Checked out:
File versions:
This release file contains the new exterior claims, covering the Coronati Basin and southern half of Shipal-Shin, including the cities of Narsis, Hlerynhal, Shipal-Sharai, Sadraathim, Othmura and the Redoran Enclaves.
This is the file where dialogue, quests, and claims for the greater Narsis release area. Do not remove the TR_Mainland.esm dependency. Do not change this file into an esp. See: Editing guidelines
Always use the newest TR_Mainland.esm and Tamriel Data from GitHub with release files.
Development Plan
Relevant queues: Shipal-Shin Coronati Basin Aanthirin Thirr Conflict
Last updated: 2023-08-06 (Thirr Valley TO-DO added)
Assets: Region sounds, more lotus variants with longer stems, Ovary tree variants. Cave interior assets are merged but being expanded. Advarin Manor, Hlerynhal, Narsis Council and the Arena need to be finished. Jabba palace needs a dedicated exterior and interior mesh. Skyrender Hives need interiors. Shinathi need clothes. Various armor sets. Sand kwoom, and other creatures if possible.
Exteriors: TV_06 is merged but still needs a review. TV will need some exterior coordination work to iron out the section, e.g riverbed, cliffs, northeastern parts. Northern OW cells need the new shelf fungus and medium shrooms added, and all OW will need the rest of the new plants added when they are made. Shipal-Shin's exterior will still need a moderate border matching and consistency pass. A pass of the region for areas barren of dungeons will need to be done, including adding more roads. The new road in SH_02 needs to be detailed.
Interiors: Coronati Basin interiors (mostly dungeons) will need to be looked over again to remove weirdness. Beyond that, there are still plenty of interiors that will need to be made. Many caves, new dungeons added from the dungeon pass and wip exterior claims will need to be put up, and Narsis' remaining ints.
Quests: Some quests are already in development. Design claims for NPCing+dialogue should be created whenever cities become interior-complete. Note that the Hlan Oek Zenithar presence still needs discussion as per the meeting agenda.
grabbing to bordermatch with
grabbing to bordermatch with _01
signed it out for you
signed it out for you
grabbing for 09 review
grabbing for 09 review/bordermatch
dropped, SH_09 reviewed and
dropped, SH_09 reviewed and merged
Merged SH_04, touched up
Merged SH_04, touched up border gaps in the east, removed TV grass and reeds from the farm
droppers SH_08 merged SH_08
SH_08 merged
SH_08 border mached with 09
Checking out to work on Storm
Checking out to work on Storm Gate Pass' layout.
Matched Stormgate Pass' buildings to it's interior layout.
Fixed minor cliff layering issues in various places.
Changed first layer cliffs in SH_05 to layer two cliffs.
Checking Out
Checking out the section file to work on adding new roads, adding a Reman ruin, and merging and border matching SH_06 once it finishes being reviewd.
Dropping.Merged in SH-06 and
Merged in SH-06 and SH_02 and border matched.
Added Reman Ruin near the highway in the western part of SH.
Added sky render hives in some areas, more should be added in the SH_02 area.
Added some more dungeons in some areas.
Some minor alterations and fixes to various areas.
Renamed cells as discussed.
A lot of work done on the Narsis waterfall with files sent by Chef. As such the section file is dirty but Chef said he will be cleaning it up himself so file is passed to him at this time.
[6, -58] and [3, -58] broke while fixing the border cells and will need to be fixed. Terrain lowered itself but not object placement.
returned sh1 cells, holding
returned sh1 cells, holding for buildings
just kidding I'm not
just kidding I'm not combining any more buildings yet
dropped with minimal changes
Grabbing to clean out
Grabbing to clean out rescales
ₒₕ, bₒₒ𝒹?
Dropped, changes here
Dropped, changes here
ₒₕ, bₒₒ𝒹?
Claiming to match the borders
Claiming to match the borders with my claim
Dropping, bordermatched with
Dropping, bordermatched with SH_10
grabbing to add some
grabbing to add some drumpears
dropping, added drumpears
dropping, added drumpears over former SH_08
grabbing for sharai buildings
grabbing for sharai buildings
Updating Github link added.
Updating Github link added. Changelog pending section drop.
You know what, nevermind. I
You know what, nevermind. I don't need to sit on this at the moment. Will grab again next time I work on Sharai buildings.
