ruhn, Boethiah\'s Spine, District of Telvannis, Province of Morrowind<BR>\n+<BR>\n Master Neloth, Mage Lord of Telvanni Council, Vvardenfell District, Tower of Tel Naga, Sadrith Mora, District of Vvardenfell, Province of Morrowind<BR>\n <BR>\n-Mistress Dratha, Mage Lord of Telvanni Council, Vvardenfell District, Tower of Tel Mora, The Grazelands, District of Vvardenfell, Province of Morrowind<BR>\n+Mistress Rathra, Mage Lord of Telvanni Council, Telvannis District, Tower of Tel Ouada, The Molagreahd, District of Telvannis, Province of Morrowind<BR>\n <BR>\n Mistress Therana, Mage Lord of Telvanni Council, Vvardenfell District, Tower of Tel Branora, Azura\'s Coast, District of Vvardenfell, Province of Morrowind<BR>\n-Mistress Eldale, Mage Lord of Telvanni Council, Mainland Morrowind, Tower of Tel Darys, Gah Sadrith, Telvanni Isles Region, Province of Morrowind<BR>\n <BR>\n-Master Mithras, Mage Lord of Telvanni Council, Mainland Morrowind, Tower of Tel Aranyon, Ranyon-Ruhn, Molagreahd Region, Province of Morrowind<BR>\n+Master Vaerin, Mage Lord of Telvanni Council, Telvannis District, Tower of Tel Vaerin, Alt Bosara, Boethiah\'s Spine, District of Mournhold, Province of Morrowind<BR>\n+<DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><BR>\n+Councilor Representatives of House Telvanni<BR>\n+Parliament of Bugs, Port Telvannis<BR>\n+<DIV ALIGN="LEFT"><BR>\n+For Archmagister Dral: Mouth Malvas Relvani<BR>\n+For Mistress Eldale: Mouth Fervas Shulisa<BR>\n+For Mistress Faruna: Mouth Nethan Marys<BR>\n+For Master Mithras: Mouth Nevrile Omayn<BR>\n+For Mistress Rathra: Mouth Areth Morvayn<BR>\n+For Master Vaerin: Mouth Norahin Darys<BR>\n+<DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><BR>\n+Councilor Representatives of House Telvanni<BR>\n+Council Hall, Sadrith Mora<BR>\n+<DIV ALIGN="LEFT"><BR>\n+For Archmagister Gothren: Mouth Mallam Ryon<BR>\n+For Master Aryon: Mouth Galos Mathendis<BR>\n+For Mistress Dratha: Mouth Raven Omayn<BR>\n+For Master Neloth: Mouth Arara Uvulas<BR>\n+For Mistress Therana: Mouth Felisa Ulessen<BR>\n <BR>\n-Mistress Rathra, Mage Lord of Telvanni Council, Mainland Morrowind, Tower of Tel Ouada, Molagreahd Region, Province of Morrowind<BR>\n+<DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><BR>\n+Council Actions<BR>\n+<DIV ALIGN="LEFT"><BR>\n+Former Mouth Eldale, of Altmer descent, was elevated to Councilor to replace the Mage Lord Darythi, Tower of Tel Narrusa, Helnim. This concludes several years of deliberation by the council.<BR>\n <BR>\n-Mistress Faruna, Mage Lord of Telvanni Council, Mainland Morrowind, Tower of Tel Oren, Molagreahd Region, Province of Morrowind<BR>\n-<BR>\n-Master Vaerin, Mage Lord of Telvanni Council, Mainland Morrowind, Tower of Tel Vaerin, Alt Bosara, Boethian Lake Region, Province of Morrowind<BR>\n-<BR>\n-<BR>\n-Councilor Representatives of House Telvanni, Council Hall, Port Telvannis--Sadrith Mora<BR>\n-<BR>\n-For Archmagister Dral: Malvas Relvani, Mage<BR>\n-For Mistress Eldale: Fervas Shulisa<BR>\n-For Master Mithras: Nevrile Omayn<BR>\n-For Mistress Rathra: Areth Morvayn<BR>\n-For Mistress Faruna: Nethan Marys<BR>\n-For Master Vaerin: Norahin Darys<BR>\n-<BR>\n-For Archmagister Gothren: Mouth Mallam Ryon, Mage <BR>\n-For Master Aryon: Mouth Arara Uvulas <BR>\n-For Master Neloth: Mouth Raven Omayn <BR>\n-For Mistress Therana: Felisa Ulessen <BR>\n-For Mistress Dratha: Mouth Mallam Ryon <BR>\n-<DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><BR>\n-Significant Events & Council Actions<BR>\n-<DIV ALIGN="LEFT"><BR>\n-In response to repeated protests from Duke Dren and representative of the other Great Houses, Telvanni Council reminded them that, according to ancient law and custom, Telvanni Council places no constraint on the ambitions and enterprise of its individual members. If the Empire or other House Councils wish to dispute Telvanni exploration and colonization of the wastes and wildernesses of Vvardenfell, they are welcome to do so, with the Councilors\' best wishes, but Telvanni Council will not contribute its resources or authority to such endeavors.