NPC's lacking in dialogue in the current release





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I have decided to compile a running list of all the bizarrely dialogue free NPC's I find in DoD/EoE. Some of these may be involved in quests, but even so in vanilla you can generally still ask for generic rumors or trade info...

Mortenius Becca, no dialogue (made fix)

Garila Delvarrapal, no dialogue (made fix)

Senar, only one generic topic

Duchess Perulia Jandacia, doesn't have much to say but is probably a To Be Written case

Elumaire, lacks many of the generic guard related topics her fellow knights have, like Appeles Matius and DB/Tribunal stuff

Mettne, see above

Asint, Sur-Hessei, and Gualva Catraso on the Elfmaid, only have one topic each; these ought to have  sailor trade dialogue imo, Gualva cannot discuss the Elfmaid topic for some reason

Jana Livia, has only 4 or so topics which is strange for a merchant, the other merchants in the FG quest are not like this

Murob gra-Magar, is missing some typical guard topics compared to her fellows (made fix)

Jinar Kammu, has no dialogue at all except during a brief quest interaction (made fix)

Dinara Ardyn, no dialogue topics (made fix)

Tatara, redguard female near the Andothren docks only has the outlander topic. Is used in the TG questline, could probably use some additional topics.

Many Npc's in the Imperial manors of Andothren have low or no topics.

Redoran Watchmen around Bodrum & Uman

Orcs of Mazkun


Go ahead all add all of the

Exovian's picture

Go ahead all add all of the Orcs in Mazkun, the Redoran watchmen in Uman and Bodrum...
This really does seem like a pervasive problem this update.