Combined 3 Sharai buildings
Merged all R4M SH section ints
Tes3CMD cleaned (wrye)
Current version no longer
Current version no longer needs meshes folder, use addon 9-030
Grabbing for:-SH_10-Sharai
Grabbing for:
-Sharai buildings
Current progress: Stronghold
Current progress:
Stronghold made for kwoomers in SH2 (Yaradnan 6,-57)
Moved Phen's -1,-55 Hive to 7,-55
Merged SH_10
Added new cell to clear awkward border near the ayleid ruin (wip)
Fixed landscape tears
New roads in SH2
Progress: (github update)
Progress: (github update)
Cave in -1,-54 moved south to -1,-55
Tents in 5,-56 moved to Yaradnan
Cave in 7,-55 moved to 5,-56 where the tents used to be
Tomb in 5,-55 moved to7,-55 where cave used to be
Sharai buildings combined (unoptimised, bad UVs)
Dropping for now, new dirt
Dropping for now, new dirt road still needs detailing.
Load with TD_Addon_10-005
Load with TD_Addon_10-005
Merged (pre review) SH_01
Merged all R4M ints, including St. Veloth's Sewers and Castle Narsis
- Merged all r4m non tower
Load with TD_Addon_10-008+
- Merged all r4m non tower ints
- Telvanni vendor sells some hats
- ZBC NPC is wearing a new hat
- Western Imports imported a western wizard robe
- Replaced Velothi walls and building with TD long foundation variants
- Llaren outdoor vendor has a new open bonemold helm
- EEC building has a new EEC sign out front
Load with TD_Addon_10-009+ -
Load with TD_Addon_10-009+
- Merged all r4m non tower ints
- Hung a Hlaalu tapestry on the 6th family's manor (banner placeholder)
- Made fancier guards for Hlaalu Family locations (Will also wear Narsis Watch when its made)
checking out
checking out
Merged all r4ms (including
Merged all r4ms (including casino and big tower)
This is also a wip of mojo's review
Load with Jan 27 TD or later
Clean: Border matched: yes
Border matched: yes
Shipal Shin Region 9;-48
Region: Correct
Texture seams: 5
Terrain errors: just a few
Vertex shading: good but went through some a bit
T_Mw_FloraTV_TreeZifa_01 caspering
T_Mw_TerrRockSH_Rock1_15 and a few others: added to hide texture seams better
T_Mw_TerrRockSH_Rock1_09 rotated for the same reason
added a dirtpile to cover some inconvenient terrain near a tomb entrance
added a few bushes more
Shipal Shin Region 10;-48
Region: Correct
Texture seams: 0
Terrain errors:
Vertex shading: good
changed a spot under a cliff from dirt to dirtrock
added some more flora containers and bushes
Shipal Shin Region 9;-49
Region: Correct
Texture seams: 0.5
Terrain errors:
Vertex shading: more edits up top the cliff
T_Mw_TerrRockSH_Cliff01_05b 1 changed to 5b version, also caspering on corners
com_basket_01_chpfood floating
T_Mw_FloraTV_TreeGeran_02 bleeding
T_Mw_FloraTV_SpoLotus02 deleted
replaced one scrubspot on dirtrock
Shipal Shin Region 9;-50
Region: Correct
Texture seams: 2
Terrain errors: none
Vertex shading: good, just a few edits
added some blisfoms
Shipal Shin Region 10;-49
Region: Correct
Texture seams: 3
Terrain errors: none
Vertex shading:
T_Mw_TerrRockSH_Cliff02_07b changed for 07a
T_Mw_TerrRockSH_Cliff02_04b for a
T_Mw_FloraSH_Bush_10C floating
Shipal Shin Region 10;-50
Region: Correct
Texture seams: 2
Terrain errors: none
Vertex shading:
added rocks to cover stretching road
T_Mw_FloraSH_VeilUrn03 bleeding
Shipal Shin Region 11;-50
Region: Correct
Texture seams: 0
Terrain errors:
Vertex shading: some tweaks done
added a few more trees
a bit empty, but fair for a border cell i guess
Vedas Plantation 9;-51
Region: Correct
Texture seams: 2