<BR>\n+In response to repeated protests from Duke Dren and representatives of the other Great Houses, Telvanni Council reminded them that, according to ancient law and custom, Telvanni Council places no constraint on the ambitions and enterprise of its individual members. If the Empire or other House Councils wish to dispute Telvanni exploration and colonization of the wastes and wildernesses of Vvardenfell, they are welcome to do so, with the Councilors\' best wishes, but Telvanni Council will not contribute its resources or authority to such endeavors.<BR>\n <BR>\n The council renews its objection to proposals placed before Duke Dren and the Grand Council concerning slavery and slave trading in Vvardenfell District. The right to own and trade slaves is guaranteed by the terms of the Treaty of the Armistice, and Telvanni Council will not entertain any discussion of abridgements of those rights.<BR>\n-Former Mouth of Altmer descent Eldale has been elevated to Councilor to replace the Mage Lord Darythi, Tower of Tel Narrusa, Helnim. This replacement has taken several years of deliberation by the Council Lords.<BR>\n-<BR>'}}}},
 'Cell': {'[3026461, 1062836634]': {'type_changes': {'root': {'old_type': dict,
     'new_type': NoneType,
     'old_value': {'type': 'Cell',
      'flags': [0, 0],
      'id': 'Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House',
      'data': {'flags': 5, 'grid': [3026461, 1062836634]},
      'references': [{'mast_index': 1,
        'refr_index': 315093,
        'id': 'in_t_door_small',
        'temporary': False,
        'translation': [-648.571, -63.443, 822.848],
        'rotation': [0.0, 0.0, 4.7542768],
        'scale': 1.0500001,
        'door_destination_coords': [2904.3828,
        'door_destination_cell': 'Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House, Entry'},
       {'mast_index': 0,
        'refr_index': 1,
        'id': 'TR_m1_Tel_CouncilDoor',
        'temporary': False,
        'translation': [68.774, -639.501, 815.805],
        'rotation': [0.0, 0.099483766, 3.1712632],
        'door_destination_coords': [-638.971,
        'door_destination_cell': 'Port Telvannis, Telvanni Council House: Chambers'},
       {'mast_index': 0,
        'refr_index': 2,
        'id': 'in_t_gatesymbol',
        'temporary': True,
        'translation': [-5.623, -633.831, 916.951],
        'rotation': [0.0, 0.050614547, 3.1660273],
        'scale': 0.8}]},
     'new_value': None}}},
  '[1387332, 1061158912]': {'type_changes': {'root': {'old_type': dict,
     'new_type': NoneType,
     'old_value': {'type': 'Cell',
      'flags': [0, 0],
      'id': 'Vivec, High Fane',
      'data': {'flags': 5, 'grid': [1387332, 1061158912]},
      'references': [{'mast_index': 0,
        'refr_index': 3,
        'id': 'TR_m0_NecromKeyVPlacer',
        'temporary': True,
        'translation': [-1152.0, 640.0, -768.0],
        'rotation': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]}]},
     'new_value': None}}},
  '[3223332, 1056964608]': {'type_changes': {'root': {'old_type': dict,
     'new_type': NoneType,
     'old_value': {'type': 'Cell',
      'flags': [0, 0],
      'id': 'Mournhold Temple: Office of the Lord Archcanon',
      'data': {'flags': 5, 'grid': [3223332, 1056964608]},
      'references': [{'mast_index': 0,
        'refr_index': 4,
        'id': 'TR_m0_NecromKeyAPlacer',
        'temporary': True,
        'translation': [-1024.0, 0.0, -384.0],