Terrain errors: light tweaks a few spots of the road
Vertex shading: missed on a small spot up a small clifftop, some edits through the road as well
T_Mw_TerrRockSH_Rock2_15 added to cover some land stretching
T_Mw_TerrRockSH_RockGrp2_07 changed for T_Mw_TerrRockSH_Rock2_08 for the same reason
sunk terrain & road a bit near the rightmost house
T_Mw_FloraSH_Drumpear06 caspering
*plantation could use a light round of cluttering
Shipal Shin Region 10;-51
Region: Correct
Texture seams: 0
Terrain errors:
Vertex shading: some tweaks done
Added a T_Mw_TerrRockSH_Rock3_07 to cover a road stretch
Shipal Shin Region 10;-51
Region: Correct
Texture seams: 1
Terrain errors:
Vertex shading: some tweaks done
Shipal Shin Region 11;-51
Region: Correct
Texture seams: 0
Terrain errors: none
Vertex shading: some tweaks done
T_Mw_FloraSH_VeilUrn02 x3 lifted up a bit
T_Mw_TerrRockSH_RockGrp2_05 added to hide a small terrain gap
Shipal Shin Region 9;-52
Region: Correct
Texture seams: 0
Terrain errors: none
Vertex shading: some tweaks done
T_Mw_TerrRockSH_Rock2_12 added to cover a gap
T_Mw_TerrRockSH_Cliff02_05b swapped to 05a
Shipal Shin Region 10;-52
Region: Correct
Texture seams: 0
Terrain errors: none
Vertex shading: good
T_Mw_FloraSH_Drumpear01 caspering a tiny bit
T_Mw_FloraSH_Drumpear02 x2 same
T_Mw_FloraSH_VeilUrn02 lifted up a bit
T_Mw_FloraSH_VeilUrn03 floating
Shipal Shin Region 11;-52
Region: Correct
Texture seams: 0
Terrain errors: small patch of terrain near a ruin
Vertex shading: repainted shading between textures
T_Mw_FloraSH_Tanna04 bleeding into a rock a tiny bit
Ulumarano 9;-53
Region: Correct
Texture seams: 0
Terrain errors: none
Vertex shading: a few tweaks
T_Mw_TerrRockSH_Cliff01_03a moved a tad bit forward
moved geranium from the scrubland to the keep
Shipal Shin Region 10;-53
Region: Correct
Texture seams: 0
Terrain errors: none
Vertex shading: a few tweaks
added some flora
*ruin name?
Shipal Shin Region 11;-53
Region: Correct
Texture seams: 0
Terrain errors: none
Vertex shading: a few tweaks
T_Mw_TerrRockSH_Cliff02_09b swapped for a
T_Mw_TerrRockSH_Cliff02_08b same
T_Mw_TerrRockSH_Cliff02_06b same (*T_Mw_TerrRockSH_Cliff02_05a search for these to see if i've occasionally changed all the refs)
added some flora
Shipal Shin Region 8;-53
Region: Correct
Texture seams: 1
Terrain errors: none
Vertex shading: missing at some spots
sunk quite a few road edges
furn_de_pathspear_04 floating
filled a few emptier spots with some flora
Old Dren Plantation 8;-52
Region: Correct
Texture seams:
Terrain errors: tweaks over the clifftops
Vertex shading: reshaded some textureborders, on the lakefloor as well
T_Mw_TerrRockSH_Cliff01_09a piece was caspering a bit
same with road edges
Shipal Shin Region 8;-51
Region: Correct
Texture seams: 2
Terrain errors: none
Vertex shading: reshaded some textureborders, on the lakefloor as well
T_MwCom_Var_Sk1DrmSpc07 rotated a little bit
T_Imp_SetMw_X_Planks_01 lifted up a bit
Shipal Shin Region 8;-50
Region: Correct
Texture seams: 3
Terrain errors: none
Vertex shading: reshaded some textureborders, on the lakefloor as well
T_Mw_FloraSH_VeilUrn03 rotated a bit
T_Mw_FloraSH_DrumpearTree_03 bleeding
Coronati Basin Region 8;-49
Region: Correct
Texture seams:
Terrain errors: none
Vertex shading:
where bushes? added blisfoms as well
Coronati Basin Region 7;-49
Region: Correct
Texture seams: 2
Terrain errors: none
Vertex shading: good
T_Mw_TerrRockSH_Rock1_04 deleted
T_Mw_FloraSH_Bush_08C bleeding
T_Mw_TerrRockTV_RockGrp_03 lifted up to cover a seam better
T_Mw_TerrRockTV_CliffS_03c sunk a bit
Coronati Basin Region 6;-49
Region: Correct
Texture seams: 1
Terrain errors: none
Vertex shading: some edits
Coronati Basin Region 5;-49
Region: Correct
Texture seams: 0
Terrain errors: none
Vertex shading: some edits
Shipal Shin Region 4;-49
Region: Correct
Texture seams: 0
Terrain errors: mostly road edges and some minor ones
Vertex shading: good
hid a small terrain spot in the cliffs
added a rockgrp and a bush around tomb entrance to cover terrain better
added some rocks to cover highway texture gap better
added some cacti
Shipal Shin Region 4;-50
Region: Correct
Texture seams: 4 (last one is tricky and in Narsis itself, tried my best on covering it but not perfect still)
Terrain errors: none
Vertex shading: good
added/moved/rotated some rocks to cover highway spots better
T_Mw_FloraSH_Drumpear01 bleeding
T_Mw_FloraSH_Drumpear06 caspering a tad bit
Shipal Shin Region 4;-51
Region: Correct
Texture seams: 3
Terrain errors: road stretching on edges, some minor misc stuff too
Vertex shading: good
T_De_SetHla_X_Building_02 had to move to cover a seam
*** note for future work: make a road pass in adjacent cells to the west
Shipal Shin Region 4;-52
Region: Correct
Texture seams: 1
Terrain errors: a few spots
Vertex shading: good
added a bit more flora
T_Mw_FloraSH_VeilUrn01 x2 rotated a little
T_Mw_FloraSH_VeilUrn02 same
T_Mw_FloraSH_Bush_08A bleeding
T_Mw_TerrRockSH_RockGrp1_03 lifted up and moved to cover a seam
Shipal Shin Region 4;-53
Region: Correct
Texture seams: 4
Terrain errors: some edits
added a bit more flora
T_Mw_TerrRockSH_Rock1_01 added to cover steep a road corner better
Shipal Shin Region 5;-53
Region: Correct
Texture seams: 3
Terrain errors: a few spots, also road sides
Vertex shading: some edits
T_Mw_TerrRockSH_Rock1_12 added to cover a seam better
T_Mw_FloraSH_VeilUrn01 lifted up
T_Mw_FloraSH_Bush_12A bleeding
changed some clifftops to correspondinb texture versions
Castle Narsis 6;-53
Region: Correct
Texture seams: 2
Terrain errors:
Vertex shading: good
changed a texture on a tile to prevent such textureseams
added some containers on two corners of castle narsis to hide the road texture
Shipal Shin Region 7;-54
Region: Correct
Texture seams: 1
Terrain errors: road corners
Vertex shading: mostly good
rotated a few pathspears to lift them up
T_Mw_TerrRockSH_Cliff01_09a changed to b
T_Mw_FloraSH_Bush_09C bleeding
added blisfoms throughout last 4 cells
T_Mw_Flora_ShroomTableR_06 moved a bit
T_Mw_TerrRockSH_Rock1_15 added to cover a seam better
T_Mw_FloraSH_VeilUrn03 bleeding
added more bushes
Shipal Shin Region 5;-52
Region: Correct
Texture seams: 2
Terrain errors: none
Vertex shading: some fixes
T_Mw_TerrRockSH_Rock1_09 moved to cover highway texture. Added a few for the same reason
Narsis 6;-52
Region: Correct
Texture seams: 0
Terrain errors: none
Vertex shading: underwater fixes and that's it
T_De_SetHla_X_Railing_01 moved with a balcony, bleeding
light_de_streetlight_01_223 floating
ex_hlaalu_buttress_03 x6 lifted up
T_Mw_FloraSH_VeilUrn01 x2 sunk a bit
Narsis Market Quarter 7;-52
Region: Correct
Texture seams: 0
Terrain errors: none
Vertex shading: underwater fixes and that's it
T_De_SetHla_X_Railing_01 bleeding
light_de_streetlight_01_223 x3 floating
T_Mw_Flora_TempleDom01 bleeding
T_Mw_Flora_BlueKanet_02 x2 bleeding
ex_hlaalu_buttress_03 x2 lifted up
Narsis 7;-51
Region: Correct
Texture seams: 0
Terrain errors: none