        'rotation': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]}]},
     'new_value': None}}},
  '[131586, 1061158912]': {'type_changes': {'root': {'old_type': dict,
     'new_type': NoneType,
     'old_value': {'type': 'Cell',
      'flags': [0, 0],
      'id': 'Port Telvannis, Telvanni Council House: Chambers',
      'data': {'flags': 5, 'grid': [131586, 1061158912]},
      'references': [{'mast_index': 0,
        'refr_index': 5,
        'id': 'TR_m1_Tel_CouncilDoor',
        'temporary': False,
        'translation': [-549.0, 6276.0, 13225.0],
        'rotation': [0.17453292, 0.30019662, 3.3108895],
        'door_destination_coords': [-79.82902,
        'door_destination_cell': 'Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House'},
       {'mast_index': 0,
        'refr_index': 6,
        'id': 'in_t_gatesymbol',
        'temporary': True,
        'translation': [-637.5662, 6299.18, 13305.356],
        'rotation': [3.3039083, 2.9670596, 3.2829642],
        'scale': 0.85}]},
     'new_value': None}}},
  'Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House': {'type_changes': {'root': {'old_type': NoneType,
     'new_type': dict,
     'old_value': None,
     'new_value': {'type': 'Cell',
      'flags': [0, 0],
      'id': 'Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House',
      'data': {'flags': 5, 'grid': [3026461, 1062836634]},
      'water_height': 0.0,
      'atmosphere_data': {'ambient_color': [55, 77, 75, 0],
       'sunlight_color': [28, 38, 38, 0],
       'fog_color': [29, 46, 46, 0],
       'fog_density': 0.85},
      'references': [{'mast_index': 1,
        'refr_index': 315093,
        'id': 'in_t_door_small',
        'temporary': False,
        'translation': [-648.571, -63.443, 822.848],
        'rotation': [0.0, 0.0, 4.7542768],
        'scale': 1.0500001,
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     'old_value': 60}},
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     'filter_comparison': 'GreaterEqual',
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    "root[7]['filters'][0]": {'slot': 'Slot3',
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     'filter_function': 'JournalType',
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    "root[10]['filters'][0]": {'slot': 'Slot3',
     'filter_type': 'Journal',
     'filter_function': 'JournalType',
     'filter_comparison': 'Equal',
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    "root[10]['filters'][1]": {'slot': 'Slot4',
     'filter_type': 'Journal',
     'filter_function': 'JournalType',
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     'value': {'Integer': 70}},
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    "root[51]['filters'][0]": {'slot': 'Slot0',
     'filter_type': 'Journal',
     'filter_function': 'JournalType',
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     'filter_comparison': 'Equal',
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    "root[92]['filters'][1]": {'slot': 'Slot1',
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     'filter_type': 'Journal',
     'filter_function': 'JournalType',
     'filter_comparison': 'Greater',
     'id': 'TR_TT_Q1',
     'value': {'Integer': 10}}}},
  'Rilvin Dral': {'dictionary_item_removed': [root[2]['speaker_cell'], root[3]['speaker_cell'], root[4]['speaker_cell'], root[5]['speaker_cell']],
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     'old_value': '23990262672670216810'},
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    "root[0]['filters'][0]['filter_type']": {'new_value': 'Journal',
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    "root[0]['filters'][0]['filter_function']": {'new_value': 'JournalType',
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    "root[0]['filters'][0]['value']['Integer']": {'new_value': 50,
     'old_value': 0},
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     'old_value': 'Slot3'},
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     'old_value': 'GreaterEqual'},
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     'old_value': 'Slot4'},
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    "root[2]['filters'][0]['id']": {'new_value': 'A2_6_Incarnate',
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     'old_value': 0},
    "root[2]['filters'][1]['slot']": {'new_value': 'Slot4',
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     'old_value': 'GreaterEqual'},
    "root[2]['filters'][1]['id']": {'new_value': 'B7_TelvanniHort',
     'old_value': 'A2_6_Incarnate'},
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     'old_value': 'Slot4'},
    "root[2]['filters'][2]['id']": {'new_value': 'TR_B7_DralHort',
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     'old_value': 0},
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    "root[4]['filters'][1]['filter_comparison']": {'new_value': 'Less',
     'old_value': 'GreaterEqual'},
    "root[4]['filters'][1]['id']": {'new_value': 'B7_TelvanniHort',
     'old_value': 'A2_6_Incarnate'},
    "root[4]['filters'][2]['slot']": {'new_value': 'Slot5',
     'old_value': 'Slot4'},
    "root[4]['filters'][2]['id']": {'new_value': 'TR_B7_DralHort',
     'old_value': 'B7_TelvanniHort'},
    "root[5]['next_id']": {'new_value': '',
     'old_value': '32422297321076621570'}},
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     'id': 'TR_B7_DralHort',
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    "root[2]['filters'][3]": {'slot': 'Slot5',
     'filter_type': 'Journal',
     'filter_function': 'JournalType',
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     'value': {'Integer': 50}},
    "root[4]['filters'][3]": {'slot': 'Slot5',
     'filter_type': 'Journal',
     'filter_function': 'JournalType',
     'filter_comparison': 'Less',
     'id': 'TR_B7_DralHort',
     'value': {'Integer': 50}}}},
  'chores': {'dictionary_item_removed': [root[0]['speaker_id'], root[1]['speaker_id'], root[2]['speaker_id']],
   'values_changed': {"root[0]['prev_id']": {'new_value': '68785314145915689',
     'old_value': '552127352755731765'},
    "root[2]['next_id']": {'new_value': '',
     'old_value': '1877945633205426167'}}}}}

I assume Atra edited the file

Why's picture

I assume Atra edited the file without loading TR_Mainland, so the easiest solution would be simply to take the new Brown Book from the latest version and put it into my earlier version. We're going to need to make further edits to this file anyway to account for FacRep additons made in DoD and EoE.

>Increased advancement

abby's picture

>Increased advancement requirements for FG, TG, MG, IL, IC, TT, and HH for the new release

>Purged some old Molagreadh mentions in the edited Brown Book

>Merged Pralec's ashlander nerevarine framework, added the proper global-uptick-command line to the completion entry of "Ancestral Guidance"

>Re-assigned some dialogue to Mainland Telvanni mouths -- For reasons that are beyond me, all the Mouth dialogue was unfiltered and I had Ashlanders telling me I was the Telvanni Hortator when I very much was not (fixed that)




There's still dialogue

Why's picture

There's still dialogue missing filters in the chores and Rilvin Dral topics

Faction reaction tables were literally never updated to include TR factions, it seems

I'll make these changes

Did that, and fixed the

Why's picture

Did that, and fixed the faction reaction tables of vanilla factions vs. our new vampires and the two new Great Houses. The T_D side of faction reaction tables is still a bloody mess but that's not for TR_Factions to solve.