Vertex shading: underwater fixes and that's it
***T_De_SetHla_X_BalconyNarsis_01 want a bit longer version, else it bleeds badly
ex_hlaalu_buttress_03 lifted up
flora_black_anther_01 bleeding
Narsis Council Quarter 6;-51
Region: Correct
Texture seams: 0
Terrain errors:
Vertex shading: some tweaks
Flora_plant_01/Hornlilly01 x4 floating
T_Mw_Flora_Munzur_01 bleeding
T_MwCom_Var_Bl1DriHla x2 floating
ingred_comberry_01 x3 floating
T_Mw_FloraSH_Drumpear01 bleeding
Narsis Market Quarter 5;-51
Region: Correct
Texture seams: 0
Terrain errors:
Vertex shading: some tweaks
ex_hlaalu_buttress_05 x3 raised up slightly
furn_de_pathspear_01 bleeding
T_Mw_TerrRockSH_Rock1_15 added for better highway coverage
Narsis Market Quarter 5;-50
Region: Correct
Texture seams: 1
Terrain errors:
Vertex shading: some tweaks
ex_hlaalu_buttress_05 x4 lowered
urn_02_ingred floating
T_De_SetHla_X_Railing_01 bleeding
T_Mw_FloraSH_DrumpearTree_05 floating
T_Mw_Flora_BlueKanet_02 bleeding
Narsis, St. Veloth Quarter 6;-50
Region: Correct
Texture seams: 1
Terrain errors:
Vertex shading: some tweaks
TR_m7_Narsis_Barrel_01 floating
ex_hlaalu_buttress_05 x2 aligned
T_De_SetHla_X_Railing_01 bleeding
ex_hlaalu_buttress_03 x4 aligned
Narsis, Waterfront 7;-50
Region: Correct
Texture seams: none
Terrain errors: none
Vertex shading: some tweaks
T_Mw_Flora_BlueKanet_01 bleeding
T_Mw_Flora_BlueKanet_02 bleeding
ex_hlaalu_buttress_03 x2 aligned
even just an exterior-done Narsis is a huge milestone for mw modding as a thing
good times
grabbing to merge ints
grabbing to merge ints
Droppers. Merged 23 ints and
Droppers. Merged 23 ints and cleaned out the unfinished "TR_Narsis_MQ_Sewers" cell that somehow made it in there.
because I was making that in
because I was making that in the SH01 file while I briefly had that int, lol, whoops
June 18 Data needed -Merged
June 18 Data needed
-Merged all r4ms
-New Hlaalu Dunmer cargo ship placed (Narsis 81) This cargo ship is owned by Hlaalu Family 7 as a replacement for the loss of Seyda Neen
-Removed Galleon and Cutters for a intless boat placeholder for COM tradeship (Narsis 80 and 83)
-River guard towers (Narsis_69 and Narsis_35) bonemold replaced with River Watch
-A few nibenese robes and guarskin armour pieces placed in appropriate ints
-To do list at top of page updated
Merged R4MsAdavrin Netch
Merged R4Ms
Adavrin Netch Ranch -> Plantation
Further detailed SH2 road
Grabbed and dropped Renamed
Grabbed and dropped
Renamed Narsis cells so that it would go from 001--140 (all are 3 digits)
Checking out for boats love
Checking out for boats
love da boats baby all about da boats lets go boats
Boats is added baby love da
Boats is added baby love da boats all about da boats baby
grabberinos will ESM after
will ESM after dropping
Merged https://www.tamriel
Merged all TV and SH r4ms
needs https://www.tamriel
needs and
Grabbing for doing the CB
Grabbing for doing the CB Cleanup interior section work (outlined in the survey)
Dropping with most of the
Dropping with most of the interior items on the CB Survey done. All that's left to do is Hlorandar edits and the exterior edits (which I will communicate to ext reviewers).
Also removed deprecated chairs from the sectionfile.
Merged the r4m ints. Narsis
Merged the r4m ints. Narsis Market Quarter and St Veloth Quarter are now officially int complete
Requires Sept 23 data Merged
Requires Sept 23 data
Merged all r4ms
Arena placement edits
Gazebo update edits
Smoothed border gap from TV/SH